How to establish relations with your wife, husband, a guy and a girl


From time to time, each family faces certain difficulties that act as an integral part of our lives. If they are temporary, then they do not give us significant inconvenience. When the guy with a girl or spouses begin to quarrel too often, something is wrong happened. How to establish relations with my wife and husband, and in general, in a pair - that's what we will talk in this article.

how to improve family relationship

Causes of conflicts between the floors

Now we are often communicated to hear that real men "translated". And women from lovely and fragile creatures turn into an "iron" business ladies interested more in creating their careers than in the family. "Weak" floor shows more independence, and "strong" - seeks to avoid responsibility.

What is the root of this problem? Why everything happens so, and not the opposite? After all, by nature, a man should be courageous, take responsibility for his wife and children, bring finances to the house. A special sex for its part should be a soft, tender energy of love to envelop their faithful, inspiring him to new feats.

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In our world, in recent times everything turned upside down. AND Men with ladies are often changing roles. But it is precisely this one of the main causes of problems in relationships Lucky No matter how cool, but they will not trample against nature. And if in a woman initially laid the role of the keeper of a homely hearth, and in a man - a miner, then it should be.

What happens when the partners change roles? Instead of soft, kind and smooth energy, it begins to produce a sharp, energetic, aggressive male, it works a lot and takes responsibility for yourself (for reference - responsibility is absolutely male character quality. The man she adds inner strength, and on women acts destructively).

What then does it do its MCH? He, on the contrary, becomes more passive, spends more time, lying on the sofa, or for drinking beer with his friends. And ceases to take responsibility.

Is it possible to talk about happiness in such a union? Will people satisfied with life when they perform atypical functions for themselves? Unlikely. Their consciously or unconsciously will be glowed by a sense of inner dissatisfaction, which sooner or later comes out. As a result, many of these couples decide to disperse. And most often, on the initiative, there is a woman who is bored to pull everything on himself, and she goes in search of a more courageous partner.

Please note that it is not about the fact that the girl should not develop as a person or work in principle. Not at all, if there is a desire - why not, but the main thing is that it is done for your own pleasure, and not with straining, only to make money.

Hence the main advice for any relationship between the sexes - never try to go against your nature. Then in the relationship (and in life as a whole) everything will be much more balanced.

Realize that there is a great difference between male and female responsibilities. The fact that men give with ease, women take too much energy. Just as the opposite. Remembering about this and correctly distributing roles, many conflicts in relationships can be avoided.

How often now is the replacement of roles in families

And then I offer you interesting information from which you will understand how to establish relationships and quarrel less.

How to establish relationships in the family

  • And a man and a woman in relationships important attention to themselves . Any conflicts always arise as a result of the misunderstanding of one of the parties of attention and energy.

Although it seems that everything is to blame for bad character, bad actions, but if people are quite filling with each other, the gap is excluded. Otherwise, the real "battle for survival" begins, and parting is very close.

  • Men before marrying, followed by "divorce" with her mother . The first woman in the life of a man is his mother. It retains a strong emotional attachment to it during the first 12 years of life. Then relatives tend to weaken, although this does not always happen.

Very often today it happens to observe situations when the mother does not want to let go of an adult son, does not give him freedom, takes decisions for him. And thereby turns it into a loser! Is it possible under such conditions to create happy and harmonious relationships? Of course not. Therefore, a man is so important first to "divorce" with your parent, but only then go to search for the second half.

  • A man will grow in status exclusively thanks to the love of his woman (either mother or wife). Growth is missing? So love is not enough.

Let's try to deal with the specified situation. What is needed for growth in status? That's right, energy (expressed in support). From whom you can get it? From a person who loves and believes in you.

In the case when there is no growth in the pair for a long time, for example, it does not work for a long time to assemble the apartment, it means that a man like a minider and a hunter needs. To take them, he is capable of only his woman who will give him the faith in the fact that he is the best. It is thanks to women's love that increases men's power, social growth begins.

Woman inspires her man

  • When there is real love - partners are interested in developing friend friend . Otherwise, we are not talking about a large and light feeling.

It often happens that a man prohibits his spouse to work, as well as to get involved in anything that is not connected with the house. What does this mean? Perhaps he is lacking attention to his faithful, and so he tries to point to her like.

When the MCH does not need, but everything also keeps the partner "in conclusion", he consciously prevents its development.

Such relations are developing according to the "Sacrifice-Palace" model. In them, a man experiences a sense of superiority over his woman, as it does not want to actually recognize his weakness. And simply self-afforded at its expense.

Everything ends, as a rule, the fact that the lady bother the role of the eternal hostage, and she escapes from his tyrant.

The situation may be the opposite when the lady interferes with the spouse to develop, communicate with friends, seeking to make it not a courageous hunter and the breadthrough, and with his home "pet". But it is also necessary to spend time in a male company sometimes, it is impossible to prohibit it.

  • Men dream to make a queen from their women . And the woman needs a ready-made king. Especially the weak floor is always interested in finding a teacher's man who will help her better know, first of all, itself. A woman needs a person who can reveal and take the various hypostasis: girls, hostesses, mistresses and queens.

Make such forces exclusively king. Therefore, women are looking for strong men overcoming their own fears and complexes and possessing sufficient faith in their capabilities.

A man on his part wants to "create" a woman, he readily makes her queen and does not want it to learn from someone else.

How does a woman make her man king? He needs to pay enough royal attention and respectfully recognize his merits that he does for her. If the lady succeeds in creating a successful king in his favorite, she will always feel happy and live in a state of harmony and abundance.

the Union of the King and Queen will always be successful

  • Men are very important to follow their intonation Since she is finely read by his beloved woman. No wonder they say that "women love ears." Therefore, it is important that the strong floor will be able to express love by voting, controlling its intonation.

Women are delicate creatures, their feelings are similar to the leaflets in the wind. Strong wind makes them tremble. It is so wind and promoted enhanced intonations, a cry from a man to his woman. Even a loud intonation, you can scare a woman so hard that she will go to himself and stop giving her MCH enough attention. But, as we already know, it is it responsible for his growth in society.

But, of course, the lady for his part does not have the right to go on cries in communicating with her husband. It will also negatively influence the believing with its increased intonation. To both partners are important to learn to control emotions and communicate with each other constructively, without mutual insults and manifestations of disrespect.

In conclusion

Let's summarize:

  • So that everything is good in the family or relationship, it is important to play true roles;
  • You need to give each other enough attention, love, maintain mutual development, and then the union of two hearts will be joyful and harmonious!

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