Icon "Sign" the Mother of God: what helps


The most revered Orthodox way of true icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", which is associated with miracles that have occurred according to the face. Is an image of the Virgin. Hands outstretched in prayer, his hands opened, the Virgin prays for ordinary people. She stands, and just below the chest - her baby Jesus. On some lists of Christ no.


Original two-way. On the other hand, there are the faces of the faithful to Christ the righteous Joachim and Anna. Once holy face surrounded by a robe of gold, studded with precious crystals. The author's name has not been preserved.

Bozhaya Mother

Miracles "signs" of the Blessed Virgin

A lot of interesting facts, most of which are written records associated with this ancient way.

The first miraculous event

News of the miracle, it happened due to the holy countenance, spread around the Orthodox world as early as 1170 event was due to the internecine strife book. Mstislav Andreevich to Novgorod the Great. Creeping innumerable troops to Novgorod were strong and ruthless, as forces are unequal. Residents began to pray to God for intercession.

This was a sign to see that, to protect the soldiers believe in their strength and overcome Suzdal. Those, in turn, were horrified to their deeds, fearing the signs. Since then, the memory of the event told Jonah read Advocate, and the day of the icon was on 10 December.


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It was not the only miracle. About 200 years the image remained in the same place in the wooden church. Once a fire broke out (14 in.). Blazing all around, but where was located the holy face, the flames stopped.

Not far from the burned temple built a new stone. It became known as Znamensky. There and moved miraculous "Sign".

Another terrible fire has occurred in the 16th century. He began to cover a lot of houses and even whole streets. To cope with the fire element, people could not. Metropolitan Macarius began to pray fervently to the Queen of Heaven, raised above an icon, made a procession and reached the river. Then the wind blew from the Volkhov, so much so that all extinguished.

The war with aliens

Already in the early 17th century. the face of the Mother of God once again came to the aid of Russian. In 1611 Novgorod was occupied by Swedish troops. Knights rushed to the cathedral Znamenskoye to disperse held there service. But a force threw them repeatedly against the walls of the temple. Frightened, the invaders withdrew. I have not been able to enter the temple of the enemy and destroy it, and the townspeople were hiding there from violent killers.

With the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the icon sent to the Museum of Novgorod. When the war began, in 1941, it was taken to evacuation, after the end of the Great Patriotic Holy Lick returned.

What to pray before the icon "Sign

The Omen

The main thing, the image helps Christians to gain and strengthen their faith. In 2009, in the fall of icon in the composition of the Orthodox Space Expedition, the land was shelled 176 times. Such a cosmic procession was blessed by Patriarch Kirill.

Since a long time, a wonderful face of the Blessed Virgin Mary was kept in the Transfiguration Church. Only in 1356 a new cathedral was built, called the cathedral of the Virgin Mary. Not once, the Lick of the Virgin came to the rescue of Novgorod, protecting them with their wonderfulness.

And today, the people go to the intercession for help, and what the icon of the "sign" of the Blessed Virgin Mary helps, is listed below:

  • Reconciliation of enemies, finding peace and peace.
  • Getting rid of internecine strife.
  • Treatment of blindness and many eye diseases.
  • Healing cholera.
  • Steres from thieves and villains.
  • In case of fires and other spontaneous troubles.
  • Helps to cope with the attack of enemies.
  • Deprives the forces of evil envious and intricate unkind.

How to send your requests

Prayer for the image should be sincere, clean, go from the very depths of the soul. Then she will help keep the way and the world in family affairs and state.

There are special words written for this icon, aware of it. But the main thing, according to the priests, is sincere faith in its power, and the knowledge of words is secondary.

Lists of Icons "Sign" of the Mother of God

Not only the original is worshiped, but also many lists and copies that they say that they are creating a miracle. Each has an additional name on the occupancy of wonderful events. Some are stored in Russia, others abroad.



The first miracle is the healing of the paralyzed man Ephraimia. In the future, the image helped many parishioners of the church, where was placed.



It is believed that Seraphim Sarov is considered to this list. Known in many European countries and America.



By decree of the daughter of the Great Peter, the self-containers of Elizabeth icon were separated by gold and jewels. Known in the history of cases of healing from cholera tech, then asked the image in their prayers.

Albazinskaya "Word of flesh to be"


The unusual name is obtained in the fortress of Albazin, which was on Amur. It is believed that the icon helped overcoming the attackers to the town. While she was transferred to another place, the enemy troops were detained for 9 days, after which they retreated.



The copy was located in the women's conversation of the same name. Known many of her wonderfulness.

In 1991, the Novgorod diocese returned the miraculous image to his Lono. The icon was renovated by Master Makariya. From painting, made by ancient icon painters, only some details of robes remained safe. The turn has not changed. Today, it is possible to pray for all the revered icon "The sign of the Most Holy Virgin" in the Sofia Cathedral (Novgorod). Interestingly, when the image was transferred, then the rainbow was overwhelmed around the dome of the church.

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