Venus in Capricorn in man and women


Venus in Capricorn in a man - a sign that he is almost the perfect husband and father. In a woman: that she is a purposeful nature, for which the career is above all. Read the article to better figure out the features of this version of the horoscope.

In a man

Such a man looks almost an angel, so the female hunt does not stop. He seriously refers to love and to relationships, without expanding on frivolous novels. Always carries beautifully and persistently seeks the girl who managed to touch his heart.

Venus in Capricorn in a woman

What is characteristic of a man with a Venus in Capricorn:

  1. His courtship can be quite clumsy and without a special fantasy, but let it be confused. He really tries, although it does not know how to show tenderness and romantic feelings as they write in love novels.
  2. But he is in perspective a good husband: reliable, faithful, caring. Will not give flowers daily and admitted to love. But it will take care that his family members are provided with everything necessary and lived behind his stone back.
  3. This is a man-mononomy. If he chose the second half, then, most likely, will live with her a long and happy life to old age. If his chosen will leave the world before him, can literally lose the meaning of life.
  4. It gets used to people for a very long time. Any collapse of relationships perceives as a personal tragedy, after which he can be disappointed for a long time in women in principle. And banal parting, and such a tragedy, like widowing, is experiencing equally hard.
  5. He truly loves and respects women, so they stretch to them. He has many girlfriends among the representatives of the fine sex. And his chosen is becoming not just the only love, but also a huge motivation, a guide in life.
  6. It is important for him that the woman shares his worldview and views. In a pair with such a person, partners should have the same goals, aspirations and attitudes to life. Then it will be a union based not only on the fleeting passion, but also on true spiritual friendship, trust and understanding.
  7. Often chooses a woman older than herself, already with life experience and wisdom, which does not get young girls. It may well start a novel with the boss that comes well and grow it in a quarry to meet the status of the chosen.
  8. Appreciates in a partner, first of all, maturity, wisdom, self-confidence. It is important for him to feel that next to him is a reliable person, faithful, who will not deceive, will not betray and does not exchange to a more profitable party.
  9. It makes high demands, seeks to constantly develop and improve. The same is waiting for from the second half. Their union can be not just a family, but also a creative or business tandem, certainly successful.

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Venus in Capricorn in a man

Astrologer Council: such a man should be made clear goals for all areas of life. Do not wait for the result here and now, but consistently move towards a dream, making at least small steps, but regularly.

In woman

Such a woman can be seriously fascinated by a quarry. She seeks to realize in the chosen profession, achieve success and material well-being. It sometimes drives her trap: she takes over more responsibilities than physically able to perform. As a result, overwork and nervous breakdowns.

Venus in Capricorn

Therefore, the main task of such a woman is to set goals and achieve them, but not to pick up a huge burden of responsibility, which it is not able to bear.

The features of such a female horoscope are as follows:

  1. She should redirect part of the energy from work in a personal life. Then life balance will come to normal. Otherwise, it can stay alone for a very long time, giving all his attention only career and financial goals.
  2. It is also necessary to temper perfectionism. And the time spent, for example, to the general cleaning of the apartment, devote to your man. Clean, as in the operating room, does not bring happiness, but positive emotions are quite.
  3. Its partner often lacks warmth and care, because such a woman considers the manifestation of feelings something more superfluous. It is too practical and rational. She should work more on his female qualities: to develop softness, federation, learn to relax, share love with others and carry light into the world.
  4. Relax to her can be especially difficult. She got used to the fact that her life is an infinite achievement of goals, a race for material benefits and career. Such a tempo can undermine its health, both physical and mental. Therefore, you need to loosel a rigid time management system a little and give the time of rest.
  5. This woman knows how to feed himself. It always looks stylish and with age it only paints, as if good wine. It often looks younger than his years.
  6. Serious relationships can also begin late, already confusing experience and wisdom, becoming a mature and conscious person. The family starts, as a rule, after it will understand that the career does not bring her of that happiness, which she always dreamed about.
  7. It can become a potential victim of alphony, so she needs to be carefully and with the mind approaching the selection of a partner.

Astrologa Council: To ensure that rest does not have a clear schedule, it can also be planned. For example, on Sundays three hours only to give yourself, beloved, disabling the working phones and the Internet.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Girls with Venus in Capricorn should learn to relax and stop putting a career in the center of everything. If they at least a little bit will not weaken the grip, can stay alone or become a victim of Alphonse.
  • The man in the same indicator in the Natal Map - Odnolyub. Highness is long and hard looking for the second half, and when it will find - it does not part with it to the end. Parting perceives as a real tragedy, because it is very tied to the lover.

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