The prayer of the Virgin "worthy is": text in Russian


I study all the texts of prayers and their interpretation. Today I will talk about the peculiarities of the prayer text "worthy."

Who can pray

Some people who are far from religion believe that Christians raise prayers exclusively to the Lord. However, in fact it is not. After all, there are a huge variety of such prayers, which are addressed to the famous saints, the guardian angel and the Virgin Mary. It is worth noting that it is the Virgin Mary in most cases to take prayers. It is believed that it is a protector of all weak and oppressed. That is why, with requests for help, it is treated quite often.

The prayer of the Virgin

Prayer addressed to the Virgin

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In order to ask for the help of the Virgin, they use the prayer "worthy." People who are still far from religion may seem that this prayer is little known. However, in reality, this is a common misconception. And it is obvious to any Christian, which at least once in his life attended church services. After all, it is this prayer that is their integral part.

It is noteworthy that the most active this prayer is used in those times when the epidemic comes. In the old days, it was with this prayer at home and hospitals, which were sick.

The priests are confident that with the help of this sacred text, people earlier and managed to recover. When the number of victims of the epidemic became too large, many peasants and mothers went to the church for special worship, so that to read the sacred text along with the clergyman.

Since in those years people sacred believed that the prayer uttered by a group of people is much more powerful. And indeed it is. Today, priests also insist on the need to collectively take prayers in order to reach heaven as soon as possible.

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In addition, the reading of the prayer helped:

  • He tremble from mental illness - a poor who amazes the body of a person is undoubtedly dangerous. However, much more dangerous is the one who gradually destroys the soul of man. It is with him to cope and more difficult. And therefore, people suffering from mental illness prefer to immediately seek help from the Virgin. After all, it is her mercy can help a person;
  • To gain happiness in family life - Virgo Maria is considered a protector of marriages. When the family comes in misfortune and hangs a threat of divorce, women come to church and pray selflessly. After all, they believe that the Virgin Mary will definitely hear and respond to prayer.

When prayer will be heard

Of course, it is impossible to hope that the person will definitely receive the help of heaven. No one can give one hundred percent guarantee that the prayer "worthy is" will really be heard. Since no one knows what it is precipitated by the fate of a person or another person.

The sincerity and faith of man playing in this matter is played in this matter. If a prayer takes a deeply believer, then he has more chances to be heard. After all, if we are talking about a sinner who decided to apply to heaven, then everything is more complicated. Before getting help, he must repent. And only after that he will have the opportunity to apply for some request to heaven. Without it, it is not necessary to even hope for the mercy of the Higher Forces. This is also necessary to take into account.

The prayer of the Virgin

Unfortunately, many people who only recently came to faith and believed in the true gentlemen, really sincerely pray. Some of them do it in a habit or believe that immediately after the ascension of prayer, their lives will change. Of course, this is impossible. It is impossible to just read the prayer and hope that life will change after the magic wand. Miracles in our lives happen. But they are worthy of only righteous Christians.

The history of the appearance of prayer

Each prayer has its own history. Perhaps some such as it may seem strange. After all, prayer, in fact, is the usual text. That's just true Christians know perfectly well that this text is actually not ordinary. Prayer use only one goal - to turn to higher forces. Turning to heaven, a person can pray about different:

  • Aid in the affairs of urgent - Christians very often raise prayers to get the support of heaven in different good deeds;
  • Grace - under mercy can be understood by a lot. Warning a prayer, a person may ask heaven to help in solving material problems or healing;
  • Enlightenment - quite often it happens that a person simply cannot independently find a way out of a difficult life situation. At such moments, he needs enlightenment to understand exactly how you can try to correct the situation.

However, the appeal is somewhat different to the Virgin Mary. Since such prayer is customary to use strictly in certain cases. It is noteworthy that the story of the appearance of prayer is different. In the Holy Writes it is said that this story is connected with one monk. He lived in the cell along with the novice. Almost never this elder did not leave Cales. However, one day he told the obedient about his intention to go to another temple.

Having remained in complete loneliness, the novice began to divine chants. At that moment the monk entered his cell. He joined the novice, and together began to pronounce the texts of prayers. For a while, all prayers sounded very consistent. However, when the time of reading appeal to the Virgin Mary came, something unexpected happened. The monk stopped the novice and pointed him an error. According to him, this prayer was supposed to be performed completely differently. After that, he continued his chant.

It would seem that in this story there is nothing surprising. After all, a person simply corrected the novice so that he no longer committed mistakes during chanting. But this is surprising. After all, after the monk corrected a young man and pointed him a mistake, the icon of God's mother Zasia. It was a sign over.

Once all the chants were finished, the young novice hurried to ask the monk to write down the words of this prayer. After all, he could not even hope for his memory. And since the little miracle happened in his eyes, he decided not to waste time and be sure to write down the words that were correct.

The prayer of the Virgin

However, when it turned out that there was no pen and paper in the cell, he fell into a despondency. Since I understood that such important prayer would eventually be lost. Seeing how much the novice was upset, the mysterious monk began to drive his hand on the stone.

When the young man came closer to see what the strange guest is busy, he saw letters appear on the stone. These were the very words of prayers who so wanted to record a novice. Winned so struck him that for some time he could not even move. And this is understandable, because in his eyes the real miracle happened.

The stone became soft and militant as wax, so the monk could have been written on it without much difficulty. When surprise was changed by curiosity, the young man decided to find out what the name of the mysterious visitor, who had already practically disappeared. In response, he heard: "Gabriel".

When the old man returned to the cell, he immediately told about what happened. And although the young man who met the guest mysteriously, did not understand who he was, the elder immediately understood. He told everyone that Archangel Gabriel himself came to this cell. And he revealed the world a real miracle.

Soon the news about it spread and even reached Constantinople. As soon as the highest church ranks learned about what happened, they demanded that the monks somehow confirmed their words. To do this, they sent the same stone block into the city, on which the words of the sacred prayer were inscribed.

Holy Mount Athos

Mentioning about the history of the appearance of prayer, it is impossible not to tell about the sacred mountain of Athos. Since the monastery who visited Archangel Gabriel was in close proximity to this grief. In addition, this island personally visited the Virgin Mary. It happened a few years after Jesus Christ ascended.

Immediately it is necessary to note the fact that the Morning of the Mother of God fell quite by chance. Initially, the ship on which she traveled, held the way to Cyprus. However, during the path, the ship fell into the storm. He was nailed to the shore. Walking around the terrain, Virgo Maria visited and mountain. Since then, no woman has passed on this sacred land.

It is noteworthy that today people make a pilgrimage to this mountain. But only men are allowed to be here. During the visit, they need to dress in modest clothing and behave decently. Everyone can stay on the territory of the monastery in the community that will have to do. And in the morning there is surely read the prayer "worthy there", the icon of God's mother is always in sight. In total, 20 monasteries are built on the territory. But build new, of course, prohibited.


  1. Prayers addressed to the Mother of God must be sincere.
  2. It is extremely important to correctly read them and not allow mistakes.
  3. The history of the appearance of prayer is directly related to the visit of the Archangel Gabriel of a small monastery.

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