Mantras for every day very powerful - listen online


Everyone heard about mantrages that help a person in solving life problems. But few people know about the origin of mantras - combinations of sounds in a certain sequence. It is believed that these sounds heard enlightened yogis during meditation. Each sound has its own frequency of vibration, it is in this that the power of the mantra lies. Consider very powerful mantras for every day.


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OM sound corresponds to the vibration of the Universe: it is at such a frequency our world sounds. The singing of the Mantra OM soothes the soul, harmonizes the inner world of man and leads it to consent from the Universe. OM sound repeatedly enhances the effectiveness of other sacred sounds used in mantras. Many mantras begin and end with the sound of OM (AUM).

The sound of OM actively affects the physical body of a person, namely on the brain, nervous system and metabolic processes in the body. The singing of mantra OM (AUM) is very useful for spiritual and physical human health. Multiple repetition of OM develops intuition, makes a person more sensitive to the invisible world of energies.

Listen to the mantra om online:

Other powerful mantras for every day

So, you learned that we need to start and finishing the singing mantras. Now consider useful magic formulas to solve different situations in life.

a) Mantra of reconciliation and joy

This Mantra Om Sarva Mangalam helps to solve personal conflicts, creates conditions for harmonious communication with others, fills the atmosphere by peace and mutual understanding.

"Bhumi Mangalam

Fight mangalam

Agni Mangalam

Wash mangalam

Gagana Mangalam

Surya Mangalam

Chandra Mangalam

Jagat Mangalam

Jiva Mangalam

Daha Mangalam

Manan Mangalam

Atma Mangalam

Sarva Mangalam. "

The meaning of the mantra is as follows. The word "mangalas" is translated as "bringing happiness." What brings happiness? Happiness brings land (Bhumi), sacred water (success), sacrificial fire (Agni), wind (Wash), Sky (Gagana), Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), Universe (Jagat), Soul (Jiva), our Appearance (Deh), mind (mana), breathing (atma), everything in the world (Sarva).

Listen to Om Sarvala Mangalam online:

b) mantra for every day for social success

"Om Hrrim

Shrimp (7 times)

Lakshmi Mom Grehe

Puray (2 times) Chint

Duray (2 times) Swaha

This formula is necessary to say 108 times. To succeed in a career chant the mantra 108 times on three consecutive days. This is a real magic wand business, which paves the way for the successful signing of contracts and cooperation with best companions.

Listen Mantra Online:

c) Mantra Ganesh to remove obstacles

"Ganesh Sharanam Sharanam Shanesha (4 times)

Gum Gum Ganapathi Sharanam Ganesh (4 times)

Jai Ganesh Jaya Jaya Gananata (4 times) "

Mantra is not chanted 108 times. Application: The removal of obstacles in any case. This magic formula, as a green traffic light, opens the way to achieve success in any activity. Ideal for students to pass the session, in order to attract customers or clients to find work. The universal mantra for all occasions.

Listen Ganesh Mantra online on our website:

g) Mantra green Tara desires for execution

"Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha."

This short magic formula contains a huge charge of energy of your desires. Formula must be spoken 108 times, holding the image of the desired head. Green Tara - Goddess of Hinduism is very positive, helping to carry out secret desires of love, work, and social sphere.

However, your desire must be clearly defined, be positive (non-destructive). You can not ask for help from Tara to punish enemies or eliminate competitors.

Mantra Om Tara Tuttare Online:

d) Protective mantra

If you need protection from the enemy, it is recommended to sing Vajrapani mantra:

"Om Vajrapani Hum".

This short formula covers human protective veil, and it becomes unreachable for evil spirits and essences. Mantra also protects against diseases and ailments. It is desirable to have an image Vajrapani - angry deity Jewish. Recite this mantra can be every day.

Listen to the mantra Om Vajrapani Hum online:

How to sing and listen to mantra

Correct chanting should cause a slight vibration throughout the body. If this does not happen, the mantra will turn into an empty phrase. How to achieve the desired state while singing? You must focus your feeling on the body, pay attention inside - then you will feel a mild vibration through the body and mantra reaches its destination.

Vibration particular sound has its sacred meaning, it is this sense of the mysteries of the universe will open up to achieve certain goals through the mantra. The sequence of your actions in the utterance of the mantra should be strictly directed:

  • sounds must pronounce clearly and distinctly;
  • every word mantra have to memorize in advance;
  • rush into singing time is impossible;
  • text mantra must match your target.

Important! When singing the mantra, it is better to close your eyes and direct all your attention inside the body.

How many times do you need to pronounce a mantra? The repetition of the magic formula must be multiple of nine: 9, 18, 27, 108, 1008 times. But this is not the limit. Some mantras should pronounce a large number of times to bring the necessary effect. There is only one condition: the multiplicity of nine.

For the convenience of the account of the sequence of sacred words, use special rosary of wood or stone. On the rosary there are beads in the amount of 54 or 108 pieces. The transition of beads with fingers allows you to not get away from the account. You can sing mantras at any time.

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