Year of dog: what distinguishing features he has


Probably, no one is no longer a secret that the 2018 comes the year is the year of the earthen dog. The dog legally enters into its own rights since February 16, 2018 and will maintain its influence on people until February 4, 2019. What characteristic is the year of the dog, what qualities do people born at this time, and what years correspond to this animal, "you will read in this material.

Year of dog

Characteristic of the year of the dog

Honesty is the main character trait that is inherent in the dog. People who have emerged in the year of dogs are characterized by nobility, retain loyalty to the principles, people and affairs, and still very loyal perceive the negative qualities of the nature of other personalities.

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For such people, it is characteristic at least once for their lives to survive a betrayal, although the dog is able to deal with an independent solution of any tasks. She chooses caressing, attention, it is very sensitive and caring, strives to protect the weaker, acts as a defender of his family and friends.

In addition, the Pensik is distinguished by reliability, generosity, independence, aggressiveness - in the case when they are attacked by, expressing claims and reproaches. Such a person acts as a serious competitor, a very attractive partner and a rational businessman.

The dog does not like the public demonstration of the sensual sphere and experiences, but at the same time she turns into a very passionate and ardent nature, remaining alone with his beloved person. Maybe in some cases showing sharpness in communication, but it tries to avoid conflict situations if possible. In the dispute always shows his nobility.

Positive Quality Dog Sign

A demonstration of a dog of ambition and nobility adds her a kind of advantage in partnerships. People born in the year of the dog always choose an honest battle, and not backstage intrigues. They differ straightforward in the sensory life of life, loyalty in love relationships, but at the same time they systematically suffer from frequent change of mood.

Due to the insecurity or temporary bad luck, the dog is able to disconnect from the sensual sphere of life. In the same cases, it is all good, it is difficult to find a more positive creature in the field of love relationships.

The dog is a sign of perfectionists, it seals harmony and calm in the dwelling, she strives for a reliable family rear, and she managed to earn money. At the same time, such a person will never go on heads to achieve success.

Negative character quality

Due to coldness, laziness and pessimism, the dog risks to face difficulties in implementing his wonderful career opportunities. In some cases, the dog does not perceive wise advice from others, exhibits excessive self-sufficiency and is in losing when it relys exclusively.

In addition, the representatives of this sign often suffer from unfortunate anxiety. The dog is important to control their health, be sure to practice some physical activity to control the level of its internal aggressiveness.

In the year of dogs on your way, both noble personalities can be met as a very negative, which will have to defeat their home or partner relationship.

High probability of meeting your ideal life satellite or finding suitable classes.

Best of all the year of the dog promises to go for those people who are: dogs, rats, dragons and pigs. It will be quite difficult for people-bulls, sheep and roosters. And positive - for tigers, monkeys, rabbits and horses.

What are they - people born in the year of the dog

For people who have emerged in the year of the dog, it is characteristic of being constantly engaged in some kind of activity. They are impossible to see in a state of idleness, as they are all the time being alert.

The dog, as an animal, performs the function of guarding the housing and its relatives. She does not very willingly demonstrate their feelings with emotions. Only in extremely extreme cases, the Pensik can demonstrate the surviving experience and even cry.

People born in the year of the dog are very stubborn in achieving their goals. And this stubbornness can take place to extremes.

Also, the dog is characterized by some cynicism, due to which dissatisfaction is often raised. She loves to make different comments, to teach, instruct others on the "True path." Moreover, it can very far go to his aspirations to criticism, there is a reason or not - she always adheres to anything. Another dog is distinguished by pessimism, she is not accustomed to wait for anything positive any of people nor from life as a whole.

Most of all, injustice is annoyed. She acts as a skeptic, but possessing a wonderful sense of humor, a sharp mind and a broad soul. The dog got used to fight and knows how to take his petty nature in the ultimate nature, however, this is not far from all situations.

