Memorial Day Andrei First Called


On the day of memory of St. Andrew the First Called I always go to the church to express my respect to this great apostle, pray for my fate and my loved ones. In this article I will talk about the history of the church holiday, the fate of the saint and its purpose.

Who is the Apostle Andrey and therapie?

The Day of Memory Andrei First Called is celebrated on the thirteenth of December. And you need to know who this person was, what he deserved a bright memory and great glory.

Apostle Andrey Prozoznaya

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The teacher of the apostle was John the Baptist. He noticed a talented student and sent him to serve Jesus Christ himself. Thanks to its achievements and faithful service, Andrei entered the number of twelve apostles. After the Holy Spirit appeared to the ground, all his students in the lot chose their further life destination and the path.

Saint Andrei Fate voted to carry the service in the East, this is a modern territory extending from Kiev to Malaya Asia. Andrei's task was to overcome this distance. Everyone who met on his way, he had to talk about the coming of the Son of God to Earth.

He fulfilled his destination with honor, completely renovated from worldly problems. Did not marry, giving himself to serving God. His fate was unlocked - he died to painful death. It was crucified on the X-shaped cross, like Christ. And it was Andrei himself insisted on such execution - he believed that he did not deserve the crucifixion on the same cross as Jesus.

Even when the apostle learned about the upcoming death, he did not stop his ministry to God. He continued to bring divine truths into the world, and every person supported him. The people had a riot against the execution of the apostle, because of what the authorities decided to cancel the execution.

After that, the apostle began to pray to Istlya, turning to God with a request to pick it up into the world of others. Subsequently, he was still executed. By legend, during the crucifixion, Andrei's body pierced a bright light beam descending from heaven. This light was so bright that the eyes blinded and it was impossible to look at him.

Therefore, no man could not see what happened at this moment. On the day of Andrei, the First-Called People are full of happiness and joy, but also grieve, mourning the fate of the Great Martyr.

Life after death

About what happened after the saint execution, we can judge biblical legends. It is known for certain that during his earthly existence he made many good deeds, possessed the gift of healing. Doctors people, he saved his life, so no doubt remained that he acts as the hands of the Lord himself. Everyone believed in holiness, authenticity and disadvantageous righteousness of the First-Called Andrei.

Memorial Day Andrei First Called

After his tragic death, the rulers of several states united in the opinion that we need to render the glee. They amounted to the act in which the merits of the saint and its patronage are noted. In Russia, the image of the saint most read, his cross is even depicted on marine flags. Therefore, Saint is considered a patron and defender of sailors, who serve for the benefit of the Fatherland and their own country.

Why the day of Andrei the First Called is noted on December 13, it is not known for certain.

Signs of holiday

For the Russian people, especially for believers, December 13 is a sacred holiday. This is a special day whose history has many takes and customs. Christians believe that the "real" winter begins precisely after this church holiday.

Saint Andrey

What else are popular beliefs:

  1. On the day of Andrei the First Called, you can approach any river, lake or sea. It is necessary to listen to the sounds of the reservoir. Thanks to this, you can predict the weather for the entire coming winter.
  2. If the sound of water is clearly listened to clearly, if the flow is restless, the winter will be frosty, windy. The time of blizzards will come.
  3. If the reservoir is calm, the winter will be very warm, windless and calm. Do not wait for surprises from weather in this case.
  4. If the snow fell on December 13, he flew on Earth until spring.
  5. And clear weather with Ice frost suggests that in the winter months you do not need to wait for troubles and misfortunes. Life will be full of joys and abundance.
  6. Warm Andreev Day is bad sign. This is a sign of an impending misfortune to which you need to cook well to meet the unpleasant gifts of fate in all.

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Folk rites

As with any other church holiday, the Day of Andrei is the First Called His rites who performed our ancestors.

Here is some of them:

  1. According to the ancient legends, the Saint provided his patronage to the wild animals. Therefore, every hostess cooked a treat for animals, attributed it to the field and scattered on the ground. Also, the dishes were placed in chimneys. This action meant that the future harvest and the house will be protected from bad weather in the spring and attacks of animals.
  2. This day is considered favorable for any occupations associated with needlework. The mistresses were sewn, knitted, embroidered, darned. According to ancient legends, this occupation defended women from wildlife meetings.
  3. Rural girlfriend girls gathered in the same house and arranged fortune telling on the narrowed. Married women wondered to predict the future and find out their fate.
  4. For a good crop in the coming year, it was necessary to arrange a festive feast, cover the abundant table and sweep the whole seven excellent dishes.
  5. Also at the same table gathered girls for issuing and idle guys. They folded some of their small things in a huge bowl. Then she was covered with a piece of fabric, and each took turns took any item. If the thing was returned to the owner, he quickly came true a hidden dream. And to the one who took out the thing belonging to the opposite sex man predicted an ambulance wedding.

In addition to the execution of all rituals, people congratulated and thanked each other, radiated sincere and positive emotions than they cleared their soul and heart from negative.

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