Strong prayers for the saints about the conception and birth of children


Children are happiness, and every married couple sooner or later decides them to acquire. Unfortunately, not all attempts to conceive the child are crowned with success for various reasons. But what to do if the doctors are bred by their hands, and the cherished dream is not carried out?

Believers are recommended to seek help to higher forces. I could not get pregnant for a long time and almost desperately, but good people advised me to go to church and ask the child from God. Today I am a happy mommy and want to share with you in this article about what prayers for conception helped me.

Prayers for pregnancy

How to pray for pregnancy?

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Prayers, calling back to the Holy Goggling, are truly able to work wonders. They repeatedly helped pregnant even those women who were diagnosed with infertility. The main thing is sincerely wanting to believe in a miracle and apply all efforts to get the desired one.

Sometimes the Lord does not give children a married couple because these people may have a more important mission in this life - to make it possible to make a reception of a todder. It does not rarely happen that after the adoption of the child, a woman will suddenly be pregnant, with the doctors stubbornly told about the impossibility of natural conception. But it should also be taken into account that God does not give children for other reasons, for example, due to the miscellability of people. Therefore, future parents, first of all, must repent in their sins, take the communion, get rid of the negative and detrimental habits.

It is recommended to read the prayer for the conception of a healthy child at least 21 days, but before that it is recommended to adhere to the post of 7 days. In addition, it is necessary to go to the temple and put a candle in front of the face of that saint to which prayer will be addressed. If there is no such possibility, you should purchase an icon and make some altar at home.

Of course, it is not necessary to believe that conception will happen to lightningly - for this you need time. The main thing is to sincerely ask the Most High about help and with all my heart to believe in a miracle. It should also be noted that all prescriptions of doctors need to be performed a childless pair, and not just hope for higher strength.

Appeal to Matron

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Mother Matrona thought to abandon the baby because of a distinguished position, but before childbirth she was a sign that made her change his decision. The girl was born special - she had no eyes. During Epiphany, the father said Mother that her child was sent by God and during his lifetime a lot of good deeds. So it happened.

At about 7 years, Matron found the gift of clairvoyance and learned to heal people. People began to walk for help and advice to walk, childless women were often treated, who soon gained the happiness of motherhood. Before his death, the healer promised to help everyone who will contact her for help and pray.

A woman who wants to get pregnant must go to the church and the icon of the saint put a bouquet of flowers, the number of buds of which should be odd. Then ignite the candle and read the prayer. The holy text is desirable to learn by heart and repeat it daily. Prayer Matron of Moscow about conception of the child sounds as follows:

Matrona 1.

There is also another effective prayer of the Matron about the conception of a healthy child, which is recommended every day to read near the Icons of St.:

Matrona 2.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

As you know, the Most Holy Virgo Mary gave birth to Jesus after the immaculate conception, so it was the majority of requests for help from women who wish to become mothers. Below is the most powerful prayer for pregnancy, which you need to read before the face of the Virgin.

Virgin 1.

Also asked about the child, the Holy Virgin Mary is recommended in front of the icon, which is called "inappropriate joy." You can say a request for conception in your own words or read the following prayer:

Virgin 2.

There is a miraculous icon, referred to as the "healer", which depicts the Most Holy Mother of God. She helps praying women quickly get pregnant. With its help, the happiness of motherhood has found thousands of women, even those that could not have children under medical testimony. Prayer before this icon needs to read as often as possible.

Virgin 3.

Prayer to Ksenia Peterberg

There are many legends and rumors about the lives of Ksenia, but the truth is that she was a difficult girl. After the death of her husband, she was in Touréra, and only prayers and communication with the Lord helped her cope with the grief. For its dedication to the Almighty and the suffering of Ksenia received the gift of clairvoyance, so people for help began to apply to it. In addition, in every house that she attended, the well-being flourished, love and peace reigned.

Ksenia was buried in St. Petersburg, so she received the nickname Petersburg. There was a chapel at the burial site, where, according to eyewitnesses, real miracles occur. On the cemetery there are those who need help, such as healing from illness, finding love, to establish peace in the house. Quite often, women and family couples are addressed to the saint with a request for conception and birth of a healthy baby. To do this, it is not necessary to go to her on the grave, it is enough to visit the church, put the candle to her image and read the prayer.

Ksenia Petersburg

Prayer from infertility novel by the Wonderworker

Roman devoted his life to serving God and help people. His prayers helped many women get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. He healed seriously ill and helped even those who were free. For those who dream of a baby, you need to purchase an icon of the novel of the Wonderworker (ashy), to contact him every day with a request for conception and pronounce the following prayer:

Roman Wonderworthy

Appeal to Fevronia and Peter

Princely Chet Peter and Fevronia were a pattern of a couple. Love, loyalty, mutual understanding and endless devotion reigned in their relationship. Their life history is impressive and inspires. They always helped to needed families and even after death continue their good deed. Peter and Fevronia pray those who wish to find family happiness, in particular, to conceive and give birth to a child. Turning to the holy, you need to present your pregnancy or born baby and read the following words:

Peter and Fevronia

Finding about the baby Luke

To ask the holy wedlock onions about the offspring, it is necessary to perform a small ritual:

  • buy an icon with his image;
  • purchase 9 church candles;
  • take holy water and pour it into a glass;
  • light the candles near the icons and put a glass with water;
  • Stroking your belly and presenting that pregnancy has come, read a special prayer.

Saint Luke

After reading words, you need to cross and drink holy water.

Prayer Nikolaya please

Nikolay Radio (Wonderworker) - Family Intercession. It is treated for help in any situations, including when it is impossible to conceive a child. Prayers addressed to this saint, miraculous. They can be read not only in the church, but also at home in front of the face of Nicholas.

Nikolai pleased

Appeal to the Lord.

Not in vain say that the Lord God is omnipotent, and turn to it in various difficult situations. When the pair is desperately trying to conceive the child, and doctors cannot help, there is one hope for the Most High. A woman who wants to get pregnant must fast for at least a week, after which you visit the temple to repent of sins and take the communion, and then start daily to pray for a pregnancy, saying the following words:

Lord 1.

There is also a prayer for conceiving a child, which should read spouses at the same time.

Lord 2.

Often, difficulties with conception arise for psychological reasons - a woman is psychologically not ready to become a mother. She can dream of a family, but at the same time she has the thoughts that she may not cope with new responsibilities, and the financial party leaves much to be desired. Before you decide on such a serious step, like the birth of a child, you need to think thoroughly. After all, it is possible not to make cardinal changes in your life. And when the "then" time comes, then with conception, no problems will arise.

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