3 strong prayers for money, financial well-being and prosperity


In the age of market relations, one of the components of the prosperous and happy human life is the presence of a permanent source of income and regular cash revenues. Many people in challenging financial situations are asked for help from friends, relatives or to lenders.

A deeply believer will look for salvation in God's temple, referring to the declaration of money to Nikolai, Holy Spiridon, Matron of Moscow. It is believed that the prayers of these greaters are the strongest and effective.

Basic rules of communication with holy

Prayer is one of the most important forms of spiritual contact with God, Guardian Angels, Holy Spirits. Communication with higher forces can be mental or verbal. Particularly audible petitions corresponding to the canonical prayer. But this does not exclude the free form of prayer, expressed by sincere words implying good intentions.

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To be heard the Almighty through the prayers - it means to believe in the patronage of God, to realize, understand and feel what you say. The purpose of such communication is to work as much as possible to God and all holy and be ready to accept any response.

Prayers for attracting money bring the result not to all people. They may not be heard if the believer forgets the road to the temple, ignores the commandments of the Old Testament, it is easy to spend inherited from relatives, leads a celebrating and consumer lifestyle. It is rather the path to oblivion, and not an increase in welfare.

It is possible to ask for wealth from the Most High, but you need to know exactly that the goal is your good and lead to harmony in the family, the satiety, the formation of children will help your enlightenment and growth, and perhaps even save someone's life.

Faith must be true and regular. To do this, at least once a week go to the church service, confess, to be cleaned, ordering prayers in the health of loved ones, to give alms, be able to not only ask, but also thank the saints for everything that you are sent.

What is the result to expect from prayer for prosperity and money

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Daily communication with the Almighty and Saints can take place not only in the temple, but also at home.

  • Prayers for money help in organizing and successful development of their own business (agriculture, farming, large and small production, and trade in the quality and necessary goods for people, training and transfer of unique experience).
  • Someone in the saints will give money to the worldly needs of the family, the decision of household and economic problems.
  • Attracts prosperity for third parties, for whom the believer requested, allows the financial affairs of children or parents.
  • Open a way out of a complex financial situation (payment of an expensive operation, funds for training in the university, closing a loan of mortgage).

Prayer is a very deep and hopeful text, a programming brain on a positive attitude, creativity, patience, hope and repentance. The conscious reading of canonical prayer requires maximum peace of mind, relaxation, renunciation from negative thoughts, anxiety and sadness.

A regular visit to the Church makes it possible to feel the help and patronage of one of the saints, to him and should be asked for past money revenues. Your thoughts should be concrete, and the goal is honest and righteous.

Before you go to the temple with a prayer for attraction of money, try to collect and analyze some information about yourself. Do you really help you exactly and whether they will bring you expected happiness.

What exactly forced you to think that cash receipts exhausted the problem? Perhaps this is just your wrong beliefs, insecurity, imposed by someone and desires. Understanding this, you can easily find those words to God, which will bring you love, a quick marriage, getting rid of severe illness, strength, courage and resourcefulness in competitive opponents.

Saints and their help in attraction of wealth

Spiridon Salaminsky (trimifuntsky)

Holy Spiridon is revered in the Christian religion as a wonderworker. The day of his memory in the church calendar falls on December 12th. It is on this day that a particularly strong prayer facing the icon of the saint.

He was born in Cyprus and was engaged in the fact that sheep pass. His peaceful kindness and responsiveness used the wanderers to whom he gave overnight and food. Spiridona homeless and disadvantaged, who have always been supporting and helping in it.

For the immeasurable faith and the virtue of God awarded him the gift of healing and foresight. After becoming a bishop of one of the Cypriot cities, the saint his last time for the Most High caused rain, thereby saved the people from hunger and drought.

His acts concerned and prosperous people. He punishable greedy, cruel and unworthy, saving from hunger, poverty is a simple people. Hurry up to help Spiridon and innocently convicted, waiting for the death penalty.

Many miracles committed Spiridon, healed the patients, resurrected babies, gave money to ordinary people (farmers, peasants), in need of purchasing feed for livestock or buying grain for sowing.

