How to tie to yourself a man forever


Surely every woman dreams that a loved man never lost feelings for her. Unfortunately, a man in nature is polygamen, and therefore they are not always faithful. I studied information on how to bind a man for a long month. There is a lot of ways to make your chosen one's interest and feelings did not go to you.

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Basics of psychology

Psychologists suggest that there are 5 rules that will help a woman to tie a man forever. The most important thing is that the man felt next to his wife truly comfortable. A woman just should try to live in a positive key and not to take her anger on a partner. The girl should be secretive, not to share everything, in this her mystery, while it should be versatile. Do not forget about the appearance, do not forget to change, make hairstyles and styling.

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Men attracts not only appearance, good mental abilities are no less than them. Certain psychological techniques will help a woman to make a solid foundation for permanent hobbies of a man with their chosen. If you adhere to these methods, then sure the guy will be conquered by you forever.

Methods that act

The list of such methods will help solve the problems that are. In addition, the regular compliance will help to inhibit a man to themselves for many years:

  1. Try more often to disappear from the field of view of the chosen one. Such a method without consequences will help constantly stay for a man interesting and unpredictable.
  2. A man must constantly feel in his side not only love, but also confidence. Do not constantly control it and show distrust.
  3. Guys love when they have a personal space. You can leave it for some time without calls or annoying SMS.
  4. Try sometimes trying on the male wardrobe, put on his T-shirt or sweater. Men like women who change their image.
  5. The main trumps of women remains attention to the male person and the ability to listen to his sincere conversations. In exchange for such a ratio of the spouse, I will probably give you warmth and love.
  6. Avoid hysterical, especially if there were no reason for them.
  7. Try to stay for a man inspiration and justify his actions as much as possible, even if they are stupid.

Women's tricks

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A woman should always remain a great mistress, delicious dishes will not be able to leave the male floor indifferent. Not in last place is intimate intimate, because sex for men is very important. If physical proximity is not regular, it will sooner or later lead to the fact that your lover will have a mistress.

Any partner wants his sexual relations to be regular. This method is especially working with Sagittarius. The inner world of this sign is arranged so that without passion, he simply cannot exist. Family life flashes with new paints if it makes novelty and experiments.

Myths and binding men

There are quite a few ways to help bring a man to themselves, but many of them are too sublore or stupid. And such a cunning is often returning to a woman Boomerang.

Love through bed

With the help of sex, to fall in love with the chosen one is trying quite a few representatives of the fine sex. Thus, especially vile women even lead to other people's husbands from the family. Usually intimate life with his wife already ceases to be bright, but here is a novelty and new sensations. If in this way you want to bind a man, then you should familiarize yourself with some advice:

  • Do not try to have sex to lead someone else's husband, if he went to you because of this, then in everyday life he will again want new sensations;
  • If sex caused love to love, she should always fit and allow experiments in sex, which will always warm up a love relationship;
  • You should not talk about pain in my head and especially about punishment in the form of deprivation of sex, if he loves him greatly, it will find a trouble-free partner without headaches.

Drive under the heel

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Imagine that everything went well, you tied a man with sex, a magic spell, my business or something else and as the last shot prepared my heel, under which they decided to drive a poor man. What can expect you later:

  • One hundred percent parting, because little man will endure the female oppression on his shoulders;
  • You yourself will lose respect for your spouse, because what a man he is, if he does everything from a half-tissue and semi-sucking;
  • A man can go to the left to relax from orders, hysterics and other negative, who is waiting for him daily.

Every woman should be understood that the best way to bind a man to him forever. Eternal is friendship. Trust and respect is valued by men much more than good sex, delicious borsch and manipulation by hysterics. Friendship should be born from the first days, it is impossible to first spoil the relationship with scandals, and then wanted to become a friend for her husband. From this exactly nothing will come.

In custody

  • It does not matter how much a man loves you, sometimes they can bother family life, life and monotony of intimate life;
  • To bind a man forever, you need to try to abide by the basic rules of family life, which will fall to your husband to taste;
  • Do not forget about yourself, love for your own person sometimes much more helps to love you surrounding you.

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