Flower horoscope: features, characteristics of signs


Not everyone knows, but besides traditional - zodiac and eastern (Chinese) there are still a lot of different horoscopes: Slavic horoscope for years and by date of birth, Japanese horoscope, flower horoscope. At the last, I want to stay in more detail in this article.

Flower horoscope: the history of appearance

In the distant times of the ancient Celts, our wisers were invented an unusual horoscope of flowers. Out of its foundation took the calendar of Druids with a division of 36 periods. It was believed that each of the periods patronically a certain flowering plant. It also gives people born during this period, their characteristic qualities.

Flower horoscope by date of birth

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It turns out that, having familiarized with the flower horoscope, it is realistic to find out what kind of person in life, to derive his dignity and shortcomings, plus to get a warning about the dangers threatening him. It will take only the date of your appearance.

Find out what a flower you

Gulch taper (January 1-10)

Very noticeable personal identities in any society. Although the introvert proves are encountered. Representatives of the yellow flower are altruists, have a developed mind (though, inclined to complicate everything), monochrome, faithful, punctual and strict.

Thistle (January 11-20)

Thistle people are incredibly modest, quickly get tired of foreign attention, do not express what they think are not at all initiative in life. But they are distinguished by attentiveness, good heart, responsiveness, friendliness, honesty. Often leave the started unfinished.

Immimentant! (January 21-31)

Sign personalities have a special charm, charming, accuracy, tactfulness, attractive appearance, they always follow them. It seems impregnable and cold, whereas in fact are simple and open, degenerate leaders.

Mistletoe (February 1-10)

The mistletoe is filled with charisma and charm, but, alas, it often uses a personal charm with mercenary motifs without thinking about others. Often manifests egoism, concentrates only on his person. He performs a professional in the selected area of ​​activity.

Shooting (February 11-20)

A complex and controversial person, with difficulty lying with others. The beautification is always shrouded in the atmosphere of mysticism and mysteriousness. It is a workaholic, performs its work qualitatively. But does not like to surrender to the maximum that prevents achieving success.

Mimosa (February 21-28)

Very strongly perceives the external stimuli, performs excellent empath. Still mimozone distinguishes developed intellectual abilities, a large inner force. Need care and understanding.

Mac (March 1-10)

About such people they say that they are not clear what to expect. They are very extraordinary, confusing, mysterious: they have one on the mind, but in fact completely different. Proposed to frequent moves and changes in living conditions. Thanks to its charisma and charm, it is easy to get along with others.

Mac - a mystery man

Lily (March 11-20)

He is too confident, he likes to talk, very daring. Such personalities are distinguished by arrogance, egoism, and all due to the fact that they perfectly understand what they need in life, and are not inferior to anyone. There may be some hypocrisy, although they can be charming, perform excellent interlocutors.

Firmware (March 21-31)

People of this flower sign are typical scientists who are inherent rational thinking, curiosity, purposefulness, love for work and incredible perseverance. May become leaders leading the large masses of people.

Magnolia (April 1-10)

Magnolias vitally need to cause admiration for others. They strive to be the first to achieve professional success. They are easy to conquer flattery and compliments. Privacy for them is like death. But they are also very hardy, love to work.

Hydrangea (April 11-20)

You may seem like a hydrangea person - a bright extrovert, although it is not true. Such an individual characterizes increased sensitivity, vulnerability, he likes loneliness, although he is a good interlocutor. The Society of Gossings will keep beings and seeks to keep his soul on the castle.

Georgine (April 21-30)

Representatives of the specified sign are very unpredictable: their mood is changing a million times per day. Therefore, many think that they are not all right with the psyche. Despite this, Georgine is an intelligent plant that can argue beautifully, and even modest.

Lily of Lily (May 1-10)

Clean, naive and transparent, always believing in miracles. And also - sincere and direct like a child. The valley in nature is modest, they do not need much attention to themselves, they are new, but without noise and bustle. And just love to fantasize! Usually implemented in creativity.

Portulak (May 11-20)

Harmful and capricious flower. People belonging to it are also very complex, selfish, do not understand the words "no". Can turn into tyrants. At the same time, the life of Portulak is an amazing adventure, because he knows a lot about entertainment. It is an ideal worker who makes everything perfectly.

Chamomile (21-31 May)

A gentle plant is distinguished by kindness and mercy. People-chamomile will never hurt anyone specifically, know how to show sympathy, as well as keep other people's secrets. More from nature they are scrupulous, tactful, tolerate can not be boring and monotonous labor, preferring a variety.

Chamomile - Good Flower

Bell (June 1-10)

Always steadily standing on the legs. People of this plant are calm and stable, strongly tied to their homeland, native, are extinguished by long trips. In the first place they have family values. Adore something to make something, create a comfort atmosphere at home.

Margarita (June 11-21)

Margaritals highlight their modesty and friendliness. They do not like an excess of attention to themselves, although indifference will not allow themselves, have many friends. Not aggressive, very soft and tactful, know how to achieve goals set in front of them.

