Prayer of the Holy Martyr Trifon about helping


I always advise people to go to God before any activity. It is especially important to be a prayer before finding a new work. Today I will tell you why you need to turn to the martyr Trifon with any difficulties with the work, how to pray himself.

Difficulty in employment

Successful employment is the dream of every person. Because it can only get a guarantee of a comfortable life and old age. However, it is currently difficult to find a job. No one is a secret that the unemployment rate in recent years has grown hard. The number of jobs due to the closure of companies and factories is rapidly decreasing. And it becomes the cause of increasing competition. In addition, the main problem is the bribery of persons responsible for the employment of citizens.

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Trifon about helping 4708_1

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The realities are such that only people who have connections or money can get a job in order to pay. But believers people know that this situation is not hopeless. Since you can always ask for the help of heaven.

In most cases, Orthodox addresses their prayers of the Almighty. But specifically, in this case, you can raise prayer and holy trif. Prayer martyr Trifon is considered very effective and strong. Although much depends on how much the person believes that the prayer will help him.

Removing martyrs in Orthodoxy: Tradition

The word "martyr" in many are associated with something bad. However, Orthodox Christians are very honored by martyrs who lived in times when religion was banned. This can be explained on a fairly simple example. If you think about it, then the permitted business is much simpler than those that are prohibited, for example, by the government. Of course, it is not about disagreeable things.

If you turn to religion, it becomes clear that for many years the Orthodox Church has experienced serious difficulties:

  • The number of parishioners was negligible;
  • Believers were constantly tested;
  • Religious literature was actually banned.

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The rulers did everything possible to completely eradicate an objectionable faith. Since with the help of pagan idolatry they could force people completely obey. Then one idea was actively promoted: the ruler is a messenger of the gods. And this messenger was categorically prohibited in any way try to shift.

The disobedience of his laws was also the betrayal of faith. At the same time it did not matter exactly which horrors worked allegedly the chief of heaven. He needed to forgive everything. This is this thought and instilled in the minds of people.

The activity of Velikomartovikov

But Christians preached completely different ideas. They knew that they would believe in the true God, so they tried to give other people to insight. Of course, this perceived categorically. The authorities walked on a lot to completely eradicate the Orthodox faith. And first of all suffered by those who devoted their lives to the ministry to the Lord.

They were tied and tried to make publicly recognize the fact that their faith is fake, like the Lord himself. Weak spirit broke under the oppression of torture and threats. However, true believers were not completely afraid of death. After all, they understood that they dying for their god.

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It is noteworthy that death many admirers of the Lord were believed to deliverance, and not the punishment. The righteous believed that life was in this glossy world and there is the most terrible test to which the Most High Soul Souls exposes. After all, it is with the help of temptations he can check whether the pista's soul is so clean.

And since Christians always believed and continue to believe in the existence of hell and paradise, they were not all afraid of death. After all, they knew exactly that they would definitely fall into the kingdom of the Lord. Of course, provided that life they lived righteous, and not a sinful. Since sinners who did not even repent over their prejudices, was waiting for a harsh punishment. And it was necessary to serve this punishment in the most terrible place - in hell.

Only a strong spirit, those who did not break, ultimately, according to Christians, acquired an eternal kingdom. It was believed that martyrs were also acquired and strength. That is why they began to read. It is worth noting that not many know that the martyrs are not just honored. They also raise prayers because they are believed to be close to the Lord. Therefore, martyrs may ask for praying and pour for him forgiveness from the Most High. And the strongest and influential of all the martyrs is precisely the trifone who pray for help in work.

Day of martyr Trifona

Now February 14 for many is only a holiday of love. Few people know that it is on this day that in Orthodoxy it is customary to read the martyr named Trifon. After all, he is one of the few wonderworkers and martyrs to which you can contact the material well-being.

As you know, the church does not too much complaints like prayers in which Merzing asks for the Lord to help him improve the financial situation. But such prayers can not be called prohibited. Because, if a person is asking for correctly, he does not violate God's commandments.

Orthodox believe that the prayer for material well-being and employment to work should be carried out to the martyr trif. After all, it is it one of the most powerful and effective. We will try to figure out why believers consider this prayer such an effective. Immediately it is necessary to note the fact that a huge role in this issue was played by the study of the lives of this martyr.

History Trifon

Trifon was born in the city of Campsad, who later received another name - Frisia. It is not reliably known, in which year this martyr was born. As there are several documents at once, in which different dates are indicated. According to the initial source, he was born in 232. However, there are also such documents that indicate that the year of birth of the martyr became 250. And since today it was not possible to find out the exact date, it was decided to indicate these two dates.

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The trif family was truly believer. From infancy, he was given a love for faith. Parents tried to grow it with a worthy Christian. And they succeeded. After all, already with young years, Trifon became known as a healer and the wonderworker. By giving, he even saved the whole city from death. After reading the prayer, he was able to drive out all the creep of the reptiles who flooded the city. And so he saved the inhabitants from hungry and painful death.

When the miraculous strength of the young man became known, people from all over the world began to go to the village. They wanted to look at the child with their own eyes, possessing a divine gift. In addition, they also prayed him about help.

As helped trifon to all people:

  1. All requests addressed to the Holy Trifon were executed.
  2. I did not refuse to anyone, I helped everyone and at the same time glorified the Lord, and not myself.
  3. Even those who were obsessed with demonic creatures, the young man helped. It was he who was able to put the true hundreds of those who began to lose faith in the Savior on the path.

Rumor about him spread so far, which soon reached the ears of the ruler. In those years, the country ruled Emperor Traian. He was widely known for his cruelty and a lack of thirst for blood. The ruler executed ordinary peasants for the slightest propulsion and was famous for the fact that Lyuto hated all Christians. Moreover, he dreamed of completely destroying Christianity as faith. Therefore, when he became aware of the existence of a trifon, which glorifies the true God, he decided to understand immediately with him.

As soon as Trifon brought to the palace, he began torturing it. From some sources, you can learn how terrible torture was. These sources contain information that the unfortunate trifon was beaten for many days in a row, driven nails into his legs and even suspended naked on the tree.

However, contrary to their expectations, this did not happen. Up to the death of the trif, continued to prayer to the Lord. In the end, the ruler had to surrender, because he realized that no torture could force the unfortunate to renounce faith. Therefore, the emperor ordered to cut off his head.

It is noteworthy that at present trifone martyr's head is in Montenegro, and part of his relics were transported to the cathedrals, which are located in Ukraine and Russia. On the trifones icons depict a young young man who is dressed in a shepherd's clothing. In his hands, he holds a grape vine. In believers, he is associated with a young and worker person who is not used to sit without a business. And therefore it is believed that it is he who is the intercessor of all those people who are in finding work.

Text prayer

If you compare with other prayer texts, then the prayer of the martyr trifeu, read which is necessary in full solitude, is slightly different. And this is the difference that there is only one version of the text of the prayer, which you need to read, turning to this martyr.

Not only people who are in finding work can read prayer. It is also suitable for those people who have already got a job, but at the same time have certain difficulties. For example, can not blame with a team or leader.


  1. The reverence of martyrs is an ancient tradition, which is all Christians.
  2. It is believed that martyrs can also be patrons. And for this reason, some Orthodox prefer to take prayers to them.
  3. One of the most powerful and approximate to God is the martyr trif.
  4. All people who dream of finding good work can take prayers to this martyr. The text of the prayer is unchanged.
  5. Does not refuse trifone and in help those who are experiencing certain difficulties in work. Therefore, it may be safe to seek help and those believers who were able to work independently. In addition, entrepreneurs can even apply with such a prayer.

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