Hippocratic people temperaments


Greek healer Hippocrates in the V century BC put forward the idea of ​​the difference in people's temperament based on the ratio of life juices in the body. It is the liquids that have a direct impact on human behavior and his image of thoughts and life. The liquid theory of behavioral reactions put the basis of the science of human temperament and was finalized by followers and pupils of the hippocratic.

I was interested in the question of how the temperaments of people affect fate, after the divorce of the older sister. Two people could not get along with one roof precisely because of the inconsistency of temperaments that manifested themselves in full force during joint residence. In order not to spoil your destiny and the fate of future children, you need to thoroughly study the question of temperaments. Because this is not a reasonable process, but a natural start in every person.

Telections of people

Temperature doctrine

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Temperament is called the biological basis, which is the basis for the formation of an individual as a social unit. In other words, this is a set of behavioral reactions caused by the characteristics of organic processes inside the body. The temperament is not purchased in the process of human vital activity, it is given from birth. A person in the process of his life is learning himself as a person, meets the peculiarities of his reactions to the surrounding reality, but does not manage these reactions and does not create them.

Note! Temperament translated from the ancient Greek denotes the correct measure and proportionality.

Ancient Greek scientist Heallel Hippocrates, whose oath utters every medic after graduation at the institute, made a lot of effort into knowledge of the essence of a person and his behavioral features. In the course of numerous experiments and reflections, the scientist concluded that the reaction to what was happening was due to the influence of liquids inside the body.

To life juices, the scientist ranked:

  • blood;
  • bile (black and yellow);
  • Phlegm (mucus).

For example, blood warms the human body, is a heat source. FLEGMA cools the body, bile yellow sunsites the inner media, the bile black color is responsible for the level of humidity of the inner medium of the body.

Thus, Hippocrates laid the beginning of the study of the essence of a person and its features in direct communication with biological processes.

The development of the teachings on temperaments already followers and pupils of hippocratic: Claudius Galen gave the definition of the temperament typology. Subsequently, the types of hippocrates and galline temperament were called humoral. Next, the development of the theory continued the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, he gave an exact description of the four temperaments of man:

  1. Sanguine;
  2. choleric;
  3. phlegmatic person;
  4. Melancholic.

Also, Kant clarified that the reactions of sanguinics and melancholic were due to feelings and emotions, and the reactions of choleric and phlegmatics are generated by the sphere of human activity. In accordance with this, choleric and phlegmatic are characterized by activity in their manifestations, and Sanguini and Melancholic - emotionality.

Characteristics of human temperatures for hippocrates:

  1. The choleric temperament type is controlled by yellow bile.
  2. Sanguine has a large blood volume.
  3. Melancholic is controlled by black biliary.
  4. Phlegmatic organism is filled with cold mucus.

Chart of temperaments according to Kant:

  1. Sanguine is characterized by cheerfulness and carelessness.
  2. Melancholic shows anxiety and gloomy mood.
  3. The choleric lights up quickly and quickly goes to the subject of his interest.
  4. Phlegmatic shows coldness and indifference, is distinguished by laziness.

Types of hippocratement temperament

Modern temperament theories

The modern interpretation of the teachings about temperaments differs only by the statement that every person has all kinds of temperament, but with a predominance of one of them. However, scientists are more inclined to consider the dependence of human behavior from the type of figure than from the interaction of internal liquids.

A group of Western European scientists at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries put forward the theory of interconnection of temperament with the constitutional features of the structure of the body of an individual. For example, the German psychiatrist Krechmer put forward the idea that mental illness is associated with the constitutional characteristics of the structure of the body:

  1. Asthenics - a fragile angular physique; The author of the theory proposes to call them leptosomatics.
  2. Pickwick is a man of a large physique, sometimes has a barrel shape. Differs the stuff.
  3. Athletic is a muscular type without a pronounced fat layer. Differs on a wide shoulder belt for narrow hips.
  4. Displastic is distinguished by improper build. For example, it has too large or small growth.

