Invalid wife: the main causes and signs of treason


Women often accuse men in polygamy and argue that most of them change their second halves. But if you deepen in this question, it will become clear that the representatives of the fine floor are also prone to Adultra. According to statistics, approximately 35-40% of married ladies had sexual contact "on the side". I stumbled upon this information, I thought about the loyalty of my wife, especially since recently its behavior has changed somewhat. In this article I will tell you how to understand that the wife changes, and why women go to it.

wife is cheating

Why do women change?

It is impossible to justify matrimonial treason. Such a step is regarded as a betrayal, because, agreeing to the marriage, the couple gives each other an oath of loyalty and eternal love. But nevertheless, it is still possible to explain such an act. If men modify mainly due to the lack of sex with his wife or because of the desire to diversify intimate life, then women can have several other motives.

  1. Dissatisfaction. If a woman is not satisfied with intimate relationships with her husband, then there can be no speech about divorce about divorce, it is likely to find a way to enjoy "on the side".
  2. Emotional burnout. It is important for a woman to feel and see the love of her husband, but life gradually kills love. The reverent attitude disappears, the compliments are still pronounced, and kisses and arms have sunk in the fly. But if someone else starts to give the girl signs of attention and show their feelings, sooner or later she will answer reciprocity, for her heart craves romance.
  3. Revenge. Having learned about the treason of her husband, some women decide to forgive him, but at the same time get rid of serious thoughts they are not under power. Negative gradually coping in their soul and eventually poured into revenge. Such actions are often demonstrative in nature, so they either themselves report their faithful about the ADULTER, or adjust the situation in such a way that they "caught".
  4. Thirst for entertainment. It is believed that this is a male prerogative, but in fact the women sometimes are also not averse to praise. For some representatives of the wonderful gender, treason turns into a kind of game, to stop which they simply are not able to stop.
    Why wife cheating
  5. Harvesting the missed. Girls who walked early, or their chosen one was the first and only man in sexual terms, are solved on an adulter of interest. Once, they are visited by the idea that life passes by while they are busy with homemade hassle, and others at this time have the opportunity to have fun, and with different guys. In addition, a woman can push the desire to learn, and what it's like to be with a different guy in bed.
  6. Self-affirmation. Girls are important to know that it is attractive and welcome, and if they do not hear confirmation from her husband, they will begin to look around. But it should be noted that before Intim gets rare, most often they are limited to flirt.
  7. Accident. Spontaneous sex most often happens at a party or in the club, with a completely unfamiliar guy. New acquaintance, cheerful communication, incendiary dances and alcohol make their job. Treason that occurred in a similar situation, women are often perceived as chance and special remorse of conscience in a minute weakness are usually not experienced.

The listed causes of female change are the most common. The list can be supplemented by several more points, but rather will be based on the individual characteristics of the character, their and temperament of separately taken representatives of weak gender.

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Causes of female treason

Signs of infidelity spouse

To find out if the wife changes, do not need to hire a detective and arrange a surveillance, everything is much easier. Just just carefully look at the spouse. Its infidelity may indicate changes in the character, appearance, behavior, communication, etc. Often, the men "wear" the horns for many years, absolutely unaware of this, and is all the case in banal inattention or naivety. But, no matter how a woman tried to hide the fact of treason from her husband, sooner or later he learns about everything.

If the lady has a relationship "on the side", then it will make a maximum effort to hide them not only from her husband, but also close people. As the relationship in behavior, the nature and appearance of the girl will certainly begin to occur various changes that should become an alarm signal for a man. But it's not worth a hurry to make the accusations of the spouse, because they can be completely groundless. But, knowing the main signs of women's treason, you can avoid misunderstandings, confirming or refuting your suspicions.

  1. Excessive employment. Permanent delays at work, later return from guests, the sudden appearance of urgent affairs, frequently abdes from the house under various pretexts, weekly business trips. Such behavior should especially be alarmed by a man if the wife was previously an avid house.
  2. External transformation. With the advent of a lover, a woman will begin to carefully follow his appearance to maintain his interest. She will do sports, sit down on a diet, will change her hair, it will become more likely to make makeup and manicure.
  3. The emergence of new things. Dear dresses, decorations, cosmetics, clock and other new clothes will certainly cause a lot of questions from the spouse. Often, the changers answer that one or another thing allegedly gave a mother or gave to use a girlfriend. But if she had never previously been observed, then, most likely, the gifts were bought by a lover.
    Sophisticated infidelity
  4. Suspicious calls and SMS. If the wife periodically goes calls, and most often in the evening, and she goes to talk to another room or drops them, then this is a clear sign that she hides something. Noticing such behavior, it is not necessary to organize interrogation, instead it is better to check the phone's spouse phone, but it is necessary to do it very carefully and imperceptibly.
  5. Changes in intimate relationships. With the advent of the girl's lover, as a rule, they start increasingly to refuse their husbands in Intyma. And in those rare cases when they still agree to sex, they behave passively, without emotionally and even irritable. It should be noted that in some cases the opposite situation may be observed, i.e. The wife suddenly becomes more active and initiative in bed. As a rule, this is due to remorse for the boldness of the beloved.
  6. Changes in behavior. With the advent of the novel, the woman begins to pay less attention to the spouse and more forth on himself and its needs. Kisses, hugs, conversations and joint pastimes are gradually disappeared from the relationship. Communication becomes formal, sometimes the rudeness and aggression is manifested. Sometimes girls, on the contrary, become more helpful and affectionate, which is usually explained by the desire to silence their guilt for treason. But if the behavior of the believer is traced in the behavior and demonstration, then, most likely, so she tries to "clutch" her eyes with her husband.
  7. Frequent quarrels. To enter into sexual relations with a man, a woman should have an emotional binding to it. Consequently, the romance is, she begins to experience strong feelings for her lover, while indifference arises to her husband, which over time develops into hostility. Any words and actions of a legitimate spouse will annoy a woman. Permanent reproaches and criticism will cause daily disputes and scandals.

If most of the listed items correspond to the behavior of the wife, then with a lot of probability, it can be argued that it changes. To finally verify this, it is recommended to inspect her personal items, but you need to do it with a secret, for example, when it is in the bathroom or sleeps. Confirming facts can be condoms in a handbag, the smell of a male perfume on clothes, used tickets from the cinema and other unusual finds.

Short outcome

  • Approximately 35-40% of women change their husbands, and half of them do not even know about it.
  • Most often, the betrayal of his wife is explained by sexual dissatisfaction or lack of attention from the spouse.
  • The infidelity of the wife indicate changes in its behavior, character and appearance.

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