How to confess and what to say father: example


Not many know how to confess and what to say to the father. I will tell you and ladies an example of speech for repentance so that the rite passes for you as comfortable as possible and you could get a blessing. It is terrible to go to this step only for the first time. After you experience the entire sacred power of the ritual, doubts will go away, and faith in God will increase.

What is confession?

Almost all people heard about confession, but only a few know how to confess to the church correctly and what to speak to Pathushka, as well as how deep meaning is concluded in this sacred rite.

How to confess in church

The meaning of confession is in the cleansing of the soul, but also at the same time testing for it. She helps a person to remove the goods of his sins, get forgiveness and appear before God completely clean: thoughts, actions, soul. Also, confession is a wonderful religious tool for who wants to defeat internal doubts, learn to hear their intuition and repent of perfect misconduct.

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It is important to know that if a person performed heavy sins, the priest can appoint him a punishment - to the Epitude. It can be imprisoned in long tedious prayers, strict after or abstaining from all worldly. Punishment should be accepted humbly, realizing that it helps your soul to cleanse.

It is known that any violations of God's commandments negatively affect the physical health of a person, and in the state of his soul. It is for this that it is necessary to repent - to gain the forces necessary to confront the temptations and temptations, to stop sin.

Before confession, it is advisable in advance to draw up a list of their sins, describe them in church canons and prepare for a conversation with the father.

What to talk to confession to the priest: Example

You need to know what to pour my soul to the father and repent of our sins in all details not necessarily, even undesirable. Just take a look at this list of sins and write out what is peculiar to you.

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how to confess that say the father

All mortal sins, in which it is necessary to repent, seven:

  1. Envy to successes and achievements, benefits of other people.
  2. Vanity, which manifests itself to egoism, narcissism, overestimated self-esteem and self-love.
  3. The despondency, with which such concepts as depression, apathy, laziness and despair are also identified, the lack of faith in their own strength.
  4. Srebrolubie, which in modern language we call greed, misfortune, looping only on material benefits. When a person sets himself a goal, directed only to enrichment, but does not pay a minute of time to develop spiritual.
  5. Anger aimed at people. This also includes any manifestations of hot temper, irritation, vitality and aloquence.
  6. Blud - Added to his partner, a frequent change of sexual partners, infidelity beloved in thoughts, words or actions (not only physical act).
  7. Czechoda, gluttony, excessive love for food and the lack of all restrictions in food.

These sins are not in vain named "mortals" - they lead if not to the death of the physical body of a person, then to the death of his soul. Constantly, day after day, committing these sins, a person is further distinguished from God. He ceases to feel his defense, support.

Only sincere repentance for confession will help to cleanse from all this. It is worth understanding that we are not without sin. And you do not need to edit yourself if you learned yourself in this list. Only God is not mistaken, but an ordinary person is not always able to withstand temptations and temptations, do not let the evil in his body and soul. Especially if there is some difficult period in his life.

An example of what can be said: "Oh God, I sinned before you." And then list sins by a pre-prepared list. For example: "Making adultery, he said with his mother, constantly angry with his wife." Complete the repentance by the phrase: "I repent, God, save and merry my sinner."

After the priest listens to you, he can give advice and will help you understand how you should act in a particular situation in harmony with God's commandments.

You can be very difficult to confess in perfect sins. Feeling gravity, depression, lump in throat, tears - any reaction is completely normal. Try to overcome yourself and tell everything. Batyushka will never condemn you, because he is a conductor from you to God and simply has no right to give evaluation judgments.

Look at the learning video about what words to start confession to the father:

How to prepare for confession

To prepare the sacred rite better in advance so that everything goes smoothly. For a few days, select the church in which you will go, study the watch of her work, look at what time confession is held. Most often in the schedule for this, weekend or holidays are indicated.

Often at this time in the temple there are a lot of people, and not everyone can open their heart in public. In this case, you should contact your father directly and ask him to assign time for you when you can be alone.

what to talk to the confession to the priest example

Before confession, read the repentant Canon, who will configure you to the right state and free the thoughts from all extra. Also, write in advance the list of sins on a separate sheet, so that the Day of confession do not forget anything from excitement.

In addition to seven mortal sins, the list may turn out to be:

  • "Women's sins": a refusal to communicate with God, reading a prayer "on the machine" without inclusion of the soul, sex with men to marriage, negative emotions in thoughts, appeals to magicians, fortune tellers and psychics, faith in signs and superstition, fear of old age, abortion causing clothes, dependence on alcohol or drugs, refusal to help in need.
  • "Men's sins": angry words against God, the lack of faith in God, themselves, surrounding, the feeling of superiority over weak, sarcasm and ridicule, evasion from service in the army, violence (moral and physical) over other people, lie and slander, succumb Temptations and temptations, theft of someone else's property, rudeness, rudeness, greed, feeling of contempt.

Why is it so important to confess? We regularly clean our body from dirt, but we completely forget that it sticks to the soul daily. Cleaning the soul, we receive not only the forgiveness of God, but also become cleaner, calm, relaxed, full strength and energy.

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