The meaning of lucky name Igor is fate, character and career


The name Igor in Scandinavian means "guarded by God abundance", "Lucky", "Secured". From the Norwegian language, the name is translated as an "archer", they were called tagged shooters or babies in ancient Norway, if they wanted to grow an excellent shooter. From Norway, the name Igor fell into England, where it became associated with the word "militant."

The pronunciation of the name Igor in other countries: in Belarus - Igar, in Bulgaria - Igor, in Latvia - Igors, in Iceland - igvar.

Reduce form name: Igor, Igor, Gosh, igorushka, Goshka, Gorky, player.

Fishing fish


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The nature of Igor depends on the year of birth:

  • Winter - narcissistic, vain, temperamental, emotional, unlockable.
  • Spring - fair, proud, attentive, picky, soulful.
  • Summer is unreliable, frivolous, unpredictable, capricious, inconsivered.
  • Autumn - provided, selfish, intelligent, smart, demanding.


Little Igorek combines both positive and negative character qualities. It may be inquisitive, emotional, active, independent, but at the same time naughty, capricious, hooliganist, who do not want to make failures insist on their own. Often offended on adults when they do not fulfill his requests. Can roll hysteria with felting on the floor in the store, demanding to buy this toy. Fortunately, these hysteries by five years pass when the child becomes more judicious. It does not always get along with the guys, may be offended by them if they did not accept his terms of the game.

In adolescence, Igor is changing, knows how to control his emotions, syradiability, but sometimes breaks away. To achieve something, avoid punishment or like a person, Igor often resorts to lies. Igor notes that he is in many ways lucky, so it relys more on luck than on its own strength, which often does not behave anything good. Due to the lack of ambitiousness, Igor studies average, not enough stars from the sky. Igor, which has a musical hearing, will be useful will learn to the game on any musical instrument. Of these, talented musicians and singers are often overlooking.

Adult Igor becomes self-confident and excessively demanding both to himself and to others, in response, he becomes a devoted friend who is not thrown in trouble. She strives for superiority and power, tries to be better than others, loves when his successes notice and praise. Able to charm the interlocutor with eloquence, fair, benevolent, has pride, loving, beautiful manners and attractive charisma. Igor is dangerous to give an unlimited power, as he can become a complete despot and destroy relationships with friends and relatives.


In childhood, Igor is strong health, illness tolerates easily. Does not like to visit doctors and take medicines, it is often impossible to persuade to take a tablet. In adulthood, this attitude towards medicine adversely affects the game, it can strongly launch his illness.


Igor has an incredible purposefulness. His dream is to open its business. If he did not work from the first time, he will try again and again, every time trying different methods, until he achieves his. Thanks to this approach, Igor will have an excellent engineer, not grazing before difficulties. And also from it will be a good coach, teacher, worker, lawyer, actor, musician.

He has a sharp mind and excellent memory, he can remember long text and retell his word into word or simpler, understandable people with words. The boss from Igor will get a demanding, despotic, purposeful, always seeking his own. Subordinate with him will not be easy. In his youth, Igor can feel the lack of finance, but in adulthood he will learn to save money and can put a good condition to the old age.



Igor, having attractive charisma and aristocratic manners, easily conquers the opposite sex. With them, he is cold in communication, restrainedly cares, but they feel sexual energy from him, which he fully justifies. For a long time I can not find your own woman, because it pulls him to bright, active and emotional women, but he cannot get along with them. He is calm with a soft, compliant and quiet woman, but she quickly becomes boring him, and Igor again pulls to the shameful women. So Igor Tuuda and here. Not every girl can withstand him for a long time because of his unreliability and windiness. Almost all love novels at Igor are short-term and bright.

A family

Igor usually marries late when it feels what is ready for the family. The wife chooses a quiet, economic and reliable woman, for which the family will always be in the first place, which will not challenge his leadership. With a woman older than herself, Igor tries not to contact. Wife Igor can sometimes wind nerves with his shaver, optional, wild jealousy, but she will feel protected with him. His wife he can occasionally change, but he will never leave it. Children Igor loves, can change the baby diaper, calm the roaring child, play moving games with him, watch a cartoon together. Even in a divorce continues to take care of children, takes them to his weekend and attends the events with them.

Compatibility with female names


  • Excellent: Elizabeth, Christina, Zlata, Svetlana, Polina, Alice, Veronika, Catherine, Alesya, Varvara, Arina, Milan, Margarita, Olesya.
  • Bad: Julia, Natalia, Angelina, Elina, Valeria, Yana, Nadezhda, Diana, Anastasia, Ulyana, Angelina, Ksenia.

A family


  • The planet Mars.
  • Blue color name - blue.
  • The season is summer.
  • Happy week of week - Wednesday.
  • Happy number - 6.
  • Metal - tin.
  • Gemini.
  • Element - air.
  • Totem animal - bullfinch.
  • Plant - Daisy.
  • Tree - Grab.
  • Mineral Talisman - Beryl.

Famous people named Igor

  • Igor Talkov is a Russian singer.
  • Igor Kvasha - Russian actor.
  • Igor Sorin is a Russian poet and musician.
  • Igor Sukachev - Russian poet.
  • Igor Cool is the Russian composer.
  • Igor Gusev - Russian artist.
  • Igor Malkov - Soviet skater.

Days of Angel

Church name: Igor

Meaning of the name: warlike (Read the full meaning of the name Igor)

Nearest Name Day Igor: September 2

Name day

strong>Igor in 2021 for the church calendar
  • June 18.

    Igor (in the baptism of George, in the atocacy of Gabriel) Olgovich, Chernihiv and Kiev, Grand Duke (transfer of the relics)

  • 2 October

    Igor (in the baptism of George, in the atocacy of Gabriel) Olgovich, Chernigov and Kiev, Grand Duke

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