What truly acts Agni Yoga and why it is needed


Agni Yoga is a mystical teaching created by Roerichi in the temporary interval from 1924 to 1938. The authors assured that these teachings they received from mysterious "Mahatmam" living in the Himalayev district in the famous Shambhala.

"Mahatma" in Agni Yoga is a spiritual teacher who has occult power and consciously participates in the spiritual evolution of our planet.

Agni Yoga - Divine Fire

Agni Yoga - What is it?

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Agni Yoga is a teaching of living ethics, which has absorbed all knowledge of the age-old practices. The complete formation of this direction, which synthesizes all religions and yoga in itself, occurred in the 20th century.

Noteworthy is the fact that Agni Yoga has very deep meaningful concepts, but at the same time, everyone who has a desire, who has it, is unbelievable.

Agni in Ayurveda

Ayurveda (an ancient teaching about a healthy and long life) considers the concept of "Agni" as a biological fire that participates in the exchange processes of the body, capable of replacing in the body and the mind more dense states more subtle.

Under the changes of this plan imply the following:

  • The process of digesting food and absorption of nutrients;
  • sewing unnecessary information coming from senses;
  • changes in mental plan, as well as psycho-emotional experiences;
  • Changes in the cellular level.

The power of Fire Agni uses the food digestion function, it is its activator. Biological fire is characterized by acid nature. With a balanced fire, a person will feel healthy. And the appearance of imbalance is fraught with the development of different pathologies.

Ayurveda tells about the fact that the mind and body consist of Thirteen Agni and one of them - Jathragni, is responsible for the process of digesting food.

Although Agni is able to manifest itself in 4 forms (heavenly fire, animal, earthly and mineral), it performs the same functions:

  • cooks, burns, converts (Pack);
  • Coloring, mainly in the shades of red (rag);
  • gives a feeling of heat (ush);
  • gives mind (Medha);
  • Fills man with courage and power (OD Jas-Tedjas).

In the case of harmonious functioning of Agni, if it is balanced and enough in terms of quantity, everything will be in the body. Such a state is known as Agnisamia.

And with a disproportionate decrease or an increase in fire at least in one of the aspects, Agnivaisiaya occurs - the imbalance of biological fire, which is fraught with various diseases.

In total, Agni is manifested in 4 types of states: Samagny, Vishamagni, Tikshnagni and Mandagni. The first is a fully balanced normal fire, and the remaining three are manifested in different types of deviations. All deviations correlate with certain diseases and disorders.

Features of Agni Yoga

The teachings of Agni Yoga states that the cosmic fire, or "Agni", is a source of life. The fire is everywhere and everywhere in each of us. It is capable of connecting everything, and if it leaves, the processes of decay and decomposition begin.

Teaching Live ethics has been able to absorb all experience and knowledge that accumulated over the centuries with the help of experience of different people. If the student is with thoughtfulness and greed to perceive this many years of experience, it will be able to find answers even on the most difficult life questions.

In the 20th century, the doctrine of Agni-yoga began to distribute thanks to the efforts of the Roerich family. In particular, Elena Ivanovna Roerich was written fourteen editions on the teachings of living ethics. And Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich portrayed this philosophy on his canvases. Roerih tried to fill the minds of people with bright thoughts and revelations over.

Nikolay and Elena Roerichi

More detailed information about Agni Yoga can be obtained from books written by S. V. Stulginskis and A. I. Klizovsky.

"The face of Agni Yoga"

The "face of Agni-Yoga" is a series of publications, including records B. N. Abramova - the closest student N. K. Roerich. The publication will be useful in that he wants to find answers to questions, why do we live in the world, as well as the level of person's responsibility before the universe. Abramov's records are a certain compatibility of the ideas of the Rerich family with regard to the teachings of living ethics.

Tedjas Agni - Fire Mind

Tedjas Agni in Ayurveda acts as a manifestation of God, the subtle form of Agni. If a person is in a state of kindness and goodness (sattva), the creator is pleased with them, and his mind is clean. It has the ability to fully analyze, ignoring any negative and difference between what helps to achieve spiritual well-being, and what is a barrier on the way to this. Then the person does not make an incorrect actions fraught with suffering.

In this case, we can talk about the balance of bodily doss, thanks to which the samagny in the form of fire is conducive to the human body. Due to all this, we get a normal digestion and metabolism and in the end we become beautiful, healthy and happy.

On balanced Agni, you can talk about the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Man does not feel discomfort after making food;
  • body and breathing has a pleasant smell;
  • a person has a good appetite;
  • excellent condition of the immune system;
  • Man becomes cheerful and active.

However, such that people are beginning to overcome passion (rajas) or ignorance (Tamasa). This is the name of the dosh mind according to the Ayurvedic system, they act as lowest modes of nature. Rajas and Tamas are able to bring Tedja to the state of the imbalance, because of what Agni or fade completely, or, on the contrary, brightly flares up. Because of all this, the following happens:

  • Begins the accumulation of metabolic products in the body tissues;
  • It turns out to be threatened by the excretory system;
  • A variety of pathologies appear.

In the case when a person faced a unbalanced Agni (his excess) due to the prevalence of Rajas (passion), they will indicate such symptoms:

  • The appearance of acid exhaust, heartburn;
  • diarrhea;
  • Increased sweating, heat;
  • state of emotional excitement;
  • striving to command others;
  • jealousy;
  • envy;
  • Violations of food behavior (eating abuse, eating non-vulnerable food, hasty or slowness when feeding food and so on).

And then, when Agni is shortened due to the impact of Tamas (ignorance), we note the following:

  • The digestion slows down, a shameless belching appears, a man feels severity after receiving food;
  • suffers from constipation;
  • feels apathetic and lazy;
  • is in the state of emotional inhibition;
  • suffers from unnecessary kilograms;
  • Faces greed.

Therefore, each of us needs to be extremely carefully perceived and controlling their thoughts, words and actions, as well as their diet.

Agni Yoga - Path to Enlightenment

What is useful asana Agni Stambhasana and how to perform it

This Asana represents tremendous benefit for the blood supply to the small pelvic organs, to normalize the state of the hip and shoulder joint, contributes to the elimination of lumbar pain and the normalization of digestion.

Agni Stambhasana performs a pose, reinforcing fire. It is wonderful for meditative practices, it will contribute to the restoration of mental equilibrium when depressions and stress due to effective calm, getting rid of emotional problems.

Asana is performed like this:

  1. At first, the Pose Baddha Konasan 1 (is a fixed corner pose).
  2. Then the ankles on the left stop should be transferred to the area of ​​the right knee. At the same time, it is necessary to reveal the feet as much as possible and move the palms to the floor.
  3. It is necessary to slowly lean forward, while pulling the spine and pulling focus on the sciatic bones.
  4. If you have a good good stretching, you can deepen in this posture.
  5. Lock in such a thirty-sixty seconds, cross legs under a different angle.

Please note that Agni Stambhasana is not recommended for execution in the presence of knee damage. Also in the process of its implementation, carefully follow your feelings, strong discomfort is not the norm.

In conclusion, we also recommend you for watching an informative video about Agni Yoga:

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