Krechmere made conclusions from his observations of psychotic, which asthenics are prone to schizophrenia, and to epilepsy - athletes.

Later, the American psychologist and scientist V. Sheldon allocates three somatype depending on the constitutional features of the body structure:

  1. endomorphic;
  2. mesomorphic;
  3. ectomorphic.

The endomorphic type is distinguished by the presence of a large fat stupor and excessive development of internal organs. These individuals look physically undeveloped and weak.

The mesomorphic type belongs to the athletic television industry and is distinguished by a developed muscular instead of a fat layer. These individuals tend to have strong health, strong will and cheerfulness.

Extractorphic type is characterized by the absence of fatty layers and muscles, as well as inexpressible development of internal organs. These individuals are easily excited, impressionable and wound.

Sheldon argues that there is another, the fourth temperament type: mixed. However, according to his observations, this type is extremely rare.

Next, Sheldon proposed to combine introvered and extraceless qualities of a person with his physique, as a result of which he allocated 3 types of personality:

  1. whisotonics;
  2. somatotonic;
  3. cerebrotonics.

Viscerootonics are distinguished by the predominance of inner feelings, somatotonic show their temperament in activity and action, cerebrotonics prefer analytics and thinking.

Despite the focusing of somatic features in the theory of the entity of the individual, the liquid idea of ​​the psychic manifestations of the individual remains in force. Therefore, the teaching of the hypocratic and its followers and today remains fundamental in theories on the essence of a person and his mental characteristics.

4 people temperament

Characteristics of temperament types

Consider in detail 4 people temperament.


This is one of the most striking representatives of human nature, characterized by equilibrium and healthy optimism. Sanguine embodies the best qualities of a person:

  • healthy emotionality;
  • Cheerfulness;
  • calm;
  • self confidence;
  • sociability.

Sanguines are leaders of groups, create a comfortable mental atmosphere, do not lose due to failures, are aimed at the best future. The disadvantage of the type is the incontinence of promises, however, this is often caused by a change in circumstances. According to the theory of hypocratic, this type of personality is a consequence of full-board.

Note! Sanguines easily adapt to the changed conditions.

Sanguals also characterizes a flexible mind, healthy mental activity, performance and society. However, they are characterized by impermanence, so it's not necessary to rely on the word of the Sanguinik.

Can Sanguiniki feel grief and worry? Yes, they are also peculiar to negative emotions, but they pass very quickly and intensively. That is, Sanguiniki for the most part are in emotional equilibrium, and stormy emotions (positive and negative) become a brief episode in their lives. These people simplify their lives as much as possible, they know how to level any distortion.

Note! Sanguinic distinguishes expressive gesticulating and mobile facial expressions.

These are noctile materialists who are firmly standing with both legs on Earth and can enjoy it abundance. They are not peculiar to romantic impulses and contemplation, they do not know how to fantasize and turn in the clouds. If there are no material pleasures, Sanguins are suffering. Especially do not tolerate the lack of funds. Perhaps the lack of finances of Sanguiniki are experiencing more than representatives of other temperament types.


If the temperamental person is a living and mobile individual, then the lack of temperament or its lack of extremely expressed through melancholy. These people are very sensitive and wounded, any event can take them out of spiritual equilibrium and upset. And if it happens an unpleasant circumstance, the melancholic regards it as an unbearable evil. These people are prone to pessimism and despondency.

Note! Melancholic is initially configured to the negative, it characterizes a laxity.

The advantages of melancholic can be attributed to the creative principle. They possess an analytical mindset and are prone to contemplation. Melancholics can bring the work started to the end, unlike choleric and Sanguiniks. They can be trusted.

The vulnerability and acute reaction to the surrounding reality is due to the fine organization of the nervous system. This quality has its own positive principle: among melancholys there are many outstanding musicians and artists, poets and composers.

You can define melancholic on constant alertness, concern and anxiety. "No matter what happened," this is about melancholic. Melancholics manage to worry strongly about the yet occurred troubles that are in the probability plane. To see the world in dark colors, get upset because of the irrelevant and cheating itself in negative experience - the distinctive features of the representatives of this type of temperament.

