Prayers about prisoners and that the Son did not put in prison


I am often asked how to help prisoner to avoid prison. I advise you to use a prayer that helps facilitate the sentence or avoid false punishment. Today I will tell you how to remove it.

Prayer about prisoners

Mother's Mount, over the son of which hung the threat to go to jail, it is difficult to understand. Only the person who survived this will be able to realize how great grief is. Mother is the person who will always support his child and forgive him any sin. That is why it is absolutely not surprising that for the prisoners and those who expect in the chamber of the judges' sentence, Matter pray. As they want to pour for their children the forgiveness of the Lord and are ready for a lot to respond to Molub.

There is a lot of prayers that the church recommends to use if someone from loved ones went to prison. There are those who are customary to read in the days when a person simply expects sentencing. All of them have a huge force and are well known, as their texts never hide from people. A completely vice versa, the church constantly reminded the need to help those who are in conclusion. And for this reason, the prayer for prisoners is not prohibited.

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Every Christian knows that for the perfect sin will definitely have to pay. And at the same time, it is not known to anyone, the payback will come during life or after death. However, there is no such Orthodox, who would not have experienced a reverent fear of God's judgment. Since it is well known that this court will be completely impartial.

Prayers about prisoners and that the Son did not put in prison 4549_1

In the Bible it is said that after death, all the souls will have to appear before the Most Him, so that he can decide wherever they will be shipped. As you know, Orthodox Christians believe in the existence of Hell and Paradise. Only the souls of those people who committed sin during their lifetime and did not even bother to repent in him. However, it is worth considering that even repentance can not always save the soul from paying. Since it all depends on the severity of the preggie and how sincere it was repentance. In addition, if a person did not do absolutely nothing to push forgiveness from heaven, then the likelihood is that he will continue to be a sinner.

The souls of people who led the righteous lifestyle come to paradise. They strictly followed all commandments, sincerely prayed and died every day. Such righteouss are able to go to the best world and hold eternity in a place that gives peace of mind. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that it is in paradise and seek to get all Christians. After all, they understand that to withstand hellish torments will be very difficult. In addition, the soul can be placed in hell for a whole eternity.

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The court of earth and prison is what should inspire fear too. Since life behind bars cannot seem easy. After all, all prisoners without exception have to literally survive in the colony. That is why no person will not want to get there. It can be said that the prison is a terrestrial analog of hell.

Of course, the priests do not approve of the fact that people assumed the powers of the judges. After all, the judge is one, and this is the Most High. Only he is allowed to judge people and endure sentences. However, it is now difficult to imagine a civilized country in which there would be no prisons. After all, there are always violators. Consequently, it is necessary to take care that there is a restraining mechanism that will help control the activity of criminals.

How prison affects man

And although the church against this one, most of the Orthodox Christians still acts with the support of the current system. Moreover, some even believe that a person must pay for sin, perfect in life, who has appointed the judge period. Since this will help:

  • Realize the guilt - impunity is fraught with consequences. If the sinful or illegal act will not be punished, then the person will stop considering himself a criminal at all. This will be the reason that he will be even more sinned;
  • To redeem the guilt - the suffering that the prisoners fall out to the share, help them clean the soul and completely devote themselves to the atonement of a completely crime. As you know, without this, forgiveness is impossible;
  • You can get the opportunity to correct - no matter how trivially liken it sounded, but the prison is a kind of school of life. Few, having passed her, wants to return. Therefore, it can help instruct a person on the right path.

It is impossible not to note the fact that this helps victims of crimes committed feeling at least a little better. After all, they know that the guilty suffered punishment. And it helps them find peace of mind. But, since the church adheres to another position, it is not difficult to guess that there are no prohibitions regarding prayers who are asked for the purpose of obtaining mercy for the convicted person.

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This serves as a reason for numerous disputes. However, it is not necessary to forget that Orthodoxy is a very loyal religion. The church teaches the fact that a person, being the creation of the Lord, cannot try on the role of the judge and reason on the topic, who and what punishment deserves. Moreover, spiritual mentors teach a fluff to forgive. It is believed that no one is entitled to become a pall for another person.

It is for this reason that the priests not only do not prohibit relatives of the convicted person to pay a prayer for him, but they themselves often participate in the process of prayer. Those who often visit the church know that in the walls of the house of the Lord, the priests themselves read prayers in which the Creator is asked to give mercy to those who stumbled. According to priests, no one cannot be left without spiritual support. Since in this case, a person only continues to suffer sincerely. When his torment is reached by his peak, he will again commit a challenged act and will turn his life.

Does prayer help?

This is how people ask people who want to read the prayer about prisoners. After all, they involuntarily think about the fact that the sinners do not help. And therefore their doubt is quite understandable. But spiritual mentors are tirelessly reminding that there is no other prayer for anyone. If the relative of the prisoner feels the need in a conversation with the Most High, no one can forbid him to read prayer. Since in this case the benefits of reading the prayer will be quite obvious:

  • Praying will calm his soul - chatting with the Lord, a person gets the opportunity to get rid of every sadness and anxiety, which can torment his soul;
  • A person will be able to gain wisdom - they say that the Most High need to ask not only grace, but also insights. It often happens that a Christian cannot find a solution for a problem that literally literally on the surface. In this case, it will help exactly the illumination given by the Creator;
  • The arrestant will receive spiritual support - without it it will be very difficult for him to survive in prison. No matter how eretics denied this, but the person feels when they pray. After all, he immediately appears the supply of spiritual forces.

It is worth noting that, reading prayers for prisoners, Orthodox Christians involuntarily think about how help will come soon. In particular, if the mother asks her son to be imprisoned. After all, by pronouncing a prayer, a person hopes that the Lord will help the arrestant. However, it is necessary to immediately adjust yourself to wait.

Sometimes this expectation can seriously delay. Therefore, no one can say for sure how much people have to suffer, sitting behind bars. No one can learn the plans of the Lord, and try to make it sin! Unfortunately, it is often forgotten. Some people are even ready to visit Spodder to learn their own destiny. That's just no need to hope that some charlatan will be able to read the palm of the person what the Most High wants to silend.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the prayers that relatives are innocently arrested. Unfortunately, the judicial system is not perfect. Sometimes it happens that the bars turns out to be a person who did not commit any crime at all. Of course, in this case, the coming relatives try to help him in every way and begin to pray much.

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This is completely clear. After all, a sinless Christian should not sit locked in a cold chamber. The decision to start praying the Lord about help is, of course, right. But the paths of the Lord are non-defined. Perhaps the prison should protect a person from even greater trouble. Therefore, you do not need to lower your hands if the heavens of which the week remains the deaf to the requests. It does not always mean that help really does not come. It is about it that needs to be remembered by prayer.


  1. The church does not prohibit prayer for those people who serve the punishment in places of imprisonment.
  2. Quite often in the temple, priests pray together with their flock about those who are imprisoned.
  3. Prayers for prisoners can be reached at home and in the church.
  4. Use any prayer from those presented in the article is allowed.

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