Serbian male and female names and their meaning


Serbia today is the only country in the world where Russians are sincerely, - here I encountered, deciding to spend your vacation in Belgrade and the surrounding area. Amazing feeling, I tell you! Percent of the country's population is ready to love you immediately and immediately all you forgive you just because you are from Russia.

Indeed, Serbia of Russia is obliged to many and remembers this, despite the terrible events of the 90s. Native Slavic people. That's just names from ours differ markedly. Not everything, of course. There are those who came from Staroslavansky, such as Vladislav. And there are almost the same as we (from the same sides screamed), only with South Slavic reprimand - Mikhailo, for example.

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Tragic and bloody history of Serbia. There is a prediction of a monk who saw the future of a long-suffering Orthodox country: "The day will come, and all the Serbs will gather under one tree." But I do not want to believe in this prediction - I saw these people with such beautiful people. And their language is beautiful, and the names are harmonious.

Male names

Pagan names of the Orthodox People

Yes, a very large part of the Serbic names of the pagan, general Slavonic origin. Because of the natural proximity of our languages, we can easily guess the name of the name, about the meaning of the spell invested in it.

In the time of the pagan child, the main thing was to survive, so they gave the baby: Dabizhiv, Vivan, Live. You just say, survive, nice! It is clear that the root name of Slobodan has some kind of relationship. He is free, and other freedom bears. Radan means "joyful." And who is joyful, he pleases.

Serbian know named names, in whose meaning was certainly a hint of authority: builder, Swellad, power, Vpadin, Ratmir, Radoslav, Highway. Princes are most often so called.

The names with the root of "MIL" are very common, and the variations are many: Milan, Milan (with an emphasis on the first syllable), Milos, Miladin, Milodrag. It is curious that the decreasing name to all the previous one - Milko. And then the rows of the famous Russian song sound somehow in a new way: "Milko Chё, and Milko Chё, yes, fell on the shoulder." Kidding…

Here is another list of Serbian men's names with the meaning of us:

  • Dragan - dear;
  • Dusan - Soul - she and Serbian soul;
  • Vuk is a wolf;
  • Dragoslav - No, it's not expensive. It is gifted;
  • Bratislav - Fighter;
  • Boyan, by the way, also a fighter;
  • Vladislav - owning;
  • Tikhomir is peaceful;
  • Lubomir - Loving Peace;
  • Acts - active, enterprising;
  • Most - Masters, skillful;
  • Goran - a resident of the mountains.

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Christian names

The sacraticles are alone with Serbs and the same, but the names are slightly different - separate sounds. Our Nikolai in Serbian will be Nikola, Alexander in the Serbian version acquired one "superfluous" vowel and sounds like Alexander. There are Christian names that Serbs use much more often than us:
  • Stephen;
  • Lazar;
  • Luke.

Curious hybrid gave the Serbs, crossed Christian names with pagan. It turned out that, for example:

  • Marislav;
  • Nicoslav;
  • Petroslaw.

Russian names in Serbia

Yes, Russian names call children not so rarely. And the wife of the Serbs are Russian - they love our women. So appeared in Serbia Ivan, Sasha, Gori, Boris. And even Vanya! Yes, this is how this is the full name.

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Women's names

Serbian, you have to notice, miracle as good. This is the type of majestic, statutory female beauty: large and correct features of the face, high figure, dignity in the hawth. The names are affectionate and decreasing - to the Russian ear.

So, the women's names of pagan origin are such, for example:

Zhvivan - full of life;

Slavica is glorious;

Gordan - everything is simple, proud;

Militz - cute;

Dragana - dear, of course;

Boyana - brave;

Snezhana - white, snowy;

Vedogen - here let the root confuse you, it is not about the bucket, but about fun. Cheerful!;

Srebryanka - silver, like moonlight. I didn't think about the lunar light, but it seems to me, not in vain. Always female beauty and female fertility tied with the moon.

Russian names are very popular in Serbia. And it is precisely those that most often meet with us:

  • Natalia (Natasha);
  • Tatiana;
  • Olga;
  • Masha;
  • Marina;
  • Irina.

Now Serbia is a member of the European Union, and increasingly girls are called "international" names:

  • Maria;
  • Sofia;
  • Angela;
  • Theodora;
  • Catarina;
  • Yana;
  • Sarah.

By the way, in recent years, the most popular women's names in Serbia are: Maria, Milica, Ana, Sofia, Sarah.

On the name of Milice I want to say separately - it is very Serbian. I think you will not meet him anywhere else. It comes from ancient Greek Melissa, which means "bee", "honey". Apparently, the name is happy, since the Serbs so willingly from year to year call girls Miltsy.

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I, despite all my love for Serbia, my daughter will not be called. You yourself understand why: we had a Soviet militia.

Name Day in Serbia

Serbs belong to the names not as we. Honestly, we also abandoned this custom, switched to celebration of birthdays. Many people do not know when they have a birthday there.

The Serbs turned out like this ...

"Namannan" is the name day in Serbian, but they are not celebrated magnificently. May even forget about them at all. And they celebrate instead of "glory" - the day of the saint patron of the kind, family. The birth has long ago chose his patron. This may be saint Nikolai Millicine, for example. In many families in Serbia, if not half, it is such a patron. In general, this is our Nicholas Wonderworker, Archbishop of the city of the world.

Other families honor Grigory Victorious. Serbs fought a lot, they tried to free themselves from Turkish yoke.

It is curious that after Serbia from the Turkish yoke liberated the Russians, Some Serbian families have a Russian saint Patron Alexander Nevsky.


  • Serbs - Slavs, like us, but their names are noticeably different from ordinary Russians.
  • Most of the Serbian names of pagan origin.
  • Today, girls and boys in Serbia can call Russian names.

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