Named icons by date of birth and name: how to choose correctly


All parents who are going to baptize the child are interested in the definition of the holy patron. Now there has been a new tradition among Orthodox believers - nominal icons by date of birth. A Christian can have many patrons of saints, and the church approves sincere desire of the parishioners.

When my daughter and I approached the church shop, the eyes fled from the number of images. It is extremely difficult to navigate directly when buying a holy image, so you need to ask in advance about your holy patron. In the article, I will tell you about the images of the Virgin and Saints, which can be done nomigible.

Named icons

Select by name

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In Russia, he learned about the heavenly patrons in IV. Babies were specifically referred to as the saint to protect and guide the crumb on the path of truth. However, the saints are mistakenly confused with the guardian angel. Angel is acquired after baptism, and the holy patron can be chosen.

Angels are disembodied creatures that help the believer, and the saints are just people in the flesh. They are also called angels, but still they were people. In the Orthodox Church there are sacraticles, all the saints and martyrs for the Christian faith are recorded in them.

The church honors the saints on a certain day of the year, but sometimes the dates of the worship of the saints coincide. And then the parents appear the choice of which saint to take into patrons to his child. After that, it is necessary to buy an icon of your saint and constantly praying to him. First, parents pray for their child, and then the child itself, as they can pray to his holy.

The tradition of child's adoptions by the name of the saint has ancient roots and a special meaning. It is believed that the name of the saint has a positive impact on a person, as it belonged to a righteous Christian. The name seems to lead a person in life by defining the choice of the right path. As a holy in his life was a God-fearing, and the target to them, too, will be an exemplary Christian.

If there is no icon of your patron in church kiosk, it can be ordered in the icon-painted workshop.

By numerous requests of readers, we have prepared an application "Orthodox calendar" for a smartphone. Every morning you will receive information about the current day: Holidays, posts, commemoration days, prayers, parables.

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How to determine the day of the name, if when baptized is given the name of another saint (who was honored in this date)? Then you need to look at the sacnesses day of honoring your namesakes, next after the day of baptism. For example, if the girl was baptized by Anna 21.11, then her name day should be celebrated 3.12 - the day of reverence of St. Anna. And 21.11 celebrate Angel's Day.

Icons on the date of birth and the name of the person will be permanent satellites, faithful from diseases and serious circumstances.

Such icons have a powerful force capable of protecting from terrible life events and sudden death. With the name icon, the believer must hold his life until the last minute. Named icons differ from others the fact that the saints are depicted on the belt . Images are decorated in a wooden frame, they are attached to the prayer appeal to their patron.

Short prayer to his holy:

Named icons by date of birth and name: how to choose correctly 4910_2

Measuring icons

For baptized babies sometimes order measuring icons. The patron pain is drawn in full growth, and the size of the icon corresponds to the growth of the kid. These are also named icons by date of birth and name. The image is placed above the toddler's cradle so that it is under the constant guard of the heavenly patron.

When a child is growing, parents must tell about his patron. After all, it is necessary that the child from childhood has established a spiritual connection with his holy and established a trust relationship. Reading the narratives about the life of the saint is aimed at sending the foot of the child for the path of righteousness and holiness.

Icons named person

Date of birth and icons

Tradition to choose the icon by date of birth recently. The Christian seems closer and relatively that icon, the day of the reverence of which coincides with his physical birthday. What is the patrone's icon by the date of birth considered the strongest? The fathers of the church advise choosing the image that most likes.

The image of Our Lady is especially revered in the people, because the believer intuitively feels support from her and trusts more.

Winter months

  • 23.11 - 21.12: Tikhvinskaya. The Omen. (St. Nicholas Ratio, St. Barbara).
  • 22.12 - 20.01: Honor. (Blessed Sylvester and Prep. Seraphim Sarovsky).
  • 21.01 - 20.02: Unpassed bunk. Vladimirskaya. (St. Cyril and Athanasius).

Icon sign helped Novgorod to save the city from the invasion of the enemy. This happened in 1170 g. Arrow fell into the eye of the Virgin, from which blood flowed. Seeing this miracle, Novgorod, with faith in his heart, were able to drive enemies from the walls of the city. The second time of the icon saved the city from the Swedes in 1611. It was surrounded by an invisible shield, which could not defeat the enemy troops.

The image of Tikhvinskaya It was written in the life of the Virgin Evangelist Luka. This image can be chosen to protect children and healing diseases. They say that the icon was spent by plane over Moscow, when the fascists stood at the walls of the city. Thanks to the protection of the Tikhvin enemy, it was defeated, and Moscow was saved from the invaders.

The icon of Our Lady He keeps his story since the renunciation of Nicholas second from the reign. On her, the Mother of God is depicted with the attributes of the royal power, ascending on the throne. This image was found in the basement of the Church in the city of Kolomna in the date of renunciation. Believers have gained protection in the face of Our Lady, which reported that he would not leave the Russian people and protect.

