1989 What kind of animal on the eastern horoscope and calendar


In the east, the reputation in the snake is radically different from West. Snake symbolizes wisdom and turnover, it is also a symbol of healing. People born a year under the patronage of the snake are distinguished by developed intuition and intellectual possibilities. Once I had to work closely with a woman born this year.

I was surprised by her approach to the point: the snake managed to flexibly bypass sharp corners and possible trouble. It was like 2 steps ahead of any danger, warning her appearance in advance. Today we will look at 1989: what animal it represents. This year, people were born under the patronage of the yellow earthen snake. They are distinguished by slowness, thoughtfulness and thoroughness.

1989 what animal

Yellow Earth Snake

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This year starts on February 6, 1989 and ends on January 26, 1990. People born under the auspices of this sign are never in a hurry anywhere. They love to carefully weigh and analyze, and only after that they take steps to implement the conceived. These people are so responsible that they will never participate in dubious enterprises.

What is the difference between earthen snakes from other snakes of the Eastern Horoscope? They have less intuition, but it does not complicate the snakes life. Even those intuitive abilities that are available enough for careful monitoring of the situation. The yellow snake is not afraid of difficulties and does not seek to go easy. It makes the maximum effort to achieve conceived and always highly appreciate the results of their work.

Yellow earthen snakes are distinguished by a balanced character, they cannot be panic, they cannot be causing surprise . These qualities of character are very suitable for the profession of rescuer and ambulance, where representatives of this year of birth often work and work.

Earth snakes are distinguished by a sober view of the world, devoid of romantic fantasies and illusions. They sincerely do not understand the eccentric and wrinkled people, do not indulge in the limited dreams and utopian ideas. They can not tolerate those who play the public or suggests scandals in public places. Snakes spread up with unbalanced people who do not know how to control their emotions, even if these are close relatives.

On a note! The yellow earthen snake without unfortunately dismantle with that man who breaks her inner peace. Even if it is a loved one.

Snakes are selfish to the bone's brain, they feel great alone and do not need society to themselves. Natural suspicion forces snakes to keep people at a safe distance from themselves, no one pumped to themselves. This is a very pricing nature that deal only with people beneficial for themselves..

Snakes easily go to betrayal, if you require their interests. They are so cool and ruthless that they do not take into account the feelings and emotions of other people. Emotionally cold and indifferent to the feelings of the Snake people can afford the unceremonious appeal with anyone.

They are constantly trying to impose their own opinion to the interlocutor, which consider the only right . For this, they will simply interrupt it, not letting express the phrase to the end. Why do snake listen to what she defined in advance as the wrong? She will not spend time on this emptiness, it will be better to immediately express his own opinion on this regard.

Those people who share the opinion of the snake or simply do not mind becoming close. In the case of which the snake will fierce their interests from the attacks of opponents. Because Z. Measy clearly share people on their own and strangers. . For the sake of close snake ready for any victims, but the other people for her make up an enemy camp.

The snake will never openly demonstrate their feelings and emotions, it supports neutral relations with all. However, in the depths of his soul, it is confident that strangers everyone wanted her evil. Unfortunately, because of his suspicion of the snake cannot feel real happiness and enjoy life, feeling in complete safety. They constantly think that someone wants to betray them or turn. Therefore, the snakes are extremely rarely becoming victims of fraudsters and sweat.

Strengths of character:

  • practicality;
  • determination;
  • a responsibility;
  • Indement.

Weaknesses of character:

  • cruelty;
  • arrogance;
  • resourcefulness;
  • suspicion;
  • Avenue.

Snake trust will be very difficult due to pathological suspicion. They everywhere merged enemies . Perhaps in something they are driving a stick, but in something right. If the snake fails to establish contact with some kind of person, she is without regretting with him . There are no indispensable people, the representatives of this year are thought.

This is probably the only representatives of the Eastern Horoscope, who may not be friends at all. Friends in the snake can be enough, but with them the relationship is always superficial and do not bind to anything. If the snake manages to find a real friend, it will put all his soul in this relationship.


Born in 1989 men are very charming and possess magical attractiveness. However, in communication, they are coarse and rather aggressive, do not like to spend time on empty conversations and can be called the interlocutor cynically if he is sick.

These are calculated people who, when assisting someone, always expect a response step. Relationships with the surrounding snake builds on the principle "You, I am . Women need to be very careful with such cavaliers and do not play flirt, because this thoughtless act can get out sideways.

What women prefer snakes? They like elegant, sophisticated and bright qualities. However, with all his charm, the Choser's chosen must be smart. Astrologers are not advised to provoke a snake on jealousy and teach over him: he will come to indescribable rabies. These are serious people with serious intentions, and children's pranks need to be left in childhood.

Note! In the gust of anger of snakes can fall to the manual design and beat their choices.

But it should not be thought that the snakes come cruelly with all in a row. If a woman satisfies the representative of this sign, he surrounds her caress and care. Snake knows the price of money and sometimes looks storm. But his loved ones, he can do expensive gifts, thereby expressing his appreciation.

1989 what animal on the horoscope


Snake got used to everything. For his well-being, this attractive woman can use men who seek to achieve its location. It is impossible to catch it in augment, just so it turns out by itself - the men themselves offer their help.

A snake woman always looks exquisitely, thinks rational and does not hover in the clouds . Natural insight helps her to achieve many things in life and unlock trouble. Snake is a born psychologist and sees people through, which allows it to skillfully enjoy their weaknesses.

