Psalm 50: text of prayer in Russian, how to read


I always recommend that his parishioners regularly repent of sins. So you can clean the soul and get closer to the Lord. Today I will tell you how to repent by the text of the Psalm 50.

The importance of repentance

Prayers are the best way to save your soul, protect it from Darkness. But, unfortunately, many forget about it. As a result, the sin becomes almost a normal phenomenon. After all, every day, people are increasingly moving away from faith. If earlier in the church was not to pour on weekends due to the huge number of parishioners, now this is a rarity.

Psalm 50: text of prayer in Russian, how to read 4544_1

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Going to the church, a person practically always observes such a picture: praying father and 2-3 people who raise prayer with him. This is a very sad picture that clearly demonstrates how far there are modern people from religion. They tightly closed their heart for the Most High and absolutely do not want to listen to the instructions of the clergy.

Although it is impossible to deny the fact that sometimes the church is still visiting those people who dream of becoming closer to the Lord. However, while the level of their religious knowledge is extremely low. It is for this reason that most people who have just recently been harvested, have serious difficulties with the choice of suitable prayer. In addition, very often they forget about the need to regularly repent of sins. An ideal prayer that can be used in this case is a Psalm 50.

Who should repent?

Psalm 50 is a prayer of repentance. That is how many Christians are most often called it. It is believed that this text needs to read every day. Although some people insist that he is obligatory to read only sinners. That's just the church adheres to a completely different position.

Any priest will confidently say that sinless people do not happen. And the reason for this is a sin, perfect by the progenitors of mankind. If you are in the history set out in the Holy Scripture, then much becomes clear. First, initially, on the idea of ​​the Creator, people should have lived in paradise. In other words, earthly life is punishment for each person. Secondly, expulsion from Paradise occurred due to the fact that Adam and Eva committed a terrible sin.

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The Bible has a description of the Tree of Life. This mysterious tree has grown in the Garden of the Garden. And about it was very well known to his inhabitants. Although the entrance to the garden was not banned for Adam and Eve, but it was categorically forbidden to eat the fruits of the tree of life. Such an order gave them the Most High. At the same time, the Lord immediately warned his creations that the brutal payback would follow for disobedience. That's just the progenitor of all people could not resist the temptation and violated the promise that gave their God.

Of course, they made it in their will. But the temptation was played not the last role in this, which the devil himself sent them. In the appearance of the snake, he was in the paradise garden and the sweet speeches persuaded these unfortunate to break the ban. Perhaps it is for this reason that some people believe that the punishment that Adam and Eve suffered is too cruel.

Psalm 50: text of prayer in Russian, how to read 4544_2

In addition, we should not forget that this punishment has spread to the entire human race. Of course, some still consider what happened unfair. That's just, if you think about, then all that happened is quite natural.

Exile from Paradise is very well described in the Bible. There are also certain explanations. The Creator was accepted only by one reason: the fall left the imprint at all the descendants of these two sinners. Therefore, it was impossible to leave them in paradise. That is why the Lord had to expel his first creations from the place, which now seek absolutely all Orthodox Christians. After all, any of them do not want to burn in the hellish flame, experiencing terrible flour. Moreover, for the same reason, all people without exception must necessarily take prayer of repentance.

How to repent of sins?

Living every day, a Christian must prove that is ready to spend eternity in paradise. After all, sinners are closed in the sinners. That is why it is so important to have time for life not only to repent in sins, but also try to redeem them. Perhaps no one is a secret that the redemption of sins implies not only following the rigorous post and reading of prayers. It is extremely important first:
  • Conduct the severity of perfect sin - any sin, which was perfect for a man, is hard. Therefore, it is not necessary to naively believe that violation of the commandments in some cases may be justified. Since this is impossible;
  • To recognize your sinfulness - often Christians shift the blame for their pregnancy on other people or even on the site-tempter. Indeed, in certain situations it is the devil pushing people to a particular crime. But the choice is always for man. This must be remembered;
  • Ask forgiveness - at the same time it is not only about the ascension of prayers of repentance. If other people suffered from perfect sin, they should bring them apologies and try to chat the guilt.

Pay attention to one interesting fact. Sometimes it happens that man begins to think about why the Lord sends him temptations. Responding to this question, the priests are tirelessly remind that the whole earthly life is a solid test. Actually, as the temptations are, in fact, the test. Only those people who can with dignity to endure the test sent by heaven will prove the Almighty that they are worthy of his grace.

Therefore, if a Christian happened to face difficulties and various temptations, he should no longer have to raise on fate. Since such behavior he only hurts heaven. And then none of his requests will be heard.

Resistance - this is what should become a permanent satellite of the Christian. Moreover, to feel confident in any life situation, the Christian will help precisely prayer. Therefore, you need to try to pray as often as possible. You can even use it with Psalm 50, which was written by the king David. This ruler recreated a long time on the throne and managed to become famous as one of the most equitable people. In addition, it is widely known as a god-fearing person who worship only Almighty and lives according to his commandments.

That's just necessary to make one important clarification. The fact is that David was not always the righteous. In his life there is a shameful episode. It was he who became the reason that the king changed and believed in the true God. After that, he, in fact, wrote a prayer for repentance, which today uses all Orthodox Christians who want to repent in perfect sins.

History of writing Psalm

As was written above in the article, the author of the prayer is King David. The reason for writing the prayer was the incident that turned him into a sinner. Once the monk walked around his huge garden and noticed a nude girl there, which bathed and did not even suspect that she was intently observed.

Wirzavia was so beautiful that she immediately struck the king. Herved by her beauty, David gave an order to deliver the girl to the palace. Then it turned out that the Virgin, which the ruler met, is the wife of the commander of Uriya. But this circumstance did not stop the monarch.

Psalm 50: text of prayer in Russian, how to read 4544_3

When Wirzavia became pregnant, David realized that the people would necessarily condemn. To avoid this, he decided to hide his sin. That is why he sent his faithful servant, uriad, to death. After the death of the commander, the king made him widow his wife. By this he brought the anger of heaven. He passed a serious test and only then realized that it was necessary to repent in a committed crime.

How to correctly read prayer?

Deciding to read this psalm, every Christian must first think about how to do it right. There are several recommendations regarding the reading of the Psalm, which must be followed:
  • It is important to learn the words of prayer, and not read it from the leaflet. Since the text is quite voluminous, it can leave a lot of time;
  • It is necessary to pray alone. The exception is only a collective prayer, ascended in the walls of the temple;
  • It should be praying only in a good arrangement of the spirit, negative emotions in this case are prohibited;
  • Reading the text of prayer, it is extremely important to understand it. Therefore, the first time the Psalm should simply read for himself to familiarize himself with his text.

Remember that if something is unclear in the text of the prayer, you can always contact the clarification to the spiritual mentor. It is better to ask and get an answer to the question than to suffer from ignorance and doubt, reading the text of the prayer.


  1. Psalm 50 is a prayer of repentance.
  2. Every person must use her to repent in sins.
  3. Sure people do not exist, because in all humanities, the weight of sin, perfect by Adam and Eve, lies.
  4. Strict Psalm Rules The Church has not installed, but there are certain requirements that are recommended to perform.

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