1984 What kind of animal on the Eastern calendar


The characteristics of the character of a person impose an imprint on his behavior and a manner of communication. We all want peaceful communication with each other, mutual understanding and harmony. But it is not always achievable in interpersonal relationships, and sometimes conflicts can grow into assault. Why do conflict situations occur in families and how to avoid it?

Eastern wisdom will help us in solving this issue. So, 1984: What kind of animal does it represent? According to the Chinese calendar, this year is a green wooden rat. Consider what the difference between these people from others and how to find the right approach to them.

1984 what kind of animal

Green wooden rat

Why is an astrological sign associated with a tree symbol? Astrologers explain this features of the character of representatives of this sign: they are more flexible nature, but at the same time very durable and solid.

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Rats belong to the most pragmatic individuals from the entire horoscope, they are targeted and self-contained. To achieve the intended purpose of the rat, makes a maximum of effort, differs in hard work in combination with accuracy. Rats are able to find a way out of the most hopeless situation, as they are endowed with turns and quiet.

Ambitions were born together with rats, and maybe earlier them. Therefore, representatives of this sign of the zodiac rarely stop on the achieved and constantly seek to improve the quality of their life. Relations with opponents of the rat are built up using a mixture and cunning: they manage to get around them without attracting attention. The mouse has a very stable psyche, never gives up and is not afraid of vital difficulties and obstacles.

Note! Born in the year rat (mice) always strive for leadership.

Rats from nature are endowed with inexhaustible energy and fantasy, which makes them constantly be in motion and do something. And these odd animals can realize their fantasies at any time of the day. To achieve success mice helps enterprise and dedication. However, if the undertaking something does not suit the rat, it easily forgets about it and switches to another project.

On a note! Rat can work long and hard, applying the maximum effort if it is worth it.

The desire for leadership encourages the rat to claim leadership posts: they seek to be supervisors and managers. This is facilitated by natural sociability, organizational abilities and personal charm. However, sometimes mice may not calculate the forces and stick to their shoulders too much, so they should be taken under control of ambitiousness and take into account their internal energy reserves.

Note! For rats it is very important that work brings pleasure. It was then that they will be able to achieve their career heights and fully realize their potential.

For success in life, the mouse must defeat natural quick temper and aggression: they need to be controlled and fully subordinate to the mind. Then there will be nothing impossible for this enterprising and purposeful sign of the Eastern Horoscope.

Men of this sign are endowed with resistance and exposure, they are very difficult to remove from equilibrium. They are not amenable to manipulation by side, have developed intuition and a little. As sexual partners, rats are very gentle and attentive to their elects, love to pamper them with gifts and surprises.

Mice are very attentive to their appearance, so they spend enough money for the purchase of branded things. In the wardrobe rats there will always be classic costumes and trendy things, as well as expensive and original accessories. An elegant male rat always becomes the object of close attention of the opposite sex, so it is rarely idle and lonely.

A woman-mouse is a sample of elegance and femininity, she knows how to look attractive at any time. The rat enjoys an expensive cosmetics, tirelessly cares for his appearance, skillfully picks out outfits and makeup.


If the rat set out for itself, it will go to her alive, despite difficulties and obstacles. Search for light paths is not a style of rat life. The factories and enthusiasm of female rats can scare men But they always be able to conquer their charm and sincerity.

On a note! Rats have a natural dome of suggestion, so they can persuade anyone and attract to their side.

The rat from nature is endowed with the gift of suggestion, during a conversation with the interlocutor, these creations instinctively copy the posture and television of their visa, which is elements of hypnosis. In addition, the development and intellectuality of the rat allows them to maintain a conversation on any topic.

A woman-mouse is purposefully engaged in finding the second half and comes to this question very responsibly. For her, it is important that the man is confident in himself and held as a person. With a partner, a female rat becomes affectionate and attentive that you will not say about relationships with other men: there it demonstrates coldness and scares its synthesis and pressure.

