Prayer "Symbol of Faith": text in Russian, how to read


I often ask what the prayer "Symbol of Faith" is. I will tell about this prayer today in detail. The main points that relate to the meaning and history of the appearance of the text will be considered. This will help to fully realize the importance of this prayer.

Prayer in man's life

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of prayer text. Every self-respecting Christian necessarily assumes prayers in the morning and in the evening. In addition, he visits both festive liturgia. That's just not every person understands the importance of prayers. In particular, some are incomprehensible to the value of the prayer "Symbol of Faith". Most often, people who have just recently joined religion begin to ask a variety of issues of spiritual mentors that concern this prayer.


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Of course, it is very good that people are interested in the history of one or another prayer and try to figure out all the details. Since such a desire helps them become much closer to the Lord. And therefore the priests are happily answering such questions. Moreover, they never reproach people for ignorance.

It is noteworthy that some of the churches are made a very common mistake. After all, they are happily looking at those people who only recently came to religion. This behavior is unacceptable. Even if a person knows nothing about religion, it is impossible to put it in the reproach. In particular, if he still makes definite efforts to fix it.

The main task of each righteous Christian is to help those who cannot find the path to the Lord or is experiencing certain difficulties on the way to finding faith. That is why it is so important to try to answer all their questions, which, among other things, relate to the prayer symbol of faith.

Prayer: its importance in Orthodoxy

Orthodox Christians use a prayer with one goal - to contact the Almighty. And this appeal may be the most different. Someone prays to get forgiveness. After all, all people are sinful. Everyone is sooner or later aware of this truth. And when this happens, he will definitely appeals to heaven with a prayer prayer.

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But some Christians, praying, ask for absolutely about other things:

  • A happy marriage - when troubles begin in family life, the first thing that comes to mind is to ask for help from the saint or the Virgin Mary. Since far from always a person is able to somehow fix the current situation;
  • Healing from the disease. Any illness is always a test. And sometimes take it really not easy. In most cases, the insufficient power of human faith is the reason for this. And in order to pour help from heaven, people resort to help prayers;
  • Good luck - no one secret is the fact that it is due to luck to many people manage to achieve heights. That's just not always Mrs. Fortune remains on the side of the person. When she turns away from him, troubles come to life. To somehow attract good luck, some believers ask for heaven.

Of course, this does not mean that only with these requests, people turn to the Almighty. Most often, Christians are assesing the prayers of heavens at the moments of danger. Moreover, priests believe that in most cases it is a danger that is also an impetus that brings the person to faith.

For example, if the builder is at the time of repair work turns out to the hairs of death, he necessarily begins to read the prayer addressed to the Lord. After all, it was the Creator that his only possible Savior, who is able to take trouble and not give an angel of death to take the soul of the unfortunate.

Adoption of faith characters

If we talk about this prayer, it appeared much later than the rest. The reason for this was the adoption of faith characters. At first, Christianity, as a religion, there was a side of the skull with various prejudices. Moreover, the main problem was that Christianity was based exclusively on several foundations. And these basics were the thesis. As a result, various problems that were associated with distorted doctrines and heresy arose very often.


It is this circumstance that forced the highest church ranks to get together to introduce certain amendments. Of course, the introduced corrections were characterized by greater detail. The collection of clergymen occurred in 325 from the Nativity of Christ.

At this meeting, very important amendments were adopted:

  • The conviction of the heresy - if earlier the church was very tolerant and even with a understanding of understanding, then after clarifying the amendments, it was decided to somewhat tighten against heretics;
  • Refusal to ideas of Judaism - over the years, the Orthodox Church used those rules and restrictions that were characteristic of Judaism. However, now it seemed inappropriate, therefore, it was decided to refuse such traditions;
  • Establishing days for recreation - as you know, previously it was Saturday that was considered a day off. On this day it was categorically forbidden to work. But later, the bishops came to the conclusion that Sunday should be a day off;
  • Setting the date of the Easter Celebration - until 325, the bishops could not decide when it is better to celebrate this celebration. But the significance of this holiday for Christians is very large. But after this meeting, the date was accurately defined;
  • The adoption of faith symbols - for every religion, various symbols of faith are characterized without exception. And therefore it is quite normal that over time and Orthodox Christians wanted to officially accept their characters. At this meeting, which took place in Nika, only 7 faith characters were adopted.

Surely after reading the last item, many believers began to be asked to a completely reasonable question as to why only 7 characters were taken if there were only 12 of them. Indeed, it is currently known about the existence of 12 faith characters. However, at the meeting, held in 325 near Constantinople, accepted only 7 of them. The remaining five were approved much later - in 381. This year there was a second universal fee. The collection this time took place directly in Constantinople.

It is noteworthy that the prayer "Symbol of Faith", in which there are lines "I believe in the single god of the Father of the Altage", is very meaningful for Christians. The clergymen believe that it is no less important than the prayers of our "Father" and "the Virgin Delo, rejoice."

But it is these two prayers most often used as priests in their liturgies and Orthodox Christians who prefer to pray exclusively within the walls of their own home. That is why the servants of the Church insist on the need to know and understand this prayer.

Symbol of faith

It is necessary to immediately note the fact that this prayer is radically different from the rest. Since it has no requests that would be addressed to the Holy, Virgin Mary or the Lord. This is exactly what distinguishes it from other prayers. Speaking of what sense is prayer, it is necessary to understand that it is a statement of certain dogmas. And they should be aware of all Christians who wish to live according to the covenants of the Lord. Moreover, it is important not to know these dogmas, but also holy to believe in them.

The symbol of faith is the basis of Orthodox Christianity. And therefore it is not difficult to guess that in prayer will definitely be contained all the postulates of Orthodoxy.

Please note that reading this prayer is customary:

  • At the entrance to the temple - few people know that, entering into the House of God, it is necessary not only to cross, but also read the prayer. Unfortunately, many forget about this;
  • With baptism - during this sacrament, the priests necessarily read such a prayer. It is believed that without its reading the rite cannot be completed. After all, it is from birth that the righteous Christian should know the basic Christian dogmas.

But it is not necessary to think that only in these two cases it is customary to read this prayer. Such text also is also quite often used in other sacraments when it becomes necessary to read additional prayer. In this prayer, it is narrating the very creation of the world, about the life of Jesus Christ and how to get rid of sin by baptism.

It is noteworthy that only a few characters narrate about it. And therefore, it cannot be said that all the prayer is built only on the narration, for example, about the creation of the world. It is necessary to consider.


Before you start reading prayer, a person must completely get rid of sinful thoughts. It is extremely important. And therefore it is impossible to hurry so much with reading prayers. In addition, it should be understood that there are two options for this prayer. The first will be extremely incomprehensible to people, since it is written in the Old Slavonic language, which also use priests. The second is the text in Russian, it is more understandable.


  1. Prayer "Symbol of Faith" is used very often with different sacraments.
  2. Entering the temple, every Christian should read it and only after that go.
  3. You can read prayer in Russian in order to better understand its meaning.

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