How to call an Egyptian cat acting


Today in the ranks of people interested in mysticism, the question of how to call the Egyptian cat, worries many. A wonderful beast from a long time conquered the souls of people. It is believed that cats are inhabitants of the two worlds. They can see and communicate not only with a person, but also with other spirits.

If you manage to like the magic animal, you can, with the help of it, you can embody your dreams in reality. It is for this purpose that there are a lot of those who want to call and chat with the Egyptian cat to get his patronage. How it happens, we will find out below. The main thing is to arma not only the necessary objects and knowledge, but also by patience.

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Magic rite to call a cat desire

Knowing all the stages of the magic ritual on the call of the cat is not enough to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to believe in this witchcraft being, in its power. In addition to serious perception, a respectful attitude is required from the sidier to desire. It is necessary to know that this entity prefers, as behaving when meeting, how to scold it and arrange to his person.

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Preparation for ritual

If you believe legends, the Egyptian cat is a lover tightly and tasty to eat. Everything that attracts the usual homemade cat is not alien to him, a kudesnik from ancient Egypt. You can stock up sweet sour cream, fish, some meat to cover a kind of table for him.

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All nice decompose carefully next to the chair. There should be no scattering things, sloppyly refilled sofas and beds. Otherwise, the called cat will not appear. Prior to the beginning of the rite, it is necessary to conduct a serious cleaning. There should be no dust, no crumbs, no dirt, and, of course, there are no strangers unpleasant for cats odors. If this is not done, you can not wait for your guest. Dust cat does not like. Some bind it with sand, which surrounds many pyramids.

For a more successful implementation of the magical event, it is worth curling up and see what these tomb of the ancient rulers were in their form. Without such knowledge, even if superficial, call the Egyptian cat will be problematic.

Cat round rite, acting

What will required for such an interesting action? Just a few items:

  • pure paper (1 sheet);
  • pen or pencil for writing;
  • chair;
  • A treat.

If it was decided to hold a ritual to execute the desires of the Egyptian cat for all the rules, then it is necessary to wait for deep nights (after 1:00). A cooked sheet is taken. On the one hand, desires are temporarily recorded, there must be exactly 7, and the pyramid drawing is made on the other. Even if you are not a great artist, you need to try to draw the tomb recognizable, and not just a triangle. For this, pre-consider illustrations.

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So, after the sheet is filled on both sides, it is put on the chair, which is installed in the center of the room. Clearly and without knocking is pronounced: "Cat Egyptian, appear!" Immediately at the same time the room leaves. The entrance door closes as it should. 5-10 minutes later, it is necessary to return.

Cat signs and traces

Returning if everything was fulfilled right, see the cat sitting on the stool. Packages may not be at all or some parts of them. This means that the creature took offering. Such an event is a good sign.

Now we need to pay attention to the behavior of the magic animal.

  • If washed, everything will be fulfilled.
  • If waving the tail, hits them on the sides and in a chair, the list of desires was written in vain.

This means that in the latter case, according to the magical guest-Egyptian, the realization of the conceived can bring harm to a person. In no way can you play with him. It is also prohibited to drive it. The cat disappears into that moment when he sees that his signals are accepted and understood. Therefore, I just just call him, you need to guess what he wants to tell.

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How to cause cat in the daytime

There is no desire and the opportunity to engage in rituals under the moon, at night. You can do this in the afternoon when there are reasons. In this case, the ritual is somewhat different from the above. All the same is preparing: leaf, handle. Then the cherished list is written and the pyramid is drawn on the other side.

The paper turns into the tube and is taken with her left hand. The right should keep a delicacy for a cat. It is necessary, taking care of its dwelling, call on the wizard the same words. This is done with a loud voice. Daytime for a sorcerer Cat is not the most favorite, so he tries to hide and not fall on his eyes.

A sign that the call responded and came, there will be unexpected sounds of falling any objects or their movement. As soon as it is detected, it should be instantly put a cherished sheet to the sound source. After it should follow the rapid removal from the room.

Stopping time. After 5 minutes it is necessary to return. How to understand that the Egyptian cat turned his attention to the request? Just look at the scroll. If the letter has turned around, it means that the guest favorably reacted to the friend. If the tube remained lying on the spot without changes, the sorcerer is not accepted.


To fulfill their desires, people often resort to the call of the Egyptian cat, making certain actions. It is important to understand the following:

  • The ritual is carried out with complete confidence that the Wizard-Cat really exists;
  • You can make magic actions at night and day, but preferably still at night;
  • Pre-prepare the necessary items;
  • The circle of desires is determined;
  • An animal can not be disturbed and disturbed on trifles.

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