11 Lunar Day: Characteristics of the eleventh lunar days


These lunar days have incredibly powerful energy. You can even say that this is the peak of energy of just a month. Therefore, it is so important to plan in advance what you will do to do not miss such a tremendous opportunity.

Features of the eleventh lunar days:

  1. The energy that is directed towards each person from the space can reveal its energy potential, "wake up" hidden reserves of the body and give impetus to radical life changes.
  2. This is an ideal day for spiritual self-development and self-knowledge. Especially for the study of the dark sides of the person, which you suppress it in yourself, hide or do not accept.
  3. On this day, the active energy of creativity seems to be awakened in people, so you can feel strong inspiration. It will help find non-standard ways to solve problems and achieve goals.
  4. It is very important to use this powerful energy only in creative purposes, because with imperative circulation, it is transformed into destructive. Therefore, people who feel the influence of the moon, but are not able to explain it or use whether they can do trouble. Or become very restless, negative, evil and irritable.
  5. It is very important, starting some action or case, bring it to a logical completion. If you leave the events started at half, the outcome of events remains in power unpredictable circumstances and can disappoint you greatly.
  6. Therefore, at 11 days, it is so difficult to people who do not know what they want from life do not have clear goals. They can emotionally storm from the inability to manage their own energy potential.
  7. The fear of death in people who are not engaged in spiritual self-development can strongly manifest itself. Panic attacks and the emergence of the state of a huge anxiety are not excluded.
  8. Anxiety becomes a regular companion throughout the day. Rich people are worried about the loss of money, young and healthy will be afraid of old age and inexorable time.
  9. Only a person who understands how energy works, which has already risen on the path of spiritual development, will be able to pacify these energy flows and send them to their favor. The rest of this feeling can push on completely unpredictable actions.

11 Lunar day

Bad sign: metal items, including forks, spoons and other dishes, stuffed trouble and rapid disappointment. It may also be familiar: you go through the wrong path, it's time to stop and make the revaluation of your goals.

Love, relationship, marriage

This day is a favorable time for romance and sex, to search for new sensations in intimate life and ways to please your beloved person outside the bedroom.

11 Lunar Day Characteristics of the Day

Perfectly approach the 11th day for a fun pastime in the situation in which you can maximize and behave freely. Can pull sexual feats, so be careful.

For marriage, the day is unfavorable. The family created on this day long does not exist, because the feelings of lovers are based only on passion, and the spiritual component is excluded.

Any inexpensive and tension should be avoided in relations with your loved one. It is better not to conduct serious conversations, but to make a pleasant surprise to a partner or give an unexpected gift. Think what ways you can show your care.

To conceive it is almost the perfect day.


Astrologers believe that 11 lunar days is a day of health. Therefore, it is today that you need to take care of your well-being. During this period, the strongest cleaning of the human energy body occurs. It should be fixed and cleansing the body at the physical level.

This is the perfect time to restore the body, replenishing its resources and rest. Excellent if it turns out to go to the massage session, arrange the medical starvation. It will contribute not only to improved health, but also spiritual development. It is worth excluding meat and legumes from food.

The vertex pillar and organs of the gastrointestinal tract are particularly vulnerable on this day, so they are particularly worth aware.

Business, work, money

In the financial sphere of life, this is the most favorable day of the month, luck and luck accompany people in everything. But this rule applies only to those cases to which you are well prepared, clearly thinking and planning every step.

It is very important to fulfill its work qualitatively, strive for impeccability, and in achieving financial goals to be stubborn and persistent, be sure to bring everything to a logical completion.

11 lunar days

You need to be ready for surprises. All you have conceived, may well go not according to plan. But do not allow yourself to be upset because of the circumstances: they seem unfavorable only at first glance, and in the end everything will end favorable for you.

Council of Astrologov: Completely trust the highest forces. Even lesions in the end will lead you to success.

Haircut, painting, manicure

You can cut hair. Any haircut will add to you positive energy and luck. But you need to follow the laying - it must be neat. Your success will depend on this day.

For dyeing, the day is also considered favorable. You can choose both classic staining and non-standard. Boldly change the image, if you could not solve it for a long time.

You can also be written to the manicure wizard. Choose any color and nail design. Astrological "contraindications" to the procedure is not.


If you managed to remember the sleep of 11 lunar day, then in the near future you will have to make maximum effort and bring the work started to the end. To decipher the dream, you need to find out in which sign of the zodiac is the moon. This will help to accurately understand which area of ​​life is an interpretation.

The unconscious will surely try to send you by a dream some important signal. Therefore, it is not just important not just remembering sleep, but also to express it, using a classic dream book.

If the dream was pleasant, the positive emotions delivered to you, it means that everything is in order with your energy potential. You correctly spend your energy to manage it. If the dream was negative, then, most likely, you did not take responsibility for your life on yourself. In life, you just swim downstream, obeying circumstances, and not manage what is happening around the events.

Ritual for 11 lunar days

It is time to place the network in which the money will "fly". Their number in your life can increase significantly if you perform special rituals. But be careful with the choice of practice - the energy of the 11 moon day to manage it is difficult, you must be sure that you can control everything.

Make energy charging:

  1. Stand up and feel that your feet relaxed well into the floor. Feel, imagine, visualize how the Earth's energy penetrates your body and moves around the spiral - from the stop to the scuffing of the head.
  2. Will be filled with this energy, try not easy to imagine, visualize, but also feel powerful energy streams.
  3. At the end of practice, smoke, reset all the tension from the body. Imagine that all your concerns, problems, and adversity go to him.
  4. Spend on such charging from 15 minutes before half an hour. After that, you can use any ritual aimed at attracting money.

For gardener and gardener

In the eleventh lunar days of the plant continue to gain the energy of the Earth and save power for their growth. Useful this day to spend on fertilizer or harvest. You can transplant plants, use feeding. Avoid damage to the root system so as not to lose the entire harvest.

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On the 11 lunar days there are energy peak of the lunar month. This energy and power must necessarily apply and use.


  • If you feel well and no longer a newcomer in energy practices, dedicate these days creativity, setting goals, generating ideas, drawing up plans.
  • If you feel bad, emotionally or physically, it means that your body and psyche require healing, cleansing. You need to understand what the dark sides of the individual you do not accept in yourself, and work on it.
  • This is the perfect day for the accumulation of energy and practices aimed at attracting money.

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