Compatibility of rat and rooster - problems in relationships


Compatibility of rat and rooster is considered favorable. Partners perfectly complement each other, which allows them to build harmonious relationships. But it is important to understand that even in the most prosperous pairs there is its own spoon of tar. We will understand more.

general characteristics

Rat and rooster fit well each other. They are different, but it is precisely this. Each complements the partner, helps to develop, strengthen the advantages and neutralize disadvantages. Relationships for them are great progress not only in personal life, but also in all other areas.

Compatibility of the rooster rat in love

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What is characteristic of such a union:

  • Both are quite quick-tempered and stubborn. This is one of the few qualities in which they are similar. But this is a dignity - they will not save the resentment, but they will express all the claims at once. They can clearly quarrel, but when the pairs will release, quickly come up.
  • Often feel the feeling of guilt when the anger in the impulse of anger. Although the partner may already forget about the disadvantage. At such moments it is important to free yourself from negative emotions and simply talk.
  • Rooster - man of frames and restrictions. In his life, everything should be measured and decomposed on the shelves. It is nervating the rat, which is accustomed to live in Chaos and Eternal Disorder. If it does not learn to be more loyal to the nature of the second half, conflicts can not be avoided.
  • Both partners do not like obligations, so at first they may not limit themselves in communicating with the opposite sex. Wanted strong feelings so that they finally cooled. Otherwise, the fate of the relationship is unlosable.
  • Rat prefers to be a leader. And if the rooster is not inferior to her, it does not want to succumb, she will try with all the forces to "go" a chosen one and make him accept her leadership position.
  • Sexual compatibility of high-level partners. The passion between them does not subscribe almost never, even after the period of love will pass and relationships will enter a quieter phase.

Next, consider different options for the union and their features.

Man-rat and female cock

Responsibility for a favorable atmosphere in a pair will lie on a woman. Its character is more organized, it is rational, clearly knows what he wants. Perhaps, of all other signs, only she can tame and fall in love with a rat for truly.

Rooster rat compatibility in relationships

A man before a relationship with this woman was famous for numerous love victories, reflected in the relationship of frivolous. But it was in the rooster that he falls in love with real and becomes ready for a serious relationship.

The girl is important to learn to be wise and pacify his difficult character so that in a pair everything was going smoothly, there were no serious quarrels and acute conflicts. If she can adjust into some moments under the chief, they will live together for a long time and happily.

It is important to obstruct, defending your point of view. And learn to hear a partner, take his opinion and respect each other. Competition and the struggle for leadership will only destroy.

Any small quarrel threatens to end a major scandal due to stubbornness and a very hot-tempered nature of both.

A woman will have to come to terms with the lack of romanticity in the chosen. She wants Caring, surprises, but never gets, because a man-rat prefers to prove his love more rationally.

Male rooster and female rat

This version of the Union is more successful. Relationships can last long, with time turning into a strong and happy marriage. Parabe the traditional role distribution. A woman is responsible for comfort and psychological comfort in a pair. A man is a minider who provides the family and seeks that the wife and children do not need anything.

Compatibility of the rooster rat

The woman has perfectly developed intuition. It helps to extinguish all the emerging conflicts in the embryo, so the partners quarrel quite rarely. If the quarrel happens, they are able to quickly find a compromise, a solution that suits both.

Between partners reign limitless trust and respect. From the side, this pair seems almost perfect. They are full of love and gratitude to each other, do not notice anyone around and are ready to enjoy the journered pastime endlessly.

A man is important not to control and do not limit their elected unnecessary. She really appreciates freedom, does not tolerate the framework, so it is sometimes necessary to let it go to your girlfriends, allow you to have your own circle of communication and interests.

In exchange for a good attitude of a man, a girl will give him permanent support, will not leave and do not betray to the crisis, will provide a reliable rear, will create a quiet and cozy harbor, which is pleasant to return after a busy day.

Despite the favorable compatibility, a man can greatly spoil his life with his companion, if it does not be able to cool down his heat. He has a difficult character with whom will have to fight to preserve the relationship with happy and harmonious.

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Problems of Union

There are some points that are important to take into account to preserve psychological comfort in a pair.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Both sign are incredibly quick-tempered. This trait of character should be taken, understand that both are not without sin. And not be offended after every stormy quarrel. Either learn to produce anger in other ways without breaking on a partner.
  2. The rooster has a buuch temperament, because of what can look at the side. But he should always remember that jealousy is not the best soil for love.
  3. Rat - natural-loving nature. Its in no case should be limited to drive into the framework. Otherwise she wants to escape. Rooster, on the contrary, loves to control everything. This is the main appeal of their relationship.
  4. Everyone wants to leave for themselves a personal space in which the partner is not a place. It is not bad, but if you abuse, relationships can reach the moment when the beloved will be visited only at the kitchen table, and everything else is time to spend outdoor.

If you work out problem moments, the relationship will be extremely happy. But should both try to make their efforts in vain.

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