Prayer of Mytar: Text, Meaning when reading


Repentance and awareness of sins is of great importance in Orthodoxy. It is known that it is the pride and exceeding that caused the fall of the former Angel of Light - Lucifer. A spiritual father told me about this when I took baptism.

It turns out that one repentance is not enough, since the enemy of man constantly seduces and seduces believers. I will tell you what is the prayer of Mytar and how to correctly repent of God in home prayer.

Prayer Mytarya

Who is so mine

A modern man does not always understand the biblical terms and names, since the Bible was written several thousand years ago. Nowadays, there are no solaries, they have long been called tax inspectors. And during the times of Jesus Christ, tax collectors and filings were called sooters. They were considered sinful people, as they always took more money from the population than it should be. For this, nobody loved them.

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Also, the Jewish priests considered Nalari defiled, because they constantly communicated with the pagans and worked on them. Thus, we see that Mytar in the Bible is a complete sinner and hated by his human people. Moreover, ITARY took off from the Jewish society, they became outcasts among their people.

When Jesus preached, the Jewish priests were crushed at him. It was believed that Mytar would never accept God and he was already useless to repent. However, in his parable about Pharisees and Mytar, Christ emphasizes the significance of the prayer of the latter, because he sincerely considers himself a sinful. Why did Jesus give such a meaning to repentance?

Parable about Pharisees and Mytar:

Prayer of Mytar: Text, Meaning when reading 4924_2

The importance of repentance

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Self-brave and awareness of sinfulness are two polar states of a person. It is self-bravery leading to pride, and then a fall in a person. Self-execution convinces man that he is better than others. And if better, it means, it deserves more mercies from God. This leads to the requirement of rewards, self-discussion and rebellion in the end. It was this way that Lucifer was held before his fall: he considered to serve Adam to serve. Who is Adam in front of him, Dennica Morning?

Holy Fathers teach that repentance has a beginning, but there is no end . A person is constantly facing the manifestation of his sinful nature, which is necessary to constantly repent. If a person is not aware of his sinful nature, it will sooner or later lead to self-grade and fall.

God merciful to me sinner

but It should be distinguished by repentance from confession . It is possible to repent in the pregarords and at home without a priest, if a person cares himself a bad, from the point of view of the church, a deed. But it should not be thought that home repentance replaces and excludes confession. For confession, it is necessary to confess to the priest's pregnancy, and only then sin is completely annulled. After confession, you can not even remember your repentance sins, as they have lost their spiritual meaning. After confession, the believer can with a pure heart commitory holy gifts without consequences for itself.

Note! You cannot eat holy gifts without confession, as a person will drink and there is a conviction to himself.

The believer should understand that only Jesus Christ lived on Earth without sin. His divine nature allowed to live in purity and holiness. Even the apostles committed an estimate. For example, the apostle Peter succumbed to anger and cut off his ear with a soldier. He came against Christ's commandments, succumbed to sinful nature. However, sincere repentance in perfect freed him from gravity in the soul. As we remember, Jesus called the apostle Peter the cornerstone of the church.

Remember that after death it is impossible to repent in sins. Repentance is accepted only at life.

Many people are interested in the feasibility of repentance, as God also knows about all sins. Holy Fathers teach that a person is given freedom to choose to live by a sinner or righteous. Therefore, God does not cause anyone to repent. If a person is aware of the severity of his offense and rolls, he brings himself to God. And unrecorded sins are removed from God.

Prayer Mytar Text

Prayer Mytarya

This prayer is very brief and consists of one sentence.

Prayer of Mytar - Text:

Prayer of Mytar: Text, Meaning when reading 4924_5

But how many meaning is hidden in these words, if a person sincerely repents in the deed and understands that he does not deserve forgiveness. Forgiveness is given only by the grace of God after the sincere awareness of his sinfulness. . All our good deeds mean nothing in front of the sins performed, and only the mercy of God can cover them and cancel.

Some people believe that they make a borrowing to God by committing good actions. But good deeds are our duty before God, and not leaving him. Ignatius Bryanchaninov so writes about good deeds and self-grade:

Prayer of Mytar: Text, Meaning when reading 4924_6

When do you need to read the prayer of the sooter? Its is pronounced in the following cases:

  • entering the church;
  • entering any room;
  • passing by the temple / chapel;
  • in severe circumstances;
  • when overcomes fear;
  • When contacting God in any circumstances.

It is a very short prayer, but it helps to build a spiritual life of a Christian. This prayer puts everything in its place and show a person that he is weak and always needs the grace of God. God, gracious Budy I feel sinful. This is the basis of the foundations of Christian life, without which it is impossible to gain salvation. God is opposed to Gordy, and humble gives grace.

Humility is opposite to Gordin - the most dangerous sin of man. Humility needs to learn all his life, cultivating patience. When a person overtakes grief, he must accept this gift of God with humility. Apostle Paul taught believers: "Always rejoice, Thank you for everything." This means that you need to thank and for the sorrow sent.

Some people confuse humility with indifference. This is a misunderstanding. You do not need to be indifferent to sorces, they should be taken with humility in the heart. Humility leads to salvation, you should always remember this. Humility is considered the highest virtue. To be humble - it means not to exalt over people, constantly repent of God and do not condemn other sins.

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