Marian typically text, how to read, how many days


I have been studying religious books and canons of faith. Today I'll detail the text of the rules of Virgin Mary, tell how it should be read.

Prayer of the Virgin

Prayer - a way of communication with the Creator of man. That's what most people think. And we can not say that this is not correct. Indeed, with the help of prayer each person can start a conversation with the Lord. However, mistakenly believing that a Christian is allowed only to talk with the Lord. There is also a huge number of prayers that are addressed to the Virgin Mary.

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According to the clergy, it was the Virgin Mary in the majority and pray lay people who need help. A similar pattern was not accidental. Since Mary is the patroness of all the weak and oppressed.

However, even now, not all churched people understand how important it is Bogorodichno rule. Moreover, not everyone knows about it. Of course, it's not very good news. Since all the priests, without exception, wish that their congregation was able to fully partake of the Lord. And this desire is understandable.

History of origin

Contrary to popular belief that prayer belongs to the new text, it is not. On the assurances of the clergy, prayer has been known to mankind since ancient times. But in those days she wore an entirely different name - angelic greeting. It is known that the text of this prayer was composed not by man. The scriptures contain information that prayer the words do not belong to anyone, and to the archangel Gabriel.

One day, he came down from heaven and said to Mary the good news. He said that it is in the near future will be the mother of the Savior of mankind. After some time on the words of the Archangel became known to other people. After Our Lady gave this rule faithful Christians. She punished strictly follow these rules, because the only way that people can count on the forgiveness of God and his mercy.

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It was believed that adherence to the canons capable of:

  • to save from sin - all men are by nature sinners. And this truth is well known. Since it is for this sin and were punished progenitors of mankind;
  • Ensure from temptations - only people who are strong in spirit can respond to the temptations sent by the Devil. But even for true Christians, it is very difficult, and in some cases it is impossible at all. That is why it is so important not to forget to read special prayers;
  • To help find the righteous way - sin it easy, but to live on the canons of God is much more difficult. And therefore, with time, even a true Christian can be snewing from the right path. In this case, without the help of heaven, it's just not to do. But at the same time it is extremely important to know how to correctly read prayer-appeal;
  • Easy Life - As you know, the Lord sends tests to its creations only with one goal. And this goal is to instruct a person to the true path. But if the Christian will live according to Orthodox canons, then the punishment, the tests will not be overtaken.

It is worth noting that at first people clearly followed the rules that Deva Maria told them. However, it was only at the very beginning when Christians just learned about them. But later everything has changed. Gradually, these canons erased from the memory of people. And so they began to sin and violate the commandments of the Lord.

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In oblivion, humanity has lived unknown how many days. But you can't call this life. After all, people constantly encountered different kinds of tests. Very often, the peasants suffered from hunger, merchants ruined. Historical references that can be easily found on the Internet, they say that in those years, mortality was extremely high, since regularly humanity suffered from various kinds of epidemics.

All these hands and other tests of the Lord sent only one goal to his flock to their flock - to make people remember the rules that the Virgin Mary told them. However, it cannot be said that this was having any action. After all, ultimately, the rule of people recalled Seraphim Sarovsky.

Saint Seraphim

This old man is known as the noblest person. It is believed that the Mother of God appeared in a dream and punished enlightenment to people. She once again told about the rule. It was him that he told other people a dear old man. Moreover, with his mouth they learned about the importance of this prayer. Seraphim Sarov strictly punished people to read this prayer every day. And repeating the text of the prayer was necessary for at least 150 times. According to this elder, it could only hope for the grace of heaven.

Immediately it is necessary to note one important fact. The fact is that at present many believers perceive this rule as something very complicated. That is why some even try to find decent excuses in order not to use this prayer. Of course, people simply frighten the number of prayer repetitions. But it is impossible to perceive the prayer as a givenness or burden. It is necessary to just learn to understand and take this importance. Then nothing will seem too heavy for execution, especially reading prayers.

Prayer reading rules

When people hear about the need to repeat prayer more than 100 times a day, they immediately begin to ask questions to their spiritual mentor. As they believe that they simply do not have time in order to make so many repetitions. However, the priests are tirelessly remind that if desired, each person can carve time for prayer. In addition, no one says that it is necessary to immediately repeat prayer so many times.

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In fact, you can go easier and right way. That is, to share the number of repetitions several times. For example, the first 15 times a prayer can be found, leaving the house, and then continue reading at work. When a free minute is issued, a person will have to suffer a prayer. At first it may indeed seem that reading the prayer will take too much time. However, in fact it is not. As soon as the Christian starts reading a prayer, he himself personally will be convinced.

When to take prayer

It is noteworthy that not all believers understand what exactly they need to read the prayer, which was presented to people with heaven and they remembered with the help of Seraphim Sarov. And this is indeed a real problem. Since it is why people and refuse to pray. To all doubts about the importance of prayer disappear, it is necessary to mention that people will receive if they are clearly followed by the rule:
  • The Pokrov of the Virgin - when a person faces various difficulties, he does not always manage to independently cope with them. In this case, more than ever, the patronage of the Virgin Mary will come in handy. After all, she only responds to prayers of those who live righteous life. It must be considered;
  • The chance to get close to the Lord - every prayer brings together a person to the Creator. But the most powerful of them is the Mother Original Rule. That is why it is so important to read it everyone and do it with pleasure;
  • Forgiveness - every man is sin. And even a person who is a believer is not insured against small sin. But if he regularly reads the Virgin Rule, he will be made forgiveness;
  • Salvation and eternal life - Orthodox Christians believe in the existence of Hell and Paradise. It is believed that only those people who adequately lived their lives may fall into paradise. Sinners are prepared by the road to hell. There they will be forced to spend eternity burned by the hellish flame. Such an unenviable fate scares many people. That is why they seek to get salvation.

It is worth noting that all this can even get a sinner. In particular, if he from all souls shown in what he committed a sin. Then heaven is sure to be clenched over him, and he will be able to gain eternal life. Of course, this statement is relevant exclusively for those sinners who repent. Those who in life will not have time to repent of crimes, is waiting for hellish flames.

How to read prayer

As it was written above, this prayer should be read with repetitions. The minimum number of repetitions is 150 times. Reading a prayer, a Christian must keep a rosary in his hands. It is with their help it will be possible to count the repetition. In addition, the rosary will help a person tune in to the desired way and get rid of extraneous thoughts.

All prayer is divided by 15 dozen. Each of them describes an important event from the life of the Virgin. According to church rules, each dozen must be read at least 10 times. This is a checked rule. However, it is not recommended to break his clergy. Reading a prayer, mentally a person can ask the Virgin about any help. It is believed that she is able to help the Christian in any case.


  1. The Mother Original Rule was previously well known, but gradually people about him forgotten.
  2. Read this prayer is necessary every day.
  3. The number of text repetitions is 150 times.
  4. Request the Virgin, reading a prayer, you can about any dreams.

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