Meaning of the name Mohammed - characteristics of the character and fate of a person


The name Mohammed has arabic origin and means "decent higher praise", "praised", "famous". This name is widespread among Muslims of different countries, because this is the name of the great prophet preaching the religion of Islam.


Other forms of name: Mahmoud, Magomed, Magomet. The day of Angela Muhammed does not notice, since it is not among the Orthodox and Catholic calendar holidays.

General interpretation and horoscope

  • Planet, patronizing name, - Uranus.
  • Zodiac sign, corresponding to the name, - Aquarius, Capricorn.
  • Tree of life, giving power and energy, - aspen.
  • Color attracting good luck and happiness - purple.
  • Stone-charm - amethyst.
  • Plant supporting health - Alpine Rose.

Childhood and Youth Mohammed - Talents and Boy Habits

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Mohammed is a thrift, sensitive and sometimes a timid baby. It is distinguished by its indecisiveness, calmness, some shyness. But this boy is very attentive to detail, inquisitive. He is interested in life around, he is carefully and inseciously trying to know her.

Parents may notice that their guy is not judged by the years, diligently, patient and tolerate to others. This kid will not be capricious or offended by trifles. His friendlyness and responsiveness often becomes an example of the behavior of peers.

In the school years, Mahmoud tries to stand out from the crowd, he desperately trying to do everything better than others to notice and praise. The boy is happiness, swimming in gratitude and compliments.

This young man has many talents. Educating in a favorable environment, developing the right skills, this person can achieve large heights in his career. It is well complicated and physically active, likes to play sports and lead a moving lifestyle.

Mohammed can be interested in sports, which in the future will be his professional business. In addition to physical training, the young man pays attention to the development of memory, speech. It is passionate about fiction, history and other humanitarian objects.

In high school classes, this person changes. He becomes more confident, free in statements, actions, in it exacerbates a sense of justice. That period when Mohammed is full of desire to assert themselves, feel like a man and a strong person.


In Mohammed, there is a fraction of vanity, and it is not deprived of healthy ambitions. He likes when they praise him, put as an example, especially if this is done by female representatives.

Girls like a young man with the name Mohammed. He has a bright, memorable appearance, volitional chin, beautiful teeth and a proud profile. At such a young age, he has sufficient wisdom, restraint, delicacy. He is accustomed to respect and read women, which makes it even more popular among young people.

Mohammed prefers to hold a leading position among peers. To do this, he sets himself a high bar, paying a long time of diligent studies, learning languages ​​and accurate sciences.

The nature of Mohammed is able to vary depending on the birth period. The young man born in winter will not be too punctual, disciplined, but very different in its concentration on the main goal. He knows how to concentrate enough and quickly achieve the result, without being distracted by foreign tasks.

Mohammed is a spontaneous personality, subject to emotions and mood. He should learn to organize himself and adhere to a certain plan, which surrounding them will know. Otherwise, he can cause confusion and excitement.

In student years, it is already clear that Mohammed will be successful in his career, since hardworking, diligently and never throws the work started halfway. He is able to become a good leader, if learn to self-discipline and administration.

This person is capable of volitional solutions and bold actions, it is enough to change the decisiveness to change the existing system or error of the system, which prevents it from developing. He can affect the opinions of people and inspires the confidence of subordinates not beautiful words, but its own example of behavior.

Mohammed man action, but he has a