Female Taurus and Gemini Male - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Elegant, sophisticated, self-confident female Taurus and a non-permanent, dual and selfish twin male. What about them in common? Is it possible to say that the opposites are attracted, or is it not the Union? How to find a common language and is it possible to create a durable and reliable family?

Woman Taurus and Gemini Male: Is it worth starting to start a serious relationship? Different views on the life of representatives of these zodiac constellations contribute to the development of sincere friendship between them?

Female Taurus and Gemini Male - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3837_1
Female Taurus and Gemini Male - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3837_2

Love and relations

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Female taurus and twin male. Two diametrically opposite character and temperament. Absolutely different values ​​and life priorities. Woman Taurus sees himself a custodian of a homemade hearth. For her, the main value is a calm and reliable family.

Gemini Male - a windy and selfish person who has a meeting with friends, noisy gatherings and goules. Representative of the strong sex - Meschak, Japanese and a criterion, who is in no hurry to burden himself with serious relationships. He prefers mimolent novels and dates for one night.

Can such different personalities begin a love relationship? Gemini man does not believe in gentle and trembling feelings, he is not a romantic and not a dreamer. The female Taurus prefers to bypass the side of such unreliable and dual natures. Therefore, even if the spark breaks between them, their love relations will be extremely short-lived.

Gemini man is a non-permanent and irresponsible person. In the very near future, relations with a woman-taurus will be bored, and he will quickly find her replacement. Although even in this pair there are exceptions, and representatives of these zodiac constellations manage to find common points of contact and create a strong and reliable love alliance.

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Sexual compatibility

The main role in the sex life of a couple of Taurus-twins is assigned to a woman. A fine sex representative makes their intimate relationships with gentle and sensual. Male Gemini thanks to her unrestrained fantasy will make new unusual experiments in their sex life.

Different temperament helps partners to be unpredictable and liberated. The initiator of their frequent meetings will be a man. For love merits, representatives of zodiac constellations prefer to choose unusual places that excite imagination and bring bright colors and unforgettable emotions into sex life.

Family and marriage

For a woman, a priority task in life - successfully marry. However, the twin male is in no hurry to burden themselves with marriage. He does not see himself in the role of a responsible family man. Due to different values ​​in life, representatives of these zodiac constellations rarely marry.

Even if the woman's female can also have a man twin, will offer her hand and heart, such a family will be short-lived. The spouse will be linger at any reason at work, weekends and holidays to hold friends in the company.

Woman-Taurus is not satisfied with this option. At first she will be angry, arrange scandals. But when the representative of the beautiful floor is all bored, it will ruin these family relationships. The non-renewability of the twin men will not remake the spouse. If she is not ready to put up with his trimmed way of life, it is better not to marry him at all.

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Pros and cons couple

The main advantages of a couple of women-Taurus and Gemini Men:
  • Different temperaments and characters make bright colors in their daily life.
  • Unlocking women and movement of a man.
  • Lack of conflicts on material issues.
  • Sensual and passionate sex life.

The main disadvantages of a couple of women Taurus and Gemini Men:

  • Diametrically opposing views on life and family values.
  • Lightness and impermanence of a man leads to treason and deception.
  • Lack of understanding and mutual respect.
  • Frequent quarrels and conflicts.
  • The reluctance of men spend your free time alone with a woman. In priority meetings with friends and goulazy in nightclubs.
  • Different hobbies, interests and hobbies.

How to fall in love with the twin male

Purchase a man twin for a woman is not a problem at all. Enough fair sex is soft, gentle and sensual. Gemini man really appreciates the elected feminine.

The representative of the beautiful floor is not worth teaching a cavalier, indicate him for its shortcomings. No need to try to seem smarter and erudite. Gemini men will not appreciate it. The representative of the powerful sex is a supporter of light, not burdened by the obligations of relations.

If a woman is satisfied with the mumbling novels, she only worth hinting a twin man. He himself will show sympathy and make a step towards the girl.

Friendship compatibility

Female taurus and twin male are not created for friendship. They have different hobbies, interests, priorities. Self-confident female Taurus causes personal hostility in the twin men due to their slowness.

The representative of the strong floor does not need a quiet quiet friend. He needs energy, drive, constant movement. Female Taurus, on the contrary, does not seek to be the center of attention. She tries to bypass the corporate party, noisy parties and events. The representatives of these signs of the zodiac do not even have the one to which they would be interested to talk to each other.

Compatibility in work

Successful business union or collaboration, which is doomed to failure? Will business partners have good income thanks to joint work? It depends on the posts that are occupied by representatives of these signs of the zodiac:

  • Equal posts. An interesting business union, which in most cases will be successful. Such different partners are complemented by each other. Woman copes perfectly with monotonous routine work. Men can be entrusted with the original and non-standard task. Before this tandem, you can put a complex and responsible task. The manual can be confident, they will cope with a 100% project.
  • Woman taurus - boss. Gemini man - subordinate. Adverse cooperation that will not bring the desired results. Female Taurus is a slow and misinterpretation, who does not have time for the actions of the subordinate. Gemini man, by nature with a fantasy and imagination, is the generator of the most original ideas. It is a supporter of a creative approach in work. The female Taurus is a conservative who rejects all the new and unknown to the root. Moreover, on the basis of personal hostility between representatives of these zodiac constellations often arise quarrels and conflicts that are prolonged.
  • Woman taurus - subordinate. Gemini man - boss. Unsuccessful union. Chief-twins, setting a certain task before subordinate, counts on a clear and rapid execution. But the woman is not used to working in a mad pace. She is more suitable for measured and consistent rhythm. Because of this circumstance, the head and subordinate often cannot find a common language and break the delivery time of projects. At a convenient case, the twin head will try to find a more flexible and initiative employee.

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The female Taurus and the Gemini men are so opposite to temperament and the nature that love and friendly relationships are better not to start. It will not lead to anything good. Compatible representatives of these zodiac constellations are only in sex. Under certain conditions, the business cooperation of Women-Taurus and Gemini Men may be fruitful and successful.

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