How to consecrate the apartment yourself and that for this you need


Each believer knows that for well-safe living in the apartment it is necessary to sanctify. Such a ritual allows you to clear the room from negative energy and other entities, as well as to protect against the devilish forces and magical influences. Recently, strange things have begun to occur in my house that are not amenable to logical explanation, so I decided to take active measures. In this article, I will tell you how to consecrate the apartment on my own and when you need to do it.

Consecration of the apartment

Why congery an apartment?

Every man is sinner, and sometimes he does not suspect about it himself. All his words, acts and thoughts at the energy level are reflected in his apartment, because it is there it spends the greatest part of the time. If joyful and pleasant events fill the space with a favorable energy, then quarrels, swiss speech, assault, witchcraft and other - negative. In the first case, the house will reign grace, calm, prosperity, and in the second - poverty, oppression, cruelty and anger.

As you know, the negative energy is attracting the devil, so if it does not have cleansing the apartment in time, it will soon be a refuge for otherwithstalls. All this will be negatively affected by those who live in a "dirty" house as follows:

  • feeling unwell;
  • Development of serious diseases;
  • psyche disorder;
  • anger to others and the absence of mutual understanding;
  • the emergence of addictions to alcohol and drugs;
  • desire to harm someone;
  • Thoughts and desiccation about suicide.

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In addition, in unclean housing it will not be possible to achieve well-being, even if his tenants will apply all efforts to this. The only correct decision in this situation will be the coverage of the dwelling, and for this it is not at all necessary to turn to the priest - it will be enough for an independent rite. But it should be noted that it will only affect if all manipulations are carried out correctly. To avoid mistakes, you should carefully examine information on how to consecrate the apartment itself, as well as ask for advice from the clergyman.

After the ritual consecration in the "clean" apartment will be able to live the holy spirit, which will defend its space and residents from the negative and evil entities. Almost immediately be noticeable positive changes. Residents feel a certain lightness to the emotional and spiritual level that affect their behavior and attitude towards each other. But it is important to understand that God's protection may be lost again, if we continue to sin and lead unrighteous lives.

Why consecrate an apartment

How to recognize a "dirty" house?

Usually, people come to realize that their apartment needs to be cleaned only when the stay in it becomes unbearable. This is because the film builds up gradually and not immediately noticeable symptoms. Yet there are a number of grounds on which it is easy to recognize the "unclean" property:

  • feast with frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages;
  • possession or use of narcotic substances;
  • the constant scandals and the use of obscene language;
  • physical abuse and violence;
  • sexual depravity;
  • witchcraft;
  • paranormal activity;
  • strange noises and voices;
  • the large number of pests, the fight against which no results;
  • often broken equipment;
  • lost things;
  • without cause pets die or run away and do not want to go back.

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The presence of even a few of the above symptoms indicate that you need to clear space on the negative. To further the situation is not repeated, it is recommended to carry out the rituals with a certain frequency, for example, 2 times a year.

It should be noted that the change of residence should also be "clean up" a new apartment, do not know what happened to her before. And it must be done before the furniture is included. Knowing how to sanctify their own home, you can choose the most convenient time, so that nothing and no one let the ritual.

unclean apartment

Terms of home lighting

The housing purification ritual must be properly prepared. The clergymen recommend primarily to accept the communion, and all family members living in the apartment. Then get church candles and holy water. Upon returning home, it should be proceeded with cleaning - out of the premises all the garbage and unnecessary things, wipe the floors, the floors and windows. Dirty clothes must be wrapped in advance so that on the day of the ritual it was dried and is neatly folded in its place.

The house must contain icons, and it is advisable to take a separate angle for them. If there are no such, they need to buy them in the church, while the delivery should be left as a donation. You can also buy icons in the store, but in this case they will need to be consecrated in the church, otherwise they will not have any power.

The person who will conduct a cleansing ritual must lead the right lifestyle, not to use a shuffle and to believe in God all my heart. Immediately before consecrated by the apartment with holy water, you need to pray and ask for help from the Most High. Then proceed directly to the rite, performing alternate actions:

  1. Put on one lit church candle in each room.
  2. In front of the equipped iconostasis put 3 or more candles.
  3. Take into the left hand a cup with holy water and start bypassing the apartment.
  4. The lighting of each room should be started from the eastern angle and move clockwise.
  5. Right hand, moistened in holy water, cross corners and walls of premises.
  6. During bypass read prayer "God will resurrect", "Our Father" or 90 Psalm.
  7. After completing the crawl of the candle, it is impossible to extinguish, they must burn themselves.

It is best to carry out the cleansing ritual on Sunday or on Thursday, but it's not worth doing this on Friday. It should also be remembered that such an important case can be processed only in a good arrangement of the Spirit, with a positive attitude and complete confidence in your abilities. After the apartment was consecrated by the Holy Water independently, all residents need to pray, and only after that the threshold can be operated.

In order for the dwelling remains under Divine Protection, its owners must constantly maintain purity, not scandaling, not to pronounce fading words, get rid of bad habits and destructive addictions. In addition, it is recommended to take a rule for the daily reading of prayer and saying words of gratitude to the Lord. It is important for a person to understand that the well-being of the house depends on his soul and mind, so it is necessary to start cleansing.

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