Prayer repentant to the Lord Jesus Christ


I advise all people constantly repent of the Lord for the perfect cases. This will help clean the soul and redeem your sins. Today I will tell you what the repeated prayer must be to Jesus Christ and how to read it.

Praying Prayer: Meaning and Importance

The man is sinful by nature. As is known, Adam and Eve, who are the progenitors of all mankind, committed a mortal sin. They broke the ban of the Lord and tasted the fetus with the Tree of Life. Of course, the Bible has a mention that the fall occurred because of the temptations sent by the devil himself. However, it is extremely important to understand that this sin, the inhabitants of Paradise committed themselves in their will, nobody forced them to do so. That is why they were chosen as severe, but fair punishment.

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The mention of this is not random. After all, today many people are not just rarely attended by the Church. They extremely rarely attribute the prayers of the Most High. But the greatest problem of clergymen consider the fact that Christians were at all forgotten about repeated prayers.

Praying prayer crashes just Jesus Christ. This choice is not accidental. If you remember those times when the son of God walked on the ground of this sinner, then it becomes clear why such prayers are asked. After all, his first sermon was a call for repentance.

It is believed that, the prayer of repentance, a person gets rid of his sin. It is for this reason that some are somewhat abused by this, believing that all sins after reading the prayer simply will be erased. Of course, this is not the case, because a person needs to not just realize his sin, tell us about him, but also try to redeem the word and work. Only so the sinner will be able to wash off the stigma of his soul.

The priests note another important circumstance. For some reason, it is believed that sins should be repent of sins. Righteous Christians prefer not to take such prayers, considering themselves the sample of the reverence of the Lord and the purity of the soul. However, you can argue with this.

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There are notes in the Bible, which states that the Son of Most Highs paid more attention to the harlot and sooters. At the same time, he preferred practically not to deal with those who called himself the righteous. In those years, everyone considered themselves all Christians who strictly performed the law of Moses and went through the streets with books, Pharisees.

Indeed, this happened. That's just, according to the righteous, the Lord ignored them, saving the souls of those who are not worthy at all. However, this is another explanation. The righteous people who considered themselves pious and categorically refused repentance, were in the rule of pride. And she, as you know, is one of the most hated sins God. That is why his son preferred to save the souls of people who were able to realize that they were sinners, and asked mercy from heaven.

Why you need to ask for forgiveness

Regardless of whether the man considers himself a sinner or not, he must definitely pray the Lord about forgiveness. And there are several important reasons:

  • The need to cure mental wounds. Even if the person is strictly follows with all commandments, his soul may not be resting. Trying to become a righteous, a Christian can suppress those lowest desires and gusts that are able to make a sinner from him. However, it leaves the mark on his soul. Because of this, it is all covered with ulcers. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to selflessly pray for pardon;
  • Finding mercy for all people. Each righteous knows that it is necessary to pray not only about yourself, but also about other people. After all, it is not necessary to forget that each person carries a cross for sin, perfect by the imaging by Adam and Eve. And therefore all people are doomed to suffering. The desire to weaken someone must be inherent in absolutely all Christians who are truly committed to the Lord.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the frequency of the ascension of such prayers. For some reason, people think that such prayers should be read exclusively after the commission of any pregrockery. And this is a common misconception. Prayer repentance to Jesus Christ should be ascended every day. Only then can a person be sure that his prejudice, which he could not even notice, was forgiven.

Reflecting on why some people consider themselves the righteous people, for whom not a single sin, should be mentioned about one important detail. Under the word "sin", people were accustomed to understanding very serious crimes. For example, murder or adultery.

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That's just at the same time they completely forgot that sinners are some emotions that a person may experience. For example, anger and envy. Just for a second, a Christian may think that someone's life developed better, because this man was much more lucky. This is a black envy. Of course, a Christian immediately tried to take himself in hand and drive these thoughts. However, it is impossible to deny the fact that this thought still visited his head. Consequently, he committed a sin.

Repentance and confession: what's the difference?

Surely even people far from the church and faith are well aware of what confession is. In this case, it is rather a merit of cinema. In many films, you can see the scene when a person comes to church, he is set in the booth, divided into the cabin, and he begins to tell the clergy about those sins that were previously committed. In general, the description of the process is correct, but very superficial.

In the film, of course, will not tell you that it is impossible to just come to church and confess. It is necessary to withstand the post first, read certain prayers. And only after that you can safely go to the church and ask the spiritual mentor to make the sacrament.

Until now, the enlightenment of the masses remains too small, so some people do not even know what the repentance and confession are different. Although there are still differences between them, and they are essential:

  • Repentance is awareness of sin - in other words, in order to get the mercy of the Lord and his forgiveness, a person needs to clearly realize that they were sin. After that, a Christian must sincerely repent of his act, which is not righteous;
  • You can repent and without any preparation - this ritual is very personal. To repent in sins in front of the Lord, a person needs to be simply a prayer;
  • The confession can only hold a priest - if a person may well repent himself, then there is no confession. It is allowed to do in the walls of the Church and subject to a certain preparation.

Pay attention to the last list of the list. It says that it is possible to confess only in the church. However, in some cases, exceptions are still possible. For example, if health does not allow a person to come to the temple of God. Everyone is well aware of the long tradition, which is almost forgotten now. In more ancient times, when faith of people was stronger, being on her deathbed, a Christian necessarily called to himself a clergy for him to make the sacrament of confession.

A similar desire for repentance before death was simply sufficient. The fact is that a person who sinned during his life and did not have time to repent before his death, he could get to hell. Of course, everything depended on the severity of perfect germs. However, the priests diligently urged the flock in the fact that confession before death is sacred.

How to read the prayer for repentance?

As was written above, the confession is a sacred sacrament. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that it is committed by certain rules. And since repentance is a more "simple procedure", no special demands of the church imposed on this process. It is enough that a person will be in solitude. Before you have a prayer, you need to get rid of extra thoughts and try to tune in to the desired way. It is better to be in the room in which there is a red corner. In this corner, usually believers have icons with the image of saints. But if such a room in the house did not turn out, it was not trouble.

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Reading prayer, you should try to delve into its meaning, feel every word. It will be easier to do it if the reading rate is not too fast. You do not need to shout out the words of prayer too. Recommends reading it with a whisper or even to myself. After all, this conversation with the Lord, who should hear only he.

Please note that the words of the prayer of the rate also do not need. Canons do not require this. Since such prayers must simply be read. Singing here is completely inappropriate.


  1. Sure people do not happen, so every Christians should regularly repent of their sins.
  2. Prayer repentance should be taken every day.
  3. It is impossible to confuse repentance and confession. The confession is the mystery of sins, and repentance is only a way to show the Lord that a person was able to realize his sin.
  4. Prayer repentance must be addressed to Jesus Christ, because he was the first to reminded to people about the proximity of the vessel's day and called for repentance.

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