1984 what animal on the horoscope

Family relationships

The rat demonstrates constancy and attachment in relationships, the institution of family and family traditions is very important for it. It is thoroughly suitable for the choice of a partner rats, as they expect to live to the old age. Therefore, the representatives of this sign are married once in life, the choice is based on practical considerations, and not guided by emotions.

Note! Rats are faithful to their partner.

A wooden rat always takes the marriage of marital board into their own hands, but it makes it very tactfully and gently: the partner does not even know what they are managed. The mouse is able to create strong reliable marriage relationships and keep the family from destruction. This is an example of a decent family man.

These are home-made and economic creatures for which the house is a real fortress, and the fire is always divorced in the focus. Rats do not like mess and chaos in the house, always strive to decompose everything around the shelves and recalculate. Clean and comfort is a cat house business card. If the homemade begins to scat out things or in any way, do not comply with the cleanliness, then getting an edging from the side of the neat rat and will be forced to stick to the managers in the house.

Natural observation and fine intuition allows mouses to catch any changes in the behavior of the second half, which contributes to the prevention of betrayal at the highest level.

Compatible with other signs

Rat . With his sign, a difficult relationship is established. At first, the couple is on top of delight, literally deifying each other. But in the future, it begins to felt disadvantage and inability to make compromises, as a result, two leaders will simply discern through different sides. On this relationships are completed.

Bull . This union astrologers are called harmonious. Rats like calm and obedience to the bull, his desire for comfort and comfort. However, over time, the rat will be bored with monotony, and she will go in search of a more interesting partner.

Tiger. Relationships have a rude start and development, while Tiger will not understand what begins to lose its individuality and freedom. The search for a partner on the side will lead the rat to extreme amazement, as she will not be able to understand why she changed and for what.

Rabbit. The relationship is not very harmonious, since the eternal fussiness of rats is incomprehensible to the calm rabbit. In addition, incorrecting temperaments will lead to disharmony in bed relations. Therefore, astrologists do not advise you to enter into intimate contact: only friendship and business cooperation are possible between the rat and the rabbit.

The Dragon . This is one of the few successful unions between the representatives of the zodiac. The dragon receives the necessary portion of attention and admiration that it reliably holds it in the love networks of an enterprising rat. But as soon as the admiration runs out and dust rats cool, the dragon will instantly go to search for replacement.

Snake . Relationships are ambiguous and complex. The snake is inclined to adventure on the side, which does not welcome the faithful rat. As if the snake did not try to hide his hobbies, the intuition of rat always recognizes and reveals her mystery. The union has a chance to continue only if one of the partners go to concessions to another and closes the eyes to its shortcomings.

Horse . At the beginning of the partners, a stormy novel expects, which is based on mutual passion. But subsequently, the rat will express dissatisfaction with the behavior of a horse and its grommet actions. Quarrels and conflicts will lead the union to the rupture of relations.

Goat . Astrologers strongly doubt the existence of this tandem, since the characters and aspirations of partners are directly opposite. The frivolity of the goat is annoying the houses and a purposeful rat, as well as the inability to be leaning. As a result, the union will fall apart, hardly time to form.

A monkey . Relations between partners will not be able to work out due to the difference in temperaments and the desire to conquer leadership positions. Both consider themselves perfect and cannot accept the fact that someone considers themselves better. There is also no harmony in bed, so do not even experiment.

Rooster . The union is possible provided that the partners will send their aggressive energy not to each other, but in the right direction. The passion and perseverance of the rooster fascinates the rat, these qualities are impressed by it. But when you find it, the rooster can make a negative impression on a businesslike mouse with its shuffle and a frivolous attitude towards many things in life.

Dog . Relationships will be worked out with difficulty due to difference in characters, but later confidence will appear between the signs. This union can become successful and bring good fruits in a joint business.

Pig . These signs are good together, despite the naivety and the trick of the pig. If the rat will close the eyes to the shortcomings of the partner, the Union will be long and happy.

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