Note! The snake will not communicate with a man without mercenary intentions. But she believes in real love.

The snake will never claim a major position in a pair, but also to try to manipulate it too. Snakes are never sincere to the end, so the partner is unknown by their true intentions.

Snake loves peace, but his chosen one can help in achieving the peaks of the career ladder. She will do everything in order for him to succeed, the Snake itself will be used by this success. If a man is not going to obey, she is without regrets with him. These women prevent overwhelmed requirements to their partners, who can correspond to which few people can.

A snake female rarely feels happy, even if it does not show it. They, as a rule, remain lonely even with her husband and fans. This loneliness hides deep in the soul of every snake. If the snake does not understand that the partner needs to be taken with all the shortcomings and shortcomings, it will remain unhappy and dissatisfied with all his life. It is not necessary to re-educate men and look among them the perfect superman too.

Love and family

Snakes are capable of deep feelings, but they will always be controlled by the mind. To love, these calculating creatures are pretty cynical, none of them will never lose their heads from love and passion. . Before you confront with a partner, they will analyze all the minutes and advantages of this union. Relationships with the opposite sex of the snake are suitable with full responsibility and will never "hang noodles on the ears" for the sake of a momentous meeting or a short acquaintance.

In family relations, the snakes demonstrate a respectful attitude to the spouse, as the marriage union is built on a common interest with their partner. Divorces among snake marriages practically does not happen, as they come into relationships with a proven and reliable partner. In the family life of the snake conscientiously fulfill their duties, which they also require from other households.

1989 What kind of animal on the eastern horoscope and calendar 3957_3

In the bed of snakes are selfish, they only think about their own pleasure. They are pretty ingenious, so they can captivate the partner with their charm. But to count on the fact that the snake will take care of the pleasure of his partner, not worth it.


These are hardworking and very responsible workers who are quickly moving through the career ladder. They are constantly being improved to be at the height. In their business demonstrate high professionalism. These are valuable workers who value the bosses. However, if the income does not suit the snake, it will not stay in the workplace for a long time - it will find a more profitable option.


Bull . Couple is not harmonious. The snake is not able to impose his mind with a stubborn bull, and this is hardly annoying. Partners will constantly disintegrate leadership positions, which ultimately lead to a complete rupture of relations. If the snake guess to make concessions to a challenge partner, they will be able to build a long and successful union.

Tiger . Course will not be able to find a common language. Tiger and snake will never become truly close to each other, but affiliate relations between them are possible. If such a life arranges, when partners live in themselves and help each other as needed, the Union will exist for a long time.

Rabbit . The snake fully suppresses a partner with his authority. However, if the rabbit suits such a state of affairs, he may feel quite comfortable in this union. The snake will provide him with protection and will provide support. Quarrels and misunderstandings in such a pair - an extremely rare phenomenon. However, if the snake begins to choke his partner too strong embracing, he will just run away from it.

The Dragon . The role of the subordinate snake does not suit in any way, so in a pair should reign equality. Only in this case the partners will be able to build a strong and reliable union. Dragon admires the snake with his courage and unconventional approach to everything, the dragon in the snake likes reliability and devotion.

Snake . Partners can create a successful and happy union if they can survive the adaptation period to each other. This time is the most difficult and controversial, as partners for some reason see each other in each other. Many couples parting, and without realizing that it was in this union that they would have been able to get everything that they dreamed of.

Horse . Surprisingly the harmonious union of two bright and interesting partners. The horse completely trusts the snake, considering her wise, and does not claim the position of the leader. A horse and snake can share the duties equally, which does not cause household misunderstandings and disputes. Family couple reigns peace, harmony and peace.

Goat . The harmonious union is impossible. The fussy and unpredictable sheep constantly removes the snake with his behavior and annoys. As a result, the snake will simply go through this unreliable and superficial partner, which also ignores her comments and tips.

A monkey . Nothing good from this union will work. When the first romantic impressions of each other are held, the snake will begin to suffer from the ridiculous monkeys. The pair will inevitably break up the enemies if they do not hold together a common cause or property together. Staying with each other, both suffer all your life.

Rooster . In a pair, complex relationships. These are two individualists who are trying to get along with each other. The rooster is constantly trying to bring a snake from equilibrium, putting in the course of ruthless criticism. In a pair, there is no mutual respect, trust and consent. The union can only exist if the snake is something from the rooster. But when the rooster will understand that it is used, quickly stops any relationship.

Dog . The union between signs is possible if the dog does not pay attention to the cunning and tricks of the snake. A good-order dog always adheres to the rules of morality that loves to ignore the snake. If she succeeds in thoroughly hide his unacceptable deeds from the dog, the partners will be able to build a solid alliance. However, there will never be complete trust between them, and the quarrels will periodically arise in any occasion.

Pig . In this tandem, the role of servant is prepared. The snake skillfully uses the boiler's energy of the partner, helps the pig to achieve social benefits - and then enjoys achieved without a conscience. When a pig will understand what uses it, it will try to leave the exploiter. But if the snake succeeds in keeping a pig in his arms, the Union will be long and successful.

Rat . These partners are very similar to each other, so they are easy to find a common language. However, the similarity of the morals and serves an interference to rapprochement, as both partners are trying to see each other. They are noticeable all the shortcomings of the other and its weaknesses. If rat and snake agree to take each other with all the errors, the Union will become very strong. Otherwise, the tearing is inevitable, and with losses on both sides. Therefore, when the slightest disagreement occurs, it should be immediately parted.

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