Tulip (June 22 - July 1)

The flower gives people born in this period, huge lovingness, it is not difficult for them to make new acquaintances. Also, they are characterized by personal charisma, charm, helping them to be popular with the opposite sex. Tulips are very cheerful, cheerful, adore risk and adventure.

Waterwear (July 2-12)

It has an incredible adaptation ability. Very rare something really surprised. The waterway is a flexible person who is easy to find an approach is almost to everyone. It is distinguished by self-sufficiency responsibility, enjoys success at the bosses.

Violet (July 13-23)

The plant is inherent in modesty, unobtrusion. His representative can wait long to wait "the star hour", be satisfied with the experience gained from life and improving himself. The violet is honest, friendly, does not tolerate gossip, intrigue and backstage actions.

Rosehip (July 24 - August 2)

At first glance, it creates the impression of stubborn and insensitive, which is far from the truth. In fact, Rosehip is a born altruist, adoring his loved ones. It has a rapid temperament, but knows how to cope with emotions, chooses a peaceful solution to problems.

Sunflower (August 3-12)

Almost legendary personality, unusually stubborn and targeted. In achieving goals, no obstacles will break it on the way. Sunflowers are completely not capricious, can make a lot if you need. Have a powerful energy, often take on the role of energy donors.

Rose (August 13-23)

It has truly royal self-esteem, leader's deposits, wants others to submit to her. Rose is very popular with representatives of the opposite sex without much effort from its part. It is difficult to arrange a personal life, since it is not worthy of her partner.

Rose - Queen of Flowers

Dolphinium (August 24 - September 2)

Deserved the title of Pedant, as an incredibly demanding, loves order, will not tolerate a slope, pays great attention to the appearance. Such personalities are very necessary recognition from the side, they are too distinct, gossip and mockery scare them.

Carnation (September 3-11)

Equity, possessing innate loyalty, honesty, self-confidence, as well as benevolence, excellent sense of humor. Carnation is a conservative, not a new one. It becomes a wonderful parent who gives himself a baby.

Astra (September 12-22)

From such personalities the inner glow is coming, so much lovely, charismatic and charming. They are simply impossible not to notice in the crowd due to excellent health and impressive energy potential. Also asters are deep and versatile by developed personalities.

Heather (September 23 - October 3)

Very secretive person who is difficult to solve. Carefully controls its emotions, thinking over the following steps. He loves to look stylish and effectively, getting pleasure from compliments. Man-heather - erudite, observant, loving everything new, brave, has a talent of the head.

Camellia (October 4-13)

Often create the image of weak, insecure, compacted and squeezed, although in reality have a greater courage, adventures like. Just Camellia like loneliness than a noisy company. And she is incredibly secretive, it is unlikely to reveal all its secrets.

Lilac (October 14-23)

Lilac is an ideal friend and reliable business companion. People attributable to this plant are characterized by friendliness, curiosity, huge enthusiasm. A little infantilla, but show maximum perseverance and purposefulness when needed. With age, there are greater coldness and despotism.

Freesia (October 24 - November 2)

She is not frightened by defeat, because she does not occupy persistence - if necessary, he will go on heads to realize their desires. It may be a clever manipulator using this talent in the work. Married come late, however, almost always have a happy personal life.

Orchid (November 3-12)

Often has a gift of clairvoyance. Orchid acts as a superstitious mystic and fatalist. In life, believes that "everything is predetermined in advance," does not try to change fate. He is strongly tied to the family, the older generation, has a good relationship with parents.

Orchid - Suvervant Flower

Peony (November 13-22)

Peony is characterized as a strong and active person with strong health and powerful vital energy. It is distinguished by tremendous endurance, not used to complain about problems, as it is easy to cope with them. Often successfully implemented in sports. It has versatile hobbies.

Gladiolus (November 23 - December 2)

Knowing typical people-gladiolus, you can confidently paint them with "pets of fate." They usually achieve the greatest success among all other signs of the flower horoscope by date of birth. But in this it helps stubborn labor and their own efforts, as well as the adoption of their mistakes.

Dandelion (December 3-12)

Cheerful flower hates winter cold and autumnal sludge. But what really likes him and inspires - it is the sea element. By nature is a sociable, protected extrovert, he likes his opinion more than public. In work - incredibly responsible.

Lotos (December 13-22)

Lotuss have pure thoughts, sincere and noble themselves. Characterized by endurance, internal force and energetic, always choose justice. Finance is good to it - as a rule, it has a steady financial situation. Not inclined to egoism, is distinguished by great kindness.

Edelweiss (December 23-31)

Freedom-loving, impulsive, inconsistent person, not enduring routines, boredom and ordinaryness. Edelweiss man is a generous, generous, in connection with which there is often many friends. Perceives the future with optimism, knows how to support others.

So there was a horoscope colors by date of birth. And in conclusion, I want to offer viewing themed video:

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