Is it possible to walk in the cemetery and funeral


Recently buried one colleague from the former work, and one employee came to the position on the ceremony, and then on the commemoration. Older women from the team explained to her that it was undesirable to come to the funeral of a pregnant woman. As a result, the future mother felt bad and took her home. Fortunately, everything was fine for her, and in this material we find out the reasons why it is impossible for pregnant women to come to the funeral and be in the cemetery.

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Cemetery energy and pregnancy state are incompatible

In antiquity, our ancestors listened to wise people and tried to prevent the presence of a pregnant woman in the burial places and even on the commemoration. The answer to the question lies on the surface: there is an energy of death, grief, grief and mourning at the cemetery.

Folk superstition

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Mourning Woman On Funeral With Red Rose Standing AT Casket or Coffin

  • It is believed that the child in the womb does not have a keeper's personal angel, but only one for two with his mother. Therefore, its energy is completely defenseless. The stay of the future mother among the graves will threaten the prosperous development of the fetus.
  • Even a small amount of time spent pregnant among crying people, a mourning ceremony and near the dead man, can harm her to the future child.
  • At the same time, it is impossible to be afraid of the very place of burial. Death is a natural process, just the energy of the cemetery is the opposite of the energy of life.
  • In addition, magical rituals are often made on the cemetery, and the fact that for an adult is not dangerous, maybe a deadly dangerous for the baby who has not yet born. Negative and evil, and the sacred atmosphere of the funeral is not only upset by the pregnant woman itself, but take the strength and the baby, very badly affect his health.

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Many superstitions are connected with paganism or oriental knowledge that nothing in common has Christianity. But still the share of truth is. If only because any funeral is a huge stress that even premature childbirth and complications in a pregnant woman can cause.

Opinion of priests

They have other arguments. It is believed that in the campaign to the funeral ceremony there is nothing terrible. The ancestors and dead people in the Christian faith are accepted and accompanied on the last path.

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  1. The church does not believe that there is a negative energy in the funeral and commemoration. They do not consider this event in general from the point of view of energy influence and the interchange between the alive and peace of the dead.
  2. In Christianity it is important to come and honor the memory of the deceased person. You can then go and commemorate. Only everything should be voluntarily and provided that the woman feels physically well.
  3. The church believes that evil forces are, but they are subject to their influence only people who sinners themselves and having a weak spirit and an unclean conscience. In the cemetery, the soul is moving and preparing to appear before God's court.
  4. Priests advise to listen to the future mother to their inner state and intuition. If it becomes scary and unpleasant, then it is better to postpone the campaign.
  5. If the situation is such that it is necessary to present, it is advisable to make it morally to prepare for the event and first go to church, and also tune in to a more or less calm condition and perception of what is happening.
  6. If the physical condition of the pregnant woman leaves much to be desired, it is hard to walk, and even more so stand for a long time near the grave among people, the priests do not recommend going to the ceremony, and restrict ourselves to the temple where you can read the prayer for rest and put a candle.

How to behave at the funeral if you need to go

There are different situations in our time. Therefore, the need for a farewell with an expensive person is fully justified. It is only important to comply with certain rules when visiting the cemetery.

Signals at the funeral for pregnant women

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  • It is undesirable to walk in the position of funeral and the burial itself, stand near the grave and just be on the territory of the cemetery.
  • If a woman comes to the dead man close, then the baby will be born pale and weak.
  • Evil spirits not only can pick up a unborn baby, his soul, but also to fit into it.
  • It is dangerous to step on the grave or on a wreath. The consequences can be very scary for the child and the mother, because the dead and live energy are mixed.
  • Serious diseases are not excluded, which will subsequently shown in the child. After all, it is absolutely defenseless before the negative. At the same time, doctors will not be able to do anything, and sometimes they will not even be able to put the correct diagnosis.
  • However, you can sit on the commemoration, sit and remember everything good about the mercy of the man. The main thing is not to expose yourself with stress and do not succumb to the overall state of grief and tears. It is clear that there is no positive emotion on the funeral procession, but the balance is very desirable.
  • Do not worry that they will not think badly. Smart people will not coordinate and understand that a woman who has a tricky child cannot be nervous and being in a stressful situation on any time.
  • Special danger during the immediate contact of a pregnant woman and a deceased person. It is believed that the deceased and not born children are on the same energy plane and the world of spirits can pick up a not yet born baby.
  • Preferably come to the graveyard after the coffin is burned. At this time, people no longer show emotions. Most are ready to go on commemoration.

