Totem animal by date of birth: Methods of definition


There are many ways to find out your totem animal by date of birth. In this material I suggest you familiarize yourself with the two most popular. And there you can already decide which methods more like the soul.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 April 29, January 31, January 31, JUNE JUNE JUNE 195, 1951 1952 1953 1954 1957 1958 1959 1969 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1976 1981 1984 1984 1985 1992 1998 1999 1995 1991 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

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Why do you need to know your totem?

Many people of the world have beliefs about animals owning a special mystical force. This is a totem animal that protects man and his whole genus.

Totem animal by date of birth

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Finding out what a living being is your Totem, you will understand how to direct your energy to achieve life success. After all, the totem has an impact on the nature and on the fate as a whole. Therefore, it is so important to own knowledge about your patron.

Ways to find out your totem

In total, there are many methods to determine their personal advocate-animal. Namely:
  • It can be guided by your sixth sense, go on a tour of the zoo and carefully control the inner sensations.
  • There are also many variants of totem definitions by the date of appearance.
  • We still do not need to forget about special tests, having passed that, you will receive an answer. True, as far as he is true, this is another question.
  • Sometimes a totem animal comes in dreams. The main thing is to pay attention to such feces, not neglecting them.
  • You can use meditative practices to determine the totem animal. They are easy to do their own at home.

We will further bypass the two options considered in the article.

Totem by date of birth: Method 1

It has simplicity. You need to take the date of your birth. For example, May 25, 1994.

First, add a number with a month. The number that came out, remember or write down. In this example, it will look like this:

25 + 05 = 30.

The second stage will be multiplying the amount received for the year:

30 * 1994 = 59820.

Then all the numbers are in the resulting number:

5 + 9 + 8 + 2 + 0 = 24.

We reduce the value to a unique number ranging from one to nine.

24 = 2 + 4 = 6.

As a result, Sixer came out by the number of Totem.

Now familiarize yourself with the decoding of numbers. The amount of the day and month can vary in the limit of two to forty-three.

  • If the number changes from two to twenty two - Such a person is more dependent on the physical world than from spiritual. It takes more energy from nature than gives, so it often shows a high empathy. In addition, loves to learn and has excellent memory.
  • When preserving the amount in the segment from twenty-three to forty-three Individual is equally affected by the spiritual and physical dimension. Or more spirituality. It has a strong impact on other people, often striking deft manipulations with them.

What is your totem?

What does each of the numbers mean?

  1. Unit - associated with a totem animal elephant. Elephant is very caring regarding their relatives, you should pass this skill with him. He also differs in mind, wisdom and physical power. If you dream to gain happiness in life, get a blessing over, more often think about finding real love, family happiness. You have difficulty protection in solving problems, work on it.
  2. Two - Being a patron-tiger. Such a totem has all the deposits so that the person can be successfully implemented in life. But, on the other hand, makes her ward of the egoist, so do not forget about those who were with you at the moments of weakness. More tigers never forgive until the offender is sincerely repeated.
  3. Troika He will tell about the totem of the crow. Raven is a wisest bird that manifests criticism. He gives a person with abilities to analyzing all this. To achieve the best results on the love field, in work, finance, show a little more tricks. Do not go along there, where you can be content with the power of the mind.
  4. Four Associate with the totem of the dolphin. Dolphin combines the elements of all four elements: a fiery character, the water in which he lives, the air that breathes, and the wisdom of the earthly element. Wanting to gain happiness in life, it is important to be able to put a goal and seek it, not wasteful to the energy.
  5. Five - The number of five is responsible for the totem of dogs. Such personalities have no difficulties with the construction of goals. But they are very difficult to make motivation due to congenital laziness. Totem dogs will lead a person in life, helping to work out the necessary qualities that will enable all the innermost dreams.
  6. Six Describes the patron saint of an eagle. Such people always feel free, whatever happens. Totem Eagle teaches the correct alignment of life priorities, as well as the construction of future plans. But to always have sufficient motivation, put yourself global goals. Sometimes difficulties can occur with an emotional state, it is important to study to cope with them.
  7. Seven Associate with the sweaters totem. The snake makes a person an introvert, but gives enough strength to independently overcome various obstacles. Also empowers creative energy, well-developed intuition. All my life, the owner of this Totem seeks to improve its endurance, control emotions, and not develop strength.
  8. Eight In numerology corresponds to the animal cat. Totem gives an individual with successfulness in the affairs of love, beautiful sixth sense, but there are difficulties in the field of intelligence. To achieve greater success in life, it is necessary to continuously study new. Although the cat does not give his own traction to know, but gives physical endurance and good luck.
  9. Nine - Bull will help confidently move forward, without leaving back in any life situation. This is a very strong totem animal, as it directly affects the consciousness of his wards. He gives the ability to quickly solve conflicts, intuitive definition of advantageous connections.

Totem by date of birth: method 2

They used our ancestors Slavs. They attributed to each newborn baby a certain animal patron.

Slavic calendar of animals

So, who is your totem in the Slavic system?

  • For those born from December 10 to January 9 - Bear. Moves wisdom, calm temper. Such a person takes the role of a mentor for others.
  • From the tenth of January to the ninth of February - Wolverine. It is distinguished by force and high organizedness.
  • From the tenth of February, the ninth Martha is the Totem of the crow. It has excellent intuition and developed creative abilities.
  • From the tenth of March, the ninth of April is a burning totem. Such an individual lives his own mind, not listening to other people.
  • From the tenth of April to the ninth May - Totem toad. For his representatives it is extremely important to feel confidence in the future.
  • From the tenth of May, the ninth of June - the sign of the grasshopper. It characterizes an incorrect optimist, very reliable, but inclined to risk.
  • From the tenth of June, the ninth of July - the totem hamster. Hamster is a beast of lazy, however, putting a goal, will confidently move towards it.
  • From the tenth of July to the ninth of August - the totem snails. She likes to dream, she is also very friendly and faithful.
  • From the tenth of August, the ninth of September - characterizes the Totem of the Ant. The ant is unusually hardworking, patient, but often too stubborn.
  • From the tenth of September to the ninth of October - Totem Soroki. Describes a born adventurist, often driving itself, hesitantly.
  • From the tenth of October to the ninth of November - Totem Beaver. Moves the desire for independent management of his life, beavers are very secretive people, but calm.
  • From the tenth of November to the ninth of December - Totem Dogs. The dog is a faithful friend, often generous and disinterested.

And in the next video you can recognize your totem animal by date of birth and year:

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