Emma Name - Options of Origin, Fate and Vegetables Character


Sometimes parents choose for girls not quite ordinary names with the hope that their daughter will noticeably stand out from the collective of peers. Therefore, going to impose a girl with the name of Emma, ​​it is worth finding out his meaning to understand what the child awaits. After all, besides unusual sound, the names-forming predetermines the character traits and the verge of carrier fate.


The origin of the poetic name

In different countries, especially Catholic religion, the name of Emma sounds in various interpretations. For example, on the territory of Germany, the names of Amalia or IRMA correspond to the names of Amalia. English interpretation sounds like Emilia, and in America it is Emmy. The question of the origin of the name is controversial, has several options explaining his appearance:
  • According to the German version, the meaning of the name is associated with the concepts of "whole" or "universal" due to the common root in the word "Ermen";
  • According to the Jewish interpretation, the name comes from the male form Emmanuel, in religious translations it matters "God with us";
  • From the point of view of supporters of the Latin version, the name corresponds to the meaning of "spiritual", "precious", even "invaluable";
  • In the ancient Greek translation, the name is associated with a gentle or flattery woman;
  • According to the Arab version, the word designate a faithful, reliable and calm person.

Thanks to the abundance of values, the name was popular among the reigns of those who were reigning, among which Emma is French. Also in the history of the rules of Queen Italy, Norman, Waldek-Pyrmont, winners of the feminine name Emma.

Main characteristics of carrier

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Short and gentle forms named after Emma is quite a bit - mile either, the girl can be called a lily, Amy, the issuer, even Emka. For the baby suits the form of the name - Emochka, Emusya. The name day of Emma will have to celebrate only in the Catholic Schinths - the day of St. Emma on June 27.

  • Sounding on a special namesmaniform makes a powerful, but volatile character, not devoid of contradictions. Shirma external coldness hides sensitive nature.
  • Sociable Emma is considered a fair person, ready to work in the name of public interests. It is mandatory and keeps this word, objectively evaluates people.
  • Self-critical person with a sophisticated character fate awarded the gift to foresee the future. In aggregate with the inventive mind and responsiveness, it is a prerequisite for leading leadership.

The vibration of the Emma name corresponds to the number 6, which adds some dream of a charming and active carrier to the nature of the charming and active carrier. At the same time, the meaning of the six is ​​explained by the rectinence of reasonable emilia, which becomes the cause of conflicts and offenses.

Astrological aspects of name

  • Emma under the protection of signs of the Taurus, as well as scales.
  • The planetary patronage is Venus.
  • Protects the carriage of the magic of emerald and sapphire.
  • The name corresponds to the green color, happy will be orange.
  • From the world of plants, Iris was chosen talisman.
  • Totem animals named Lan, as well as bull.


Emma's fate on life stages

A hardworking child hiding his emotions turns into a skeptical woman. She seeks to realize their ambitions not only in business, but also in the family.

Character character traits

Serious Emmochka is distinguished by curiosity, thrust to read together with the speed of perception helps to know life. The girl cannot be called exemplary, but there are no special problems with her parents, it is good absorbing all parent lessons. Thanks to the persistence and hard work at Emmy, good estimates, organizational traits of nature bring it to class leaders.

Parents should take into account the high emotion of the girl, hidden inside. It is not able to abstract about their resentment and experiences to abstract to the parents rarely, triggered them under the mask of arrogance.

Characteristics of an adult lady

With a matured Emma, ​​the critical attitude is manifested by skepticism in relation to universal hobbies, and an ambitious character - the desire to rule. The desire to be smarter than others with age forms the habit to teach people that they beat off the desire to communicate with Emily. Ambitious woman becomes boring, which deprives the surrounding desires to communicate with her.

Health for Emma.

According to the name of the name, its owner does not have to complain about health. It is only important to monitor the work of the digestive system, as well as the state of the bone frame. The girl is distinguished by physical endurance, although psycho-emotional breakdowns happen.

Professional inclinations

Thanks to the well-developed intuition, EMME can do large financial transactions, to become an expert of sociology, psychoanalyst, to deal with mathematical analysis. Congenital artistry, which was given the fate of a woman, will help to make her acting career, but the choice of creative directions requires support to the authoritative mentor.

It is important to remember that the meaning of the name shows in adult Emma a tendency to careerism. However, the acquisition of a governing position will be deserved, because hardworking Emma is stubborn, enjoying respect for colleagues.

Spectrum of hobbies

The main hobby for Emmy since childhood are books, but she also loves to sing and dance. These are indispensable traits of character for artistic career. Other hobbies can be very strange.

Family and love

For gentle Emma, ​​sex with a beloved man in the first place, to the unloved person - full indifference. If you take into account the meaning of the name, in marriage, the carrier also strives for leadership. Disagreement of her husband with Emma plans can turn into a divorce, which will respond with the soul of the spouse. With a decent and strong spouse, Amy will become a wonderful mistress, a fanatical mother. Especially if he chooses Alexander, Daniel, Mark, Valentina, as well as Edward or Felix.

Historical Persons

  • Emma Hamilton (1765) - Muse Vice Admiral Nelson, Queen of Love Intrigues.
  • Emmy Neuter (1882) was a famous German mathematician, the author of the physics theorems.
  • Emily Musina-Pushkin (1828) fate brought with Pushkin, and Lermontov dedicated to her Madrigal.

Portrait of a girl

Horoscope for cute Emma

  1. Aries - infantile-naive woman with a quick-tempered character who dedicated life to her husband.
  2. Taurus - ambitious, but the fate's hardworking carrier has relied with love for loneliness.
  3. Twins - the soft sentimentality of nature is combined with demanding character, hot-tempered.
  4. Cancer - by the meaning of the name, the sociable lady loves praise, is distinguished by excessive fasciance.
  5. Lion - a self-confident amateur pretend to be called a born actress.
  6. Virgo - the value of the sign does not allow to relax the active career, which the environment does not understand.
  7. Scales - a special character of a sincere, unconfluous girl does not accept a flattery, as well as lies.
  8. Scorpio - the meaning of the name emphasizes Emma thirst for respect, but aggression becomes the reaction to criticism.
  9. Sagittarius - a slightly accurate idealist with a vulnerable soul need a loving spouse defender.
  10. Capricorn - fate gives the girl an unpredictable character, the ability to sacrifice for love.
  11. Aquarius - emotional mood, prone to rash actions, errors.
  12. Fish - by the meaning of the sign of purposeful, but loving personality requires support.

The secret named after Emma is hiding under the mask of its external calmness. Sensual nature can only trust very close people, in front of them it can open his ever doubting angry soul. For the rest of Emma - the conqueror of new vertices, a confident personality with a solid character.

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