It is not recommended to go to the graveyard for Easter or in remembered days when a lot of people. A pregnant woman can inadvertently push, especially since people who drunk quite a lot. She can also scare. It is better to visit the grave of a loved one on a weekday, lay flowers, then put a candle in the temple and pray for the soul.

Large church holidays are also not advised to go to the graveyard. Light energy will not save from negative. On the contrary, on such days the witch and sorcerers will wait and look out for the victim. It may well be her and the future mother. The negative may wait for the cemetery fence if it is damaged.

It is categorically impossible to a woman in a position or drink in the cemetery. It is not hygienic, and again, the energies of food mixed with the energy of the dead, then falls into the body.

Previously, a woman in the position should determine herself, it is worth going or not. And also to talk with a doctor or psychologist, if a close person died. Particularly sensitive and women with an unstable emotional state, it is impossible to categorically go to such events.

Conduct rules in the cemetery

There are some recommendations that simply need to be performed. If still had to go in a funeral position, then observe the rules.

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  1. On your feet, wear closed shoes. If they came in the sandals, then grab the booties or put on your feet. Earth with graves should not remain on the soles, and the more impossible to bring it to the house.
  2. You can go only with closed legs: in pants or long skirt. It is necessary to wear a handkerchief on your head so that the hair does not fall on the grave. Often, the sorcerers suggest damage to such hair and even they collect them.
  3. You can not take rags, brooms and so on from the house on the cemetery. All purchase specifically for this place.
  4. You need to go and go out only in one entrance, that is, how they came, the same expensive and leave.
  5. Nothing can not be taken into the house, as well as use water from the source on a cemetery for drinking or washing. It is better to bring everything with you and clean, not leave trash.
  6. It is impossible to laugh loudly or sob at the grave. We have restrained and modestly. The cemetery is not a place to manifest high-profile emotions.
  7. It is impossible to categorically lift the trifle on the territory of the cemetery and any items. It can be a magic lining or sputter with unclean strength.
  8. If something fell out of the pocket is not valuable, then do not lift it up. If the subject has a considerable value (keys to the house or car), then put candy instead.
  9. Drinking alcohol near the grave is impossible - that you feed the demons, which are circling near the buried alcoholics and dependent people. Subsequently, it is possible to get a psychic disease, the origin of which you simply will not know.


  • Esoterics oppose a visit to a pregnant woman of the cemetery, because there is a dead energy and a lot of evil spirits and non-adhesive shower. Their presence is incompatible with the state of a woman in the position.
  • The church does not see anything bad in the presence of a woman during pregnancy in the cemetery. The main thing is that she felt well. You need to go calmly and with God in the shower.
  • Each woman should make the choice itself, but the risk is very large for mom and baby, because the energy protection is weakened in both. It is better not to expose your health and life of a child's danger. You can go to the grave of a loved one after the birth of crumbs.
  • Important Rule: Dead Energy pulls a lively, so make conclusions in advance and conceive yourself. It is very important to know the rules of presence in the cemetery and not sin. And also to comply with the rules clearly and strictly, so as not to catch the damage, negative or simply do not gain dead energy. And then root, harm yourself and the future child.
  • Remember that the cemetery is a special place, and ignorance of laws does not exempt from responsibility.

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