Evening prayers for sleep coming: text, how to correctly read


I recommend daily to pray to the Lord before bedtime. If you just joined the religion, then I will tell you in detail how to properly take prayer to whom it is better to apply.

The importance of prayer

Probably, absolutely everyone will agree that the evening is a special period when a relaxation occurs after a hard working day, and we can plunge into a full-fledged vacation. In addition, in the evening, the results of the last day are summarized and plans are being built for the coming. In addition to all other classes, every righteous Christian should be able to allocate time before bedtime for praying.

Evening prayers for sleep coming: text, how to correctly read 4605_1

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Spiritual practices at night are most influenced by our consciousness and soul, because during this period, our unprecedented mind begins to prepare for sleep, weakens a strong grip of logical thinking, which is like and interferes with people to penetrate the unquestioned faith in the Almighty. Prayer for sleep coming should be a mandatory ritual, as it will help to tune in to sleep, feel their inner worldship and harmonize it.

What force has a prayer, pronounced before bedtime

Any Orthodox prayer has unimaginable power, provided that it is read correctly. If the words go out of the very depths of the soul, they are supported only by the most clear and sincere intentions, then you can be sure that life will not just start changing for the better, but all the desired will be implemented in the most wonderful way for you.

Remember that the prayer, pronounced before bedtime, is a very strong tool for the development of spirituality. After all, when you read the sacred texts in the evening, the brain, naturally, is configured to it, and all night in the subconscious, it is not just an empty scrolling of routine thoughts, but the assimilation of those godly words that were shortly before the disheavage of KNU.

Prayer even in a dream will heal the mind and consciousness. Of course, after that you will wake up in an absolutely different mood, and you will not be able to derive any small troubles and household problems. Just think what benefit for your body (harmonious, deep and calm sleep) and the souls (increasing awareness and strengthening faith in the Divine Providence) You will receive, while having spent no more half an hour before bedtime.

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All the saints began their way to high spirituality and holiness from regular reading of the morning and evening rules. Do not neglect this opportunity to improve your life and heal the soul.

What can help the prayer evening rule

Evening prayer should be read every evening, but in the life of every person there may be such periods when the evening rule needs more than ever.

So, read prayers before bedtime needed in the following cases:

  • You sleep very badly, the nightmarish dreams are constantly shot, relatives say that you are often talking a lot in a dream. These are all the signs that you are absolutely not resting in a dream, and the brain even after falling asleep continues to the rapid activity, and not in the very good direction.
  • Immediately after you woke up, you have a feeling of fatigue, breaking, apathy. Of course, a long person will not be able to be without harm for his health. In such a situation, a person is completely deprived of a normal rest, and it will very soon appear in the form of various diseases. Therefore, do not tighten and at the habit of holding the evening spiritual orthodox practices as soon as possible.
  • You have a habit before beding to scroll into the head of unpleasant episodes from the past or draw in the imagination of negative pictures of the future life. This lesson will not bring anything except harm, so do not doubt and replace it for a habit to pray. Soon, you will see that they have become much calmer and balanced and life began to delight you much more.
  • In your life, a difficult period, and you are in a state of constant stress. Prayer before bedtime will help to cleanse consciousness from fears and experiences, which will allow the body to relax, and without this, rest will be defective.

How it is necessary to contact the Lord to the Almighty in order for prayer evening gained strength

You can and make up for yourself the text of appeal to the Lord and pronounce it as it will be convenient for you. But at the same time you can admit certain errors and reduce all your efforts to not. It is better to follow the proven path and adhere to the recommendations of the clergy.

Evening prayers for sleep coming: text, how to correctly read 4605_2

Next, we will list the basic rules that will help make the evening prayer practice most efficient and correct:

  • Do not skip not one day. It is very important, because urinary and hardworking will be shown to the fortress of the Faith and the commitment of religion. You must configure yourself in such a way that the prayer is not a painful obligation, but a blessing outlet of the only day. Regularity in this matter is not just a guarantee of success, but also a guarantee of strong sleep, excellent well-being and spiritual development.
  • Create a comfortable atmosphere. Best of all, if you communicate with God alone, because it is very undesirable to distract you something. Make muffled light, burn church candles and incense. Everyone around you should give a feeling of comfort and relaxation.
  • Pray, bowing your head in front of the icon. Icon is a very strong symbol that will strengthen the words a thousand times. What kind of face will be depicted on it depends only on your desire and personal preferences.
  • Start reading the sacred texts when you are fully prepared to go to bed. If after the prayer you will still go to do household chores, then the effect of it will not be so strong.
  • Try not to rush, read all the lines from the prayer dimension and clearly. Realize the meaning of each word and reinforce it with the appropriate images and emotions within yourself.
  • If you read text out loud, then you do not need to do it too loud and expressive. Your voice must be absolutely ordinary. If you do, you can pronounce the prayers of the rate.
  • If at first you can't concentrate on prayer when reading it, then you can try to listen to the audit of the sacred texts.
  • It is not necessary to read the original texts from the prayers in the Church Slavonic language. You can perplex prayer in Russian.
  • And, of course, do not forget that you should always have a native cross or a ladies with the image of a holy face. This symbol will strengthen your status of grace, accelerate spiritual development.

What kind of celers and saint need to contact their prayers

In your plea, you can contact any of the celestial and saints. Here the main thing is the sincerity of sending and purity of thoughts. Prayer can be addressed directly to the Lord to the Almighty, his son Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Holy Spirit. However, there are some divine patrons, which are particularly good to contact himself.

You can devote your evening rule to such godders:

  • Kazan Virgin Mary;
  • Saint Cyprian;
  • Most Holy Justnie.

Also, do not forget about your guardian angels - our strong invisible defenders and guardians. It is very favorably thanked for all the assistance they provided for the past day.

An integral component of evening spiritual practice - thanks to the higher forces

It was in the evening, thank words are particularly necessary and important. You just imagine, because throughout the day we were looking at us, they cared and helped us with many celestial and saints. And, of course, for them the best reward can only be your sincerely thanks. Never neglect this during evening communication with the highest forces. If in the morning and throughout the day may be optional thanksgiving in prayers, then this should be certainly.

Evening prayers for sleep coming: text, how to correctly read 4605_3

Never neglect the power of thanksgiving words, because they are able to heal the soul, mind and even the body.


  • Regularity is the main key to success. We have a useful habit of praying before bedtime and see positive changes in yourself and your life through a very short period of time.
  • Choose yourself, to whom it is comfortable to contact (directly to the Lord to the Almighty or Specific Holy).
  • Create yourself a pleasant atmosphere, because it is very important before bedtime. Try to relax, but do not lose the concentration when reading the prayer. Light the candles, and if you can't hurt your thoughts after a hard day and tune in to the plea, then just look at the fire for a few minutes, trying not to think about anything.
  • Pray before the icon, it will very much effluent effect from the pronounced sacred words and will allow deeper to immerse itself into the process.
  • Immediately after prayer, go to bed. No need after spiritual practice to go to do household chores. This will significantly reduce the effect of your efforts.

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