5 Moon Day: Characteristics of the fifth lunar days


5 Lunar day in its energy sector is filled with activity, his element is the Earth. From the happy data miners of the day they call: turquoise, pink chalcedons and marble. Successful colors: various shades of blue, sea wave, azure. Symbols of the fifth day: Unicorn, boar, which roots the ground, lamps filled with oil. Angel of the day is Osawal.

5 Lunar Day: His Unicorn Symbol

General characteristic 5 lunar day

The fifth day of the lunar cycle acts as a definite turning point. Why is that? Because now there is a realization in the life of all that was conceived in the previous lunar days. And you can no longer just think about the result of your efforts, but to see it clearly, touch with your own hands.

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The spiritual transformation of a person occurs. His thoughts change that he prepares to changes in the external plan. Pay your attention to the fact that now all the thinking, even minor, can become reality. Therefore, take your mind control, in order to avoid harm for yourself, and for other people.

Unicorn (symbol 5 days) is a mythical creature. He is faithful, sincere, but principal. Ancient legends argue that you can meet a unicorn, but only against the background of significant life incidents. Then he will help, giving a hint how to do it.

In the fifth lunar days, all people feel changes, even unconsciously. Perhaps you are afraid of change. But think about the fact that sometimes they are vital and without them you will not become the one who should become. Remember, for example, an amazing transformation of a pupa in a butterfly. Therefore, stop worrying about any changes.

In addition, all previous actions will affect your reincarnation. And if before that you took the course for the best, detected, now you will receive an appropriate result. Similarly, the opposite.

Our essence is formed by several fundamentally different parts. So, in the fifth lunar days your task will be the integration of all scattered particles to one whole and the direction of them to jointly interact.

Home Recommendation 5 days: Control your thoughts.

Love, relationship, marriage

Today you can combine yourself by the Uzami Gimenta, but it should be remembered that then you will ensure a lot of changes in family life. They may affect financial issues (you will constantly move, switch from one place of work to another and so on), as well as spiritual (new ways to know ourselves, spiritual practices, and the like).

married today will lead an active lifestyle

Also, deciding now to marry, be prepared for frequent journey. If you are a false domico, you are not interested in wanderings and other people's states, this option is definitely not suitable for you.


Characteristic 5 lunar day speaks of difficult alchemical processes in the body. You need to concentrate more on the internal than on the external one. It is shown to work on working out its tendons, energy centers and practicing muscle stretching.

Thanks to such exercises, you will be much faster to pass internal transformation, since now changes are observed even on the deepest cellular level. There is a change in the vibration characteristics of the biofield.

Transformation touches all those who are currently passively inactive. Of course, in this case it will be negative and lead to the destruction of your body. No wonder the people invented a very wise saying: "When you don't go ahead, you go back."

Business, work money

Businessmen should take care of the 5th day of the lunar calendar with cardinal changes. For example, it is shown to rearrange the furniture, change the concept of your business, move to a new office building and so on. All new, which is designed to improve the current state of affairs, will bring a particularly positive result.

In addition, the stars recommend today to work with repair work, update the equipment, change the policies of communication with subordinates, as well as the general material and economic database.

Haircut, painting, manicure

Regarding beauty guidance issues, in 5 lunar day, you can even cut your hair. Thanks to this, you can fix your financial situation, and also get rid of unnecessary emotions. Now the moon is in the growth phase, which additionally activates the growth of new hairs.

Sign up to the master also on the staining procedure - it will improve the sphere of business contacts and connections, to achieve location from our employees.

Manicure and pedicure procedures are also not prohibited.


In dreams, the cycle in the fifth day, you can track your internal changes. If you carefully interpret images from dreams, really finding internal blocks that violate the flow of transformational energy.

Tips come in dreams

Speaking easier - you can identify and start eliminating obstacles that interfere with living a more complete and happy life. Therefore, losing your dreams is definitely.

Ritual for 5 lunar days

The practice of cleaning food is shown.

Reading prayers before sitting at the table, helps protect against the negative and tune in to receive useful energy from food.

In the fifth lunar day, refer to the next ritual, which will help free from the emotional traction to food.

How to execute it?

  1. Before you sit down at the table, for a minute, stop and specify a mental message: In order for the absorbed food to go exclusively on the nutrition of your physical shell.
  2. With the help of the fingertips of the main hand, touch your heart, after which you perform the shaking gesture over the plate. At this time, think about the fact that this food brings you only benefits.

Thanks to this very easy, but a powerful rite you will secure in the brain the intention to sit at the table only when you really feel a feeling of hunger.

For gardener and gardener

What should I do in the garden and garden now?

  • preparation of soil for plant landing;
  • sowing seeds, disembarking seedlings (exception is only shrubs and trees);
  • rooting trees and bushes;
  • the destruction of weeds;
  • cultivation of soil.

Special benefits will bring simultaneous irrigation and soil fertilizer.

Useful to water and fertilize the soil

Also, 5 day of the lunar cycle is successful in order to carry out shilling, pinching or vaccination of plants. Energy reinforced in nature gives them maximum power. Therefore, all the actions listed above and will be very successful.


We conclude that 5 lunar days - time is very difficult, now it is better to abandon idleness and passivity. Over the chances of changing their lives for the better, awareness of their real personality and what you need most for complete happiness. It is important not to neglect them, but to use for your good.

Also, each person can be compared with the washcloth absorbing both positive and negative. If you work well on myself, to drive all negative trends and bad thoughts, today only positive events will occur. Plus really laid a good foundation for the subsequent lunar month.

What should be done on the fifth cycle day? To take care towards your close surrounding, take all changes in the day with a smile - then you will certainly get the smile of Fortune in response.

Do not forget to apply to mystical moon with gratitude, the strength of which presented us with such amazing and interesting days. If now warm on the street, it would be nice to go on the nature in the evening, where to get up with bare feet to the ground and stand so for some time, filling the energy of the lunar light.

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