Woman Virgo and Man-Aries - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


The girlfriend was appointed a date at once 2 cavaliers, both liked, but I did not know who. She is a goroscope of Virgo. They turned for help to astrology, because it is important, as representatives of different signs of the zodiac are combined.

Woman Virgo and Man-Aries - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3866_1

It turned out that man-Aries can give stability to which the Virgin tends. The combination is not bad, and people together may well be happy. The girlfriend chose this cavalier, and for more than 5 years they are married and live well. The couple is interesting in their own way. Therefore, I want to tell how these signs are combined not only in family life, but also in sex, friendship and work.

Love and relations

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The relationship is quite bright, sometimes emotional, but stable. Moreover, expression and impulsivity makes a sign of the fire of Aries, and stability, dimension - Virgo. Union is not easy, sometimes painful for both representatives, because active men-Aries are often done, and then they already think. The virgin is crazy. Aries, on the contrary, it is too balanced by the character of a woman-virgin. But the love works wonders, so these together, at first glance, incompatible people are able to build a strong marriage and develop creatively and spiritually.


  1. Virgin - women reasonable and able to think about their lives are seriously used to calculate and make decisions weigly. Often they remain lonely, because sometimes they make conclusions too hastily. In the nature, calm, possess good manners and exquisite taste. People rarely show their feelings.
  2. Man-Aries - Personality Bright, Charismatic. He is very generous and open to people. Unlike the elect, loves to live actively and takes everything from life. His companion must be attractive, with excellent physical data. For Aries, it is important that the wife is almost perfect.
  3. Male-Aries often occupies senior positions. This is an excellent organizer, honest, straight person, very energetic and capable of achieving its goals.
  4. Can not live with a mediocre woman who is interesting only to the economy. He needs a bright person, having a hobby and interests, who wants to develop and go hand in hand with his beloved.

Compatibility in Love

If both partners understand that together they are good and this is fate, the relationship promise to be strong. Woman Virgo is a man introducing clarity and order, the main is a rational approach. A man-Aries cannot live boring and in the union brings bright emotions, romance and necessary paints.
  • These people do not immediately understand what they are intended for each other, but when the awareness comes, they can turn the mountains together and achieve huge results.
  • Important for both is the moment of addiction, wipes. As soon as Virgo gets used to the chosen one, they begin to build a really strong family. It is important to give a time to a woman and prove the seriousness of His intentions, then after the time of Virgo letters him in his heart forever. And for her it is a very responsible step.
  • Aries will seek her woman until the cherished "yes" will hear. Although in the relationship and love of this pair will have to adapt to each other for a long time - too different temperaments. Aries can risk even without much need, and Virgo will last a long time.

Sexual compatibility

Couple has every chance to be a harmonious union. Sex is important for both partners, but the Virgin will need a period for liberty. A man-Aries carefully helps her and waits for her heart completely open.

The scheme of relations in these representatives of the zodiac system is the same in almost all cases - the man is the main and experienced lover, and the woman is led and obedient. In this case, over the years, these people are able to harmoniously build their sexual relations.

Woman Virgo loves high-quality and long sex. Ories sometimes too fast, but at the same time sincerely loves his partner. He is happy that with him such a beautiful and attractive woman.

Family and marriage

In the family, her husband and wife give an oath of loyalty and follow her often all his life. Virgo gives a lot in terms of ideas about a true happy family. She balanced, adores his spouse, always hears and support. Yes, and Aries becomes more calm and thoughtful. He loves his family nest.

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  1. Next to the active and energetic husband, Virgo feels also a cheerful and full strength. She begins to work more, with pleasure is engaged in the house and there is less skepticism and critical.
  2. Some restraint next to the autumn allows the Virgin to embody the secret dreams and fantasies, close his eyes on the taboo and bans, see the world a little on the other side.
  3. Over the years, Aries will begin to notice that all this time his beloved Virgo constantly worried about the family, although it always seemed impartial. See a subtle mental organization and faithful, the good heart of the husband will not be able to immediately.

Pros and cons couple

Aries-man and maiden women do not initial too much sincere talk. Both elements are strong, so everything is based on an intuitive feeling of each other.

The spouse criticizes the actions of a husband, its impulsivity, but it is always kind of kind. The spouse always feels her disapproval and begins to be very worried.

It takes the criticism to his address badly. Subsequently, knowing the spouse, he understands that forces its activity and more act more. And it can only do it and hurt and thought.

Sometimes a woman's woman scares an excessive chief impulsiveness, its energy and activity. The Virgin It may be scary to annoy. Such behavior of the husband violates her familiar inner peace. But even the relationship they find out politely, because initially Aries, expressive with outsiders, cannot be aggressive with their beloved.

How to fall in love with a man-Aries

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  • This man really does not like deception and false, but still him very attracts all the unusual, enchanting, festive and bright. For Virgin, this is a discomfort. Bright makeup, causing outfits - all this is not for her.
  • Most likely, at the party, they are unlikely to notice each other, as too unfortunately by nature and in companies of various communications.
  • But if there is a spark between these representatives, they themselves cannot first understand what it is so fascinating in a partner. Perhaps opposites are attracted. Aries very intrigues the secrecy and mystery of the Virgin. He must unravel this riddle by anything.
  • A man learns from the Virgin to love not only with his eyes, but also in your heart, when an eternal holiday is not required.

Friendship compatibility

Rarely warm feelings are possible between these diametrically opposite people. Aries are deadly boring with judgment, secretive and stupid Virgin. And it is very annoyed by man-Aries with its impulsiveness, energetic and inclination to adventures.

Friendship is possible only in the case when there are common interests and hobbies. Then Virgo and Aries learn from each other and make interesting discoveries together.

Compatibility in work

Joint work is pretty depleting the nervous system to both. Completely different aspirations and ways to achieve goals. In the team they better stay away from each other.

Head-Virgo will never take to work with a run-down, too initiative and risky "guy" is one. If, on the contrary, the boss-Aries with ambitions and grand plans will be wildly irritating quiet and incomprehensible virgin.


  • These two representatives of the zodiac system can only get along in case there are serious feelings. Then they can be a strong family and complement each other.
  • In work and friendship, people are absolutely incompatible, annoying each other. They have so few of them, joint work and chat will be little delight both.

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