Since then, Orthodox believe that it is the saint Spiridon that will help in a difficult monetary situation, and prayers before it will help attract prosperity and financial well-being. Get acquainted with the Prayer of the Holy Spiridon:

Spiridon Salaminsky

Nikolai Mirlijsky

Nicholas The Wonderworker is the most revealing in Orthodoxy. His image is included in the Holy Trinity (Virgin, Jesus Christ and Nikolai Railway). It is he who is the main patron of sailors, orphans, travelers.

Believe young girls in his defense, dreaming of successfully marry, women pray for harmony and family fortresses. They come to the miraculous icon of Nicholas and business people who awaiting support in opening their own business.

One of the bright episodes of his biography is the fact that, being a rich heir to a big parental state, St. Nicholas threw up bags with gold under the door to those who experienced large material difficulties. Thus, he helped three daughters of a ruined merchant to find the acquired merchant. They escaped a terrible fate, having a disheveled father (to be in the brothel), and successfully married.

The Savior's precious bags threw many people, strengthening their faith in Jesus Christ. Catholics argue that it was Nikolai who served as to create an image of Santa Claus. From the moment the glorious tradition appeared - to give Christmas gifts, laying them into the bags.

Generous Nikolai distributed all his parental state for the benefit of needing. People believe that the miraculous image on icons has no less generosity and its spiritual force gives well-being, prosperity and financial stability.

We need money, asking for help in difficult life situations, read the effective prayer to St. Nicholas:


Those who urgently need money and dwell in despair from hopelessness should go to the temple. Your salvation in repentance, prayer and trust of the Almighty. Consider the father, get started, lit candles in front of the Holy Trinity. The help of Saints can come the most unexpected way, but only those who truly believe in the creator and prays daily, turning to the Lord and all the saints.

Matrona Moscow

The blissful image of Matronov Dmitrievna is worshiped in Orthodoxy three centuries. The mother of Matron was born in 1883 and from birth was a blind child. Parents wanted to leave a baby with a defect in the shelter. But the mother of Matrona wound a prophetic dream, in which a wonderful white bird sits on his chest, very beautiful, but completely blind. It became a reason to leave the child in the family.

At eight years, Matron began to feel the miraculous power of healing and knew how to predict the future. One of the mysterious and unconfirmed facts of history was the meeting of Matrona with Joseph Stalin. She assured him in the future victory of the Russian people over fascism and directly in this participation of the leader.

The miraculous power of Saint is known throughout Russia and abroad. Prayers addressed to the holy icon help to heal the suffering, give fruitless mothers hope for the future offspring, facilitate suffering and longing for the leaved relatives, give love and retain harmony in the family.

Many parishioners turn to the icon Matrona Moscow in Hope to strengthen their material well-being, get rid of poverty, needs, hunger and suffering. The holy image of cash flows and those who have good plans for improving the lives of other people: orphans, old people, people with disabilities.

The powerful and authoritative men, the face of the priority can come in a dream, directing the true path, leading not only to financial well-being, success, but also by illness, the change of values, enlightenment and spiritual growth. It is believed that the molebar of the Great Martyr change the life of even not Orthodox and unchurched people. And there is written evidence.

So that Matrona Moscow has become a mentor and savior for you, protecting from life troubles, her image should read the following prayer:


What other rules will help strengthen and multiply well-being

  1. Turning for help to the holy, do not forget to thank for what you already have. Appreciate the moments of your freedom, joy, well-being. Hello to enjoy and rejoice even to the most insignificant income.
  2. Frequently from prejudices about the fact that you are unworthy of big money. Do not feel the feeling of guilt and fear over the passive financial flow that you did not have to seek hard physical labor.
  3. Be rational, careful and neat with money. Learn to maintain and multiply accumulated wealth. Do not waste funds on empty and unnecessary things.
  4. With respect, treat your own work, the work of others. Appreciate the time and respecting the resources.
  5. Check out optimism, love yourself, believe in a happy star and gentlemen God. Trust your own intuition and faith Most High.

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