Prayers Cyprian from damage, evil eye, witchcraft


A few years ago, a black band was unexpectedly coming in my life: serious diseases did not retreat, several times lost quite large amounts of money, got into an accident. Came of thought: Maybe they caused damage to me? Increasingly, I thought about it. I remembered that the beginning of the black band was preceded by a quarrel with one unpleasant person.

To help himself in a difficult moment, I decided to pray to the Sacred Martyr Cyprian, because I knew that this saint helps with a damage or evil eye.

Since I was not the lungs situation, I read a prayer for 40 days. Gradually, I had a good feeling that Saint Cyprian hears me and ready to help. I became more likely to go to the temple, communion.

By the end of the 40-day period, I felt much better! I was offered a new job, the disease passed. But most importantly - I now had confidence that the highest strength with me, that I would not leave me in trouble. Therefore, I recommend everyone who feels signs of damage, more often to go to the temple and read the prayer to Saint Cyprian.

Signs of damage or witchcraft

Stories related to witchcraft or damage is always difficult to prove. Here we can rely only on our intuition - if something seriously broke in life and you have a serious ill-wisher, you can assume witchcraft. The main sign of any damage is the surprise of misfortunes, illogicality of failures. There are too many troubles from different spheres of life:
  • Health disappears;
  • relationships are destroyed;
  • money is lost;
  • Accidents occur;
  • There are serious troubles at work.

If something similar happens to you, it can be assumed that we can talk about witchcraft. Many are in a hurry to solve this problem from the "knowledgeable" grandmothers, but this is a bad solution. In this situation, only God can help through his saints. To damage left, it is necessary to pray more often, go for worship, commitory.

Prayer Saint Cyprian from damage, evil eye, witchcraft

The strongest prayer from damage, sorcerence and predance of Diavolsky is a prayer appeal to the Great Saints Cyprian and Ustinin.

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Saint prayer is given in many Orthodox prayer prayers. You can print it or rewrite from the hand and read out in the morning and in the evening in front of the dimensions of the holy martyrs.

In many Orthodox churches, there is an icon on which Cyprian and Ustinya depicted. It is desirable that you come to the temple, put a candle in front of them, read the prayer and then stayed to the service.

Home prayer is read in the same way as any other.

  • Buy the image of Saints Cyprian and Ustigny.
  • Buy wax candles in the church.
  • Light candles in front.
  • Prepare text prayer.
  • Read the prayer, presenting that the saints hear your requests.
  • After prayer, tell the saints in your own words about your problems and suspicions of damage.

Prayer Cyprian is desirable to read 40 days in a row.

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History of Saints Cyprian and Ustinyi

Why do these saints help with witchcraft? The fact is that Saint Cyprian, who lived in the first centuries of Christianity, was originally a sorcerer. He knew how to damage, the demons served him and performed his orders. The spirits of evil were completely obedient to him, but they didn't have enough strength when they met with a truly believer soul - such was Ustinya (Justina), a young Christian who did not want to marry a henchman. This young pagan hired Cyprian so that he forced the beauty to agree to marriage.

The strength of her faith was so great that the demons could not cope with it. Cyprian was shocked. He thought about how a young girl could pacify the strongest spirits of evil. And then the sorcerer realized that there is power more powerful than those demons he managed.

Cleaning Cyprian was full and final. He came to the Christian church and prayed for forgiveness for many days in a row. The priest saw the tears and repentance of Cyprian and believed him. Cyprian became one of the deacon in the temple, but never forgot about his pre-sacraments, tearfully prayed to God for forgiveness.

Cyprian and Justina died as holy martyrs - they were captured by the Romans and tormented for a long time, forcing it to renounce Christ. But Cyprian and Justina chose to die, but not to abandon his faith, it was so strong. After the death of the saints protect those who suffered from demonic influence.

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The opinion of the Church

It is known that many priests deny the possibility of witchcraft and targeting damage. They believe that such effects can occur only with people who do not have enough faith - this is stated in many articles and video.

From such a point of view you need to agree. But it is worth recognizing that there are difficult situations in life when the forces of evil take over us. Maybe indeed this is due to the lack of faith and righteous life. But in any case, when we find ourselves in a difficult situation, we need support. And such support can be a prayer for us to Saint Cyprian.

It is possible to start with the prayer appeal to Cyprian (the text of the prayer is given in many Orthodox compilations). But after you get a little better, it is necessary to change your life, turn to faith and church.

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As a result, I want to conclude: only the Lord God may be the best defender from evil. To refer to God for help when damaging, you need:

  • strengthen faith;
  • more often visit God's temple;
  • confession;
  • commune;
  • Read prayer from witchcraft Saint Cyprian and Ustini.

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