What helps a seven-minute icon and where to hang it in the house what helps a seven-styled icon and where to hang it


When in my soul a full disorder, when I'm angry, angry or full of anxiety, as well as in cases where I and my family threatens danger, I get up in front of a seven-styled icon and appealing for help. The image of a seven-weeks of the Virgin helps me return peace and defend yourself from trouble. And in this article I will tell you everything I know about this holy image.

Where to hang in the house seven-styled icon

It is very important to place an icon in the house with the "right" energy so that she worked at the maximum and helped you in everything. Well, if you have a special "holy" corner, in which other images of saints, wax candles and other church attributes are located.

Icon seminist in what helps where to hang

Recommendations for the placement and use of the icon are as follows:

  1. Find in your home an angle located in the eastern zone. This is an ideal place in which the energy of a seven-week icon will work one hundred percent.
  2. Another accommodation option is above the entrance door. Then the protective properties will increase, enemies and ill-wishers will not penetrate into your home. Opposite the entrance - strengthen the protection against the evil eye, damage, negative magical entities and other intangible evil.
  3. Ministers of churches are recommended to put the towel next to the icon. But talismans, overalls and amulets better keep away from it. Christian religion believes that these items are against God, so they destroy the magic action of the icon.
  4. It is very important to follow the cleanliness at the location of the icon. Regularly rub dust and do not allow garbage from holy place.
  5. It is desirable that paintings, household appliances and electrical appliances be as far as possible from the location of the icon. Also, it is also impossible to post pictures of family members or distant relatives.

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These are all the recommendations to follow.

What helps a seven-styled icon

The saints reflected in icons are not necessarily the church attribute. You can place the saints and in your home to enlist them invisible support and help. But it is necessary to clearly understand what energy of this or that icon is directed to what areas of life.

Icon seven styling where to hang in the house

The image of a seven-weeks Virgin is one of the strongest, able to create real miracles. What "magic" properties have an icon of this shrine:

  1. Icon will protect your home, family, relatives and loved ones from all sorts of adversity. It seems to cover the dwelling of the invisible Aura of Love and Support. Therefore, we sincerely believe in this force are not afraid of any danger, sorrow, cataclysms.
  2. Seven-Stracean Virgin eliminates the intolerance of people in relation to you and members of your family. Perhaps those people who had previously provoked conflicts with you, sharply expressed and in every way expressed their dislike, stop doing it, becoming calmer.
  3. Dims the outbreaks of anger, irritation, aggression and anger. The believer is becoming more peaceful, relaxed, harmonious. Nice to be in his surroundings.
  4. Icons can be asked to soften the heart of someone who is hate to you. Ask for protection in a dangerous situation when your life, health or peace of mind is under threat.
  5. It is believed that she reconciles people, turning even worst enemies in real friends. It is amazing, but history has hundreds of similar "reviews".
  6. It is also a symbol of abundance. Therefore, the house will be a "full bowl". Abundance concerns not only financial affairs. This is an excess of love, inspiration, health, positive emotions. The longer the icon is located, the more often you will catch yourself that you have new ideas, bold goals, you are full of energy for active actions.
  7. Seven-Stracean icon is able to clear the house and all the people who are in it, from negative. From bad thoughts, beliefs, quarrels, even damage and evil eye. Therefore, everyone becomes more relaxed, relaxed, a surprisingly comfortable and pleasant atmosphere is created. Do love and consent reign.
  8. Due to the cleansing of the negative and the filling of the space of positive, powerful energy, the households are faster than illnesses. In history, there are cases and wonderful healings from seemingly incurable twigs.

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IMPORTANT: The effect of the icon is particularly strongly manifested in the sincere believers. If you are full of expectations, do not expect it to be as miraculous. If you have mercenary goals and you put the holy house at home only for their achievement, fail. Only unconditional love for God and Vera is the engine of that very positive energy that creates wonders.

Powerful icon acts, if you pray on it in the temple, where the original Lika of the Holy Virgin is located.

Check out the video on the topic to learn more:

How to pray

Use the following prayers when you contact the image of a seven-weeks of the Virgin:

Seven-week icon where to hang in the house

After reading the prayers, you can sincerely turn to the image with your own requests. But consider the following recommendations:

  • Do not approach the icon immediately after making food, the stomach should be empty. Praying the best in the early morning, after awakening. Either in the evening, before going to bed.
  • If negative emotions are drunk you, first try to calm down. Spoke out loud all you feel and release these feelings. And then then proceed to prayer.
  • Do not use the icon for requests that you will bring negative to other people. You can ask for help only for yourself for yourself, do not interfere with all others in the prayer who surrounds you.

The best days for prayers are the ninth Sunday after Easter, the first Sunday after the Holy Trinity and the time from August 13 to 26.

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