How to find new friends when it is difficult to do it


Every year you understand that real friends around you are becoming less and less. You lose touch with old friends, many are forgotten. Perhaps what caused a lot of interest in you a few years ago, now it seems empty and unnecessary.

Each of the old friends chose a new way. And whether these friends are real? Why, after some time, people about whom did you think that they will still be in your life for a long time, suddenly evaporate? A person has to change, swear, diverge. Over time, an old familiar is less and less and less often appears in your life.

Live hereby, do not look back and do not ask yourself why it happens. Direct all your positive energy to find interesting dating and related souls.

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There are several ways to help you find a new friend:

  • Visiting places close to you in spirit.
  • The choice of work that brings you joy, or volunteering.
  • Choosing a friend among neighbors.
  • Acquisition of new knowledge.
  • Interests, hobbies, affairs.
  • Pets.
  • Trips.
  • Manifestation of respect for people around you.
  • More often smile and make compliments.

Now consider each of the ways in more detail.

Visiting places close to you in spirit

Do what you like. Do not drive yourself into a certain framework. Visit places that lift your mood and where you feel a surge of inner strength. It can be a library, park, cafe or any other place. There you will definitely meet like-minded people with whom will be comfortable and interesting to communicate.

You can pre-acquainted with the work schedule of the library, sports club or a creative workshop and select the program that is interesting for you.

If you stay at home all the time and wait for someone to you, it will meet and you will get a friendly relationship, then this idea is doomed to failure. You need to act, move, attend exciting events.

Choice of work that brings you joy, or volunteering

If your labor activity brings you joy, you get pleasure from it, then a friend will find much easier at work. Look around, carefully look at colleagues. You may notice a colleague, which is more friendly and open to you than others.

Start a conversation on topics related to your employment, gradually venturing into more personal. Try to tell about themselves as much as possible to prospective new friend to get to know you. You should start a conversation only with those people that you are attractive and interesting. Only in this case, your further communication has bright prospects.

If you have a desire to help people or animals, arrange volunteer. This activity not only bring you pleasure and joy from the fact that you render a noble cause, but also help you to find like-minded people. Volunteers are needed in the following areas:

  • Hospital.
  • Library.
  • A park.
  • Charity organisations.
  • Orphanages.
  • Points to assist the homeless.
  • School.

Select the place where you yourself will feel most comfortable and where you'll have to show all their abilities and skills. Their talents, helping those in need.

Choosing among other neighbors

Often people tend to communicate with those around them. Even if your apartment is located on the same staircase, and you never talked before. Show interest to your neighbor, begin to communicate in unobtrusive themes, invite to a cup of tea. If you start to enjoy a conversation with someone, try to make friends with him.

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Be yourself, take the first step. Buy a cake or pie to cook up yourself and look to visit a neighbor. In most cases, people will be pleasantly surprised and will ask you to keep him company. Already after the first communication you will understand, you want to keep any relationship with this neighbor or you are totally different in spirit.

The acquisition of new knowledge

If you notice that all around you are not real friends left, but to find new acquaintances you have not obtained, engage in self-education. Attend training sessions and master classes on topics that interest you. At such events, you are sure to find a soul mate. With such a man you will be able to continue the dialogue already in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

Be open to new knowledge, read books on psychology, learn new things, to which you previously did not have enough time. If you've always wanted to get a second or even a third generation, now is the time. school atmosphere, knowledge, contribute to the emergence of new acquaintances. The group of students is required to find a person who will be your good friend.

Interests, hobbies, case for the soul

If you are alone, do not dwell on how you would quickly find a friend. Exercise what you like. If you do not have a favorite hobby, it needs to be found. Do not be afraid of change. It's time to leave your warm dull swamp and step into a new interesting life, full of unforgettable dating and bright moments.

Have a good friend easier to find in sports sections, in interest circles. If you meet a person in this place, you will be sure that you have something connected and you have common topics for conversations. Find out what events are held in your area, choose what you like and go there to search for a new friend.


Start a pet, join animal holders club. Communicate, ask questions about care and content. If you decide to make a dog, then everyday walks with your four-legged friend will help you to get acquainted with the holders of the same pets. And you will definitely have common topics for conversations.

You can start exotic animals that match your temperament. Do not be afraid to ask the advice on the maintenance and care of pets in a person in a pet store. Ask, what an animal has. Exchange experience, attend exhibitions and thematic events.


At any convenient case, go on travel. Let even a small fascinating adventure - this is a trip to the forest or park. Do not sit on the spot.

The main thing is to choose a place that you like. Some people all vacation are ready to fly on the beach. For other expeditions in the mountains - the best option of pastime. Or are you ready for a month to walk around the city, studying the sights. And perhaps you are the one who can stand a few hours at one picture in the museum.

All individually. Choose what is close to you, and go to search for a friend. In his journey, you will definitely find a like-minded person, with whom we want to continue communication and after your adventure.

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Manifestation of respect for people around you

Wrap around, start smiling passersby. Do not think about what people may think about you. Show respect for your neighbor. Feel free to come up in the park to the person you like and say hello. The worst thing that may happen is that a person simply does not want to talk to you. You won't lose anything.

The famous phrase "believing to people as I would like to treat you" is relevant at all times. If you dream of finding new friends, but you can not have anything, change your attitude towards people. You always need to start with yourself.

Showing even minor signs of attention, eventually you will notice that others meet you with reciprocity. It is important to remember when you are gloomy and angry, find a new friend to work. To go with a person, you need to communicate with him and show sympathy.

More often smile and make compliments

Each person likes when they tell pleasant words and make compliments. Manage yourself, start first. If you liked a person, you want to talk with him, then go, smile and make a compliment.

It is known that a friendly and radiant smile is an indicator of a happy and cheerful man. Start your day with a smile. Waking up, try not to think about problems and difficulties. Disadvantages at certain intervals are pursued by each person. Smile and imagine that there is still so much good in front.

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Positive mood and the vigor of the Spirit will definitely help you in the search for exactly your person. Smile, because someone will be delighted with your smile and will surely come up to meet.


Make new friends is an interesting and fascinating process. Do not be afraid of change, do not be afraid to seem stupid and ridiculous. If you have a goal - to find a friend, try to achieve it with all my might.

Do not be upset if you do not work the first time. On our mistakes, we learn. Failure is not a reason to stop and lower your hands. Change your attitude towards others for the better, find new and interesting parties in nature. You will definitely work out. Believe in your strength and success, then the desired result will not wait a long time.

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