Note! Melancholic can be found on poor facial expressions, thoughtful mind, lack of gesticulation and a quiet voice. Melancholic prefers privacy and dreams to noisy society and fun.

Melancholic not turn in on themselves, and easy to go on contact, but for the opportunity to express his pessimistic view they can go on the conflict and dispute, walked out to hurt anyone in the world. They like to feel unjustly offended and insulted: there is something to complain about a neighbor.

Among the positive qualities can be noted the organization and the ability to plan their activities. This is due to the desire to feel confidence in the future and a secure future. But any little thing can lead to a state of panic and fear for their lives, and even the fate of the entire country.

Phlegmatic person

Despite the negative assessment of the phlegmatic temperament, these people have a lot of positive qualities. For example, they are always kept in the manifestation of emotions, calm and steadfast. Difficult for them to adapt to changing circumstances and new conditions of life, but the phlegmatic are resistant and without much loss can transfer any difficulties.

Negative qualities phlegmatic awarded because of lethargy and low activity in an unfamiliar environment, natural slowness and lack of initiative. In contrast to the melancholic, they did not panic and patiently endure any hardship.

Note! Phlegmatic unsociable, able to briefly express their thoughts, it is not accompanied by an active facial expressions and gestures.

Among the positive qualities of the phlegmatic may be mentioned non-conflict: these people avoid any stress and are able to smooth out the rough edges. As well as melancholic, bring it started to end and I am interested in the speed of light.

Phlegmatic are not prone to hasty conclusions and adoption of hasty decisions. They need to carefully weigh the "pros and cons" to approve any work or intention. They have a strong nervous system and "thick armor." Phlegmatic very difficult to disrupt and make your enemy.

Note! The main values ​​of phlegmatic believe spiritual: kindness, unselfishness, kindness and tolerance. They always give a helping hand in difficult times.

Despite the introversion of character, they love the company of old friends tested. Phlegmatic cozy in a warm company of like-minded: they can be productive to keep silent about her. However, it is not right to assume that the phlegmatic is indifferent to public insults and attacks. If you work hard, you can enter it into a state of rage. And then not be good for anyone: the phlegmatic person can turn into an elusive avenger, stubbornly pursuing his prey on his heels.

choleric subject

This type of temperament characterizes the perky, active, bold and unrestrained manifestations of human emotions. They always choose the position of the leader, do not tolerate the subordination, instantly make decisions and capture information of the raid. You can not argue with them, they can not advise: cholerics know everything better than others. The dispute is regarded as a personal challenge, and the Council is like an encroachment to the freedom of choice.

Note! Choleric are fidgets, generators of productive ideas and engines of progress. They are distinguished by a loud voice, leadership sacks, live facial expressions and active gestures.

Impulsiveness and fidgets often lead choleric to scandals and conflicts. These are those who defend their point of view with fists, ready to go into battle for the truth. Among them are many psychopaths that reach the hysteria in their unforgettableness. Goodwill and peacefulness is not about choleric.

Negative qualities include and inability to bring started to the end. The choleric quickly loses interest in any case and without regret, it chases work without completion. They can not trust responsible orders.

Another bright fucking trash is a desire to be the first to be the main, most special. This is the rebellion, politicians, crowds. No political action costs without a choleric start. Pusty movements, swiftness, impulsiveness, hype, fast speech and love for the embellishment of truth is a typical choleric. They always attack the first, as they are confident that in this and the protection of their interests is manifested.

Choleric - dangerous enemies. They are obsessed with the idea of ​​destroying their enemies not only morally, but also physically. It is better not to become on the way, so as not to get a sea of ​​trouble. However, cholerics also quickly burn out, as they ignite. Therefore, after a while, their anger is completely passed, and they become safe.


Is it possible to re-educate yourself and smooth the negative features of the congenital temperament? It is impossible to get rid of the influence of congenital traits of the character completely, but to work on the control of emotions is quite achieving the goal. Self-education, clearly set target and the correct environment are capable of a lot to change in man.

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