Vladimir Icon of Our Lady Very revered in Russia. According to the legend, the probimis was drawn on a tablet from the table, followed by the lady's sama, her boring spouse and the Godhead. Drew the image of the Evangelist of Luke. When the prechile Virgin saw his image, blessed all sorts of one who looks at him.

The image is unhappy bina Since ancient times, he is worshiped by a fiction and impact of lightning. Also, the icon can save from any natural disasters and diseases. The symbolism of the image leaves the roots in the Old Testament times, when Moses saw a bruise heavenly fire. This bush is symbolically depicted in the form of paired four-spin stars, in the center of which is written by St. Maria with the Boggladesman.

Icon by date of birth and name

Spring months

  • 21.02 - 21.03: Iversion. (prep. Milenty Antiokhsky and St. Alexey).
  • 21.03 - 20.04: Kazan. (Innokenty Irkutsk, Georgy Confessor, St. Sofronius).
  • 21.04 - 20.05: Iversion. Sparge of sinful. (St. Tamara and Stepan, John theologian).
The image of the Iveric Lame He was drawn by the evangelist during the life of Our Lady. This icon is characterized by a wound on the subject. Tradition reads: This wound appeared when a certain pagan warrior pushed the image of a spear. Then the Holy Lick was thrown into the river, and the course brought it to the Iverskoye monastery. This monastery is located on the Holy Mount of Athos in Greece. Icon became patroness of the monastery and repeatedly defended the abode from the troubles.

The image of the Kazan Mother of God. Preserved after a big fiction in Kazan. Virgo Maria was a little matron and pointed out that it was necessary to find her image under the rubble. The found icon was transferred to the Assumption Cathedral of the city. Unfortunately, the name icon is not preserved until our time. But numerous lists possess the same miraculous forces as the original. The image of Kazan helps to overcome not only external, but also internal enemies. The image is killing.

Face sporchitsa sinning He has its own story. One day, many believers from the Oryol province began to dream of the same dreams that in the Old Chapel there is a forgotten by all the Lick of the Virgin. The image was found and updated. Icon brings getting rid of serious diseases, on her account many recovered Orthodox.

Summer months

  • 21.05 - 21.06: The recovery of the dead. Burning bush. Vladimirskaya. (St. Alexey and Konstantin Moscow).
  • 06.22 - 22.07: all mournful joy. Kazan. (St. Cyril).
  • 23.07 - 23.08: Pokrov to the Most Holy Theotokos. (Ilya Prophet, Nikolai Wonderworker).

Icon recovery of the dead Sweep the parishioners falling into a desperate position. Numerous evidence describes the avoidance of premature death. Icon wins the dark forces that do not give the soul of peace.

The image of all grieving joy Helps everyone who fell into severe life conditions. This applies to diseases, grief, poverty, dependencies. The Virgin sees every heart and will not leave anyone to death.

The image of the cover of the Most Holy Virgin Especially honorably Orthodox. The history of the icons goes back at the beginning of our era, when the prayer of Christians on the city of Tsargrad was thrown by the Pokrov himself. This cover defended the city from the enemy invasion.

What is the icon of the patroness by the date of birth

Autumn months

  • 34.08 - 23.09: Unpassed bunk. Passionate. (St. Alexander, Apostle Paul).
  • 24.09 - 23.10: Unpassed bunk. Pochaevskaya. Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. (St. Sergius Radonezh).
  • 24.10 - 22.11: SPRISPER. Jerusalem. (St. Paul).
The image of God is passionate He teaches humility and humility of the will of the Creator. On the list we see that the Virgin Mary humbly carries her child to suffering. Among the symbols of the icons, you can allocate torture torture to be transferred to Christ.

The image of the Pochaevskoy Mother of God. Worshiped miraculous. The primordial is in the Pochaevsky Lavra, pilgrims come to delight from terrible life situations and diseases. According to the stories of believers, the icon resurrected the dead people.

The image of the erection of the Cross of the Lord Imprinted the fact of driving the tree, on which the crucifixion of Jesus took. The image helps to get healing, gain inner harmony, strengthen faith.

Image of icons of Jerusalemskaya He was written by Evangelist Luka on the Sunday of Christ from the dead. This image is worshiped by miraculous, as healing received a lot of Christians through it. Also, the icon saves from black magic and cases of sorcerers.

Private Icon Spearness Located on Athos. According to legend, the monk with the rays was made his way into the darkes to spend and suddenly heard the order "not to challenge near the icons of the Virgin". Without paying attention to the heard, the ink instantly lost sight. Only the diligent prayer of Our Lady healed his eyes. The image is referred to as the pile, as the Mother of God promises all the sufferers an ambulance.


Now you know how to choose personal icons. Especially I would like to note that you can not forget about the dates of honoring their saints of patrons. Write down in the notebook, mark the mug in the calendar. These days should not be confused with the day of Angel - this is the date of your baptism. The day of the amencenitia coincides with the time of honor of the saint, whose name you are diagnosed with baptism. If the day of baptism coincides with the time of honoring the saint, the name of which you were ordered, then the name day and thestery are celebrated in one day.

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