Dog people do not like mass acquisitions, they do not differ in great hospitality, preferring to the silence with loneliness.

This is a very noble animal with developed maternal feelings, as well as an excellent sense of debt. It is distinguished by loyalty and devotion, it is easy to rely on complex life situations. Another plus - the dog well keeps other people's secrets, although herself reluctantly tells his own secrets due to natural modesty.

Often, dogs suffer from expressing their thoughts, it is far from the most eloquent person. But at the same time a wonderful listener. The dog wants to trust, she is readily assisting others, listening and supporting them. And its dedication often comes to self-sacrifice - thanks to all these qualities, the animal and love others.

Regardless of whether a dog lives poorly or richly, it is distinguished by generosity and selflessness. This, of course, does not mean at all that finances do not have a value for her, the dog knows the price of money, but without regret he spends them. It is capable if necessary to live in a not very comfortable setting, the main thing for it is to develop its mental activity.

In the love sphere of life is distinguished by sincerity and honesty. She is not able to deceive and betray her beloved man. The choice of satellite life for the dog is always very reasonable and responsible. But she often faces disappointments on this path, because her hobbies are very non-permanent, which adds her dissatisfaction with life and anxiety in love.

Characteristics of a dog-dog

Such a strong sex can do everything possible for his beloved girl, children and a close environment. It often has a sullen look, a little ulcer and melancholic manner of behavior is distinguished, may suffer from a reduced self-esteem, which makes little effort to create a career.

Insecurity and doubts often bother to realize such a man entire degree of its natural abilities and talents. For the full disclosure of its potential, he vital needs to be supported by other people, as well as in promoting his aspirations. Such men are distinguished by pessimistic, they with ease fall into depression, especially if they leave their beloved.

The loyalty of such a man in reality is a simple attachment of its "hostess". It is very easy for him to make novels on the side, he often throws his numerous mistresses for the sake of preserving his family.

Men dogs often become macho

Deciding to marry such a man, a woman with a very high probability will experience his treason, as it will be possible to change it hardly. With a man-dog, it is easy to converge and diverge. But finally, a woman will have a feeling that nothing is lost.

Description of a female dog

The appearance of such a lady, as well as her manner, to behave often demonstrates the surrounding a strong character, although in fact it is not entirely true. The dog-dog is distinguished by uncompromising, healthy ambitiousness, generosity, is inclined to always bring started to a logical completion, plus has a lot of patience.

For these ladies, it is characteristic of the presence of a logical male warehouse of the mind, a solid nature, as well as sufficient perseverance to achieve its goals. Another woman-dog is distinguished by intelligence, intelligence, romanticism, albeit some passivity and disbelief in their strength.

It often analyzes himself for a long time, therefore, even despite natural data, part of life events goes like it, and she simply dismissedly watch them.

In the work of such representatives of beautiful sex, discipline is distinguished by discipline, they are with great responsibility to fulfill their professional obligations. Capable to use sex when you want to achieve some kind of purpose.

In the company, the dog shows a modest and restrained manner of behavior. The dog is sincerely predicted to the home hearth and his offspring, but it is not the most faithful spouse in the world. Choosing a sexual partner, a dog-girl does not show the intelligibility, which can play with her a dick joke.

Before you decide to create a family with someone, the dog will search for his ideal for a long time. She needs a solid and strong person near, which will be able to give her help with support.

Women dogs are looking for a caring man

What years do the year of the dog

Consider the order of the dogs, respectively, different elements:

  • In 1910 - was a year of a metal dog.
  • In 1922 - Water Dog.
  • In 1934 - wooden dog.
  • In 1946 - fiery dog.
  • In 1958 - an earthen dog.
  • In the 1970 - metal dog.
  • In 1982 - Water Dog.
  • In 1994 - Wooden Dog.
  • In 2006 - Fire Dog.
  • In 2018 - came the year of the earthen dog.
  • And at 2040 - there will be a year of a metal dog.

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