The value of the Men's name Abdullah - Character, Career and Fate


The male name Abdullah is very common in Islamic countries and translates as "Slave Allah."

Reduce form of name: Abbey, Abdulchik, Dulla, Dullie, Abdullochka.

In the Orthodox Calendar of the Saints with the name Abdullah there is no due to the belonging of this name to Islamic religion.

Boy photographer


Pros: kind, sociable, friendly, non-conflict.

Cons: Unorganized, impatient, irresponsible.


Little Abdullah grows a very curious and chatty boy. He interests him everything in the world, adults fumbles numerous questions, the answers to which he does not always listen, immediately sets the next question. In the life of Abdullah unpretentious, pleased with Small, he does not need a lot of diverse clothes, the mountains of toys. I am pleased to play moving games with peers. May give friends your favorite toy and do not regret it. Tries to avoid conflicts.

The school studies average due to disadvantage and nonsense, during the lesson spinning, chatting with classmates, which is why he cannot answer the subject, and ask for teachers with all Abdullah. Teachers are not always pleased with his behavior. If Abdullah be able to become more ambitious, its performance will grow sharply, as it has an extremely good memory and high ingenuity.

Adult Abdullah remains the same impatient and unorganized, as in childhood. Never removes things in place, everything in the apartment is scattered. Sugar can be stored in a jar with the inscription "Salt". In this chaos, the necessary thing can find only Abdullah. But he is comfortable to live among the confusion.

In the apartment where everything is licked, not a single dust, things in their places, Abdullah feels not in its plate. I do not know how to dress with taste, prefers simple and unsuccessful clothes. Friends he accepts what it is, thanks to his cheerful and companies. Frequenter of parties, from where it goes out the last of all.


Abdullah's health is strong, suffers in childhood only with colds and even rarely. In adult age, problems with the digestive system are possible due to the thrust to the harmful food.



Heights in the career of Abdullah because of his inorganization will not reach, and he himself does not seek to take the chair of the manual. Shows excellent successes in that work, where physical endurance and creative talents are required. Perfectly work in the team, does not pull the championship blanket for yourself. If possible, chooses work with a free schedule or remote job.


Around the cheerful and company Abdullah there are always a lot of female fans, behind which he carries her thieves, gives them flowers, has signs of attention. But for a long time, it does not fall in love with one of them, prefers to change women. Usually, due to the unwillingness of a woman, to put up with a mess in his apartment or attempt to teach Abdullah organization, which he fiercely resists. The family begins to think about the thirty-year-old lifestyle.

A family

When it feels that the time came to create a family, Abdullah begins to look closely to women, whether they will endure his lifestyle, will there be brains for scattered things, will be considered with his opinion. Even if it finds a suitable wife, she will not need to live with such a husband as Abdullah, because of his desire to spend a lot of time.

In addition, his wife will have to come to terms with the fact that their friends will be staring until the morning. Raising children usually falls on his wife's shoulders, as Abdullah can not always find a common language with her child, does not want to know about the success of the child. However, after forty years, Abdullah is changing, becomes more home, more often interested in wives and children.

Compatibility with female names


  • Excellent: Alexander, Polina, Alesya, Vera, Irina, Veronica, Olga, Camilla.
  • Bad: Kira, Ulyana, Victoria, Natalia, Evgenia, Amina, Anna, Ksenia, Miroslav.



  • Planet - Moon.
  • The color of the name is white.
  • Time of year - Spring.
  • Happy week of week - Monday.
  • Happy number - 2.
  • Metal - silver.
  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • Element - water.
  • Totem animal - Owl.
  • Plant - Lily.
  • Mineral Talisman - Selenite.

Famous people with the name Abdullah

  • Abdullah azam - Palestinian theologian.
  • Abdullah al-Hilaly is Omani Football Arbitrator.
  • Abdullah Karsakbaev is a Soviet film director.
  • Abdullah Goran - Kurdish poet.

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