The meaning of the French name of Evelina - character, family and fate


In the emergence of the female name, Evelin has many options, the most popular - from the ancient-finzes of Eva, translating the "giving life" or "forest walnut". In England, Evelina's popular in their country has its own version of the translation from the phrase "Beautiful Bird".

Reductive and affectionate form name: Eva, Evelynchik, Evchik, Evochka, Evushka, Evi, Linaughter, Lina, Linushka, Linchik.

In the Orthodox calendar, the name of Evelyna is absent, girls are sacred under a different name.



Pros: kindness, curiosity, softness.

Cons: selfishness, trick.


Evochka grows a calm, not distressed and obedient girl, from early childhood can like people and skillfully uses it to achieve their own. To avoid well-deserved penalties for your act, can deceive or shifting the blame on another person. Parents should pay attention to this ability of the daughter, otherwise it will turn into egoism to transitional age into egoism and the spoil from which it will be difficult to get rid of. Evelina easily makes dating and is always surrounded by friends both older and younger than her, but among them there is little real friends.

The school learns well, not because of its ability to like, but thanks to the curiosity and ability to accurate sciences. It has excellent acting data, likes to participate in school productions. There is no conflict in relation to friends, knows how to be friends, not boring with it. Never lead the guy from your girlfriend, will not substitute friends for their benefit. It will not give up a noisy party, loves to visit discos, bars, clubs. Can support any conversation with the interlocutor who carefully listens and give a good advice. It will hardly carry gossip, if possible, tries to change the topic.

In adult Evelina, there is no hardness of character, but there is excessive emotionality. She, knowing about the softness of his character, achieves the desired goals with the help of acting skills, and quite successfully. He loves to change every day, today is kind, affectionate, tomorrow is arrogant and impregnable. Loves luxurious life, compliments, jewels, beautiful clothes. Trying to rest in chic places. Can give money to debt and soon forget about it. It has talent not to make tragedies from the difficulty of life, which successfully overcomes. Woman with the name of Evelina retains natural charm to the end of life.


Because of good health, since childhood, it is practically not familiar with the hospital, but in the transitional age, Evelyna may have problems with the digestive system and rash on the skin. She should stick to the diet, do not allow himself to eat. It is hard to transfers physical flaws, it can easily be solved on a plastic surgery to get rid of them.

Young woman


Thanks to the curiosity, Evelina can achieve great success in the creative sphere, as well as science, for example, an excellent doctor, teacher, designer, actress will be released from it. Evelin's career promotion does not interest, the work process itself is more important for her, achieving success. In work is always completely laid out.


Evelina due to its tale, the ability to look sexy, with ease collects around himself the opposite sex fans. Of them, she chooses rich men who give her dear gifts and take into elegant resorts. In marriage it refuses to the last.

A family

Marry will be married to the man with whom she will have respect and mutual understanding that can support her in a difficult moment and will not try to suppress her will. Evelina does not give birth to household problems, she overcomes family difficulties with ease, cooks perfectly. Very loves children who can easily break down. Therefore, her husband should be stricter with children so that then it did not have to reap bitter fruits.

Male name compatibility


  • Excellent: Cyril, Igor, Alexander, Boris, Nikita, Nikolay.
  • Bad: Anton, Vladimir, Vladislav, Ivan, Denis, Yuri, Stepan.



  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • The name of the name is turquoise.
  • Happy week of week - Friday.
  • Happy number - 3.
  • Metal - iron.
  • Zodiac sign - Fish.
  • Element - water.
  • Totem animal - Pelican.
  • Plant - Mimosa.
  • Tree - Iva.
  • Mineral Talisman - Emerald.

Famous women named Evelina

  • Evelina Bystritskaya - Soviet actress.
  • Evelina Bledans - Russian actress.
  • Evelin Hall - English writer.
  • Evelin Toma - French TV presenter.
  • Evelina Santangelo - Italian writer.
  • Evelina Khromchenko - Russian TV presenter.

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