Erickson hypnosis: what it is, techniques and technology


Everyone had to hear about hypnosis, especially those who remember not fluttered into the nineties from the screens of Kashpirovsky, Chumak. In the consciousness of many people, the technique is associated with the impact on the psyche, the purpose of which is to subordinate the will of the hypnotist.

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I can not say that he felt someone's hypnotic impact on himself, although he could not notice this. The article describes a relatively new direction - Erickson hypnosis. Its effectiveness is based on the construction of linguistic techniques.


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Erickson hypnosis was called by the name of Milton Erikson. The psychiatrist was engaged in the study of the changed states of consciousness, created by him the method began to be used as a base for hypnosis and neurolynguistic programming.

Erickson founded a clinical hypnosis in the USA. The prehistory of the occurrence of this area served as a poliomyelitis experienced in adolescence. Young Erickson turned out to be a random witness how the doctor expressed doubts about the survival of the young man after the disease.

It caused a strong splash of resistance, he felt the will of his life, felt the life-affirming potential laid by nature. Milton not only defeated a difficult ailment, but also, being in a wheelchair, became an active member of society. The young man chose a psychiatrist profession, created a hypnosis method based on the positive properties of the unconscious. As a result, he not only improved his life, but also developed an effective method of helping others.

Eriksonian hypnosis - what is it

The essence of hypnosis is based on associative thinking. A person unconsciously connects an image with certain objects, which reflects its complexes, hidden desires, depressed emotions.

The word "apple" in different people causes a different associative series. One fruit is associated with a diet, skirt, husband, in the consciousness of the other there are such concepts as carelessness, children's age, garden, warmth. In the first case, suspected problems in relations, the association of the second patient indicate fatigue, the desire to relax.

In the process of its professional activities, M. Erickson came to the conclusion that you can go in the opposite direction. Properly chosen words will help to circumvent protection and conduct psychological correction.

The main feature of the Erickson hypnosis is in a figurative, bright, poetic language. The selection of phrases is carried out in such a way that they also have an additional value. Created images should affect the subconscious. According to Erikson himself, hypnosis is nothing but the transmission of images.

Scope of application

The hypnife movement is aimed at mobilizing the internal resources of the body. Erickson hypnosis allows you to deal with problems in professional and personal life, gain success, achieve the most seeming unrealistic goals. Patients after passing therapy feel more free and creative. The use of the method will noticeably simplifies the work of the psychotherapist, the preparation of the desired effect is accelerated.

The scope of application of Erickson hypnosis:

  • neurosis, depressive states, psychosomatic violations;
  • alcohol, narcotic dependence;
  • personal growth;
  • improving relationships between parents and children, partners;
  • Getting rid of phobias, consequences of psychotrams;
  • treatment of co-dependent relationships;
  • Activation of creative potential;
  • Negotiation, business.

Major techniques

The main feature of this method lies in the absence of the leading role of the psychotherapist. The patient is not immersed in sleep, retains consciousness and self-control. It is in a light trance state that occurs when watching a movie or listening to music. The doctor's installations do not wear directly, they easily penetrate consciousness. If they go into incision with the value settings of a person, he rejects them sharply.


Attachment is considered the base to establish contact with a person. The purpose of the method is to create an atmosphere of trust between the psychotherapist and man.

Accession levels:

  • physical (copying posture, cutting, repeat movement);
  • breathing (adjustment under the rhythm of inhalation, exhalation);
  • voice (copy tempo, timbre, volume, intonation);
  • The use of visual, audible, kinesthetic predicatives (clear, loud, sensation, etc.).

The highest point is to join at the level of valuables.

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As part of the method, copying the emotional state of the patient is provided. The goal is to switch the person to a more resource position. When connected to the aggression that is in a state of aggression, the emotional heat should not be so strong. After reaching the adjoint, it is important to start behaving calmly, the patient will repeat this by the doctor and calm himself.


It is multiple to increase the effectiveness of the psychotechnics will help the introduction of a patient into a trance state.

Techniques to reduce patient resistance:

  1. The method of three "Yes" - a psychiatrist utters three statements with which the patient agrees. This allows you to turn off resistance, increases with hypoprusion.
  2. Spoken - the doctor quickly and says a lot, jumping from one topic to another, the patient's attention is held by special issues (right, you understand me). Exhausted with a large number of information, the patient becomes more supplied to the suggestion.
  3. Triple Spiral - within the framework of this technique, a psychiatrist tells three non-interconnected stories. The latter is directly suggested. The first story from the site breakdown is needed in the final.


One of the main methods of hypnosis is verbal suggestion. This category includes procedures, assumption method, a false choice technique. Trucism is a well-known fact that is perceived by the listener as something of granted.


  • You can feel your own breath - introduction to trance;
  • Each person may change - installation on self-development;
  • Only their own experience can teach - installation for training.

The method of assumption involves the use of speech designs defined on approvals. One event should follow a certain phenomenon. The doctor says that he takes up to 10 and the patient will calm down. The method of false choice involves the provision of several options to the patient, which will lead to one goal.


The main advantage of this direction is the most careful attitude towards the patient's personality. Psychotherapist always leaves him a choice, he can, how to take, not accept therapy. The essence of hypnosis is a complete concentration of a person on his own person, desires.

The hypnologist only sends a person with the help of complex associations, which affect consciousness and subconscious. The doctor gently inspires the patient to overcome obstacles imposed in the man's head. Therapy should reveal to a person with a latitude of choice and opportunities. As a result, the patient acquires confidence in his positive experience, begins to believe in its capabilities, abilities. Such a mood contributes to the intensification of life potential.

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Everyone can do self-hypanosis, the technique is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to focus on the viewing of your favorite image. It may have a landscape, natural landscapes, they must be of interest or pacify. Photo erotic content is not recommended.

The picture should be like that I wanted to consider it in detail, details. Throughout the session, the patient must comfortably sit down, sit in the chair. An important role is also played by time, it should be enough for everything, the hurry is not allowed. The best time is suitable for this purpose before bedtime.

Over time, the skill of exit from the trance state at the request of the patient will work out. The first few sessions often gradually flow into sleep. First it is important to leave enough time for a session. The patient should take a comfortable position and arrange a picture.

The image can be kept in hand or in the foreseeable space on the table. After that, you should study a picture in detail, complementing the items at your own desire, highlighting the details, getting rid of extra. Gradually, the image will be replaced by the images. The patient should manifest themselves in a pleasant way, while it is important to enjoy the journey.


  1. Erickson hypnosis is one of the soft directions of suggestion, which allows to reveal the inner potential of a person.
  2. Its essence lies in an indirect suggestion, creating positive attitudes, as a result, the patient must realize its own strength, learn to overcome obstacles.
  3. Therapy is appointed with psychotrams, neurosis, the need to establish relations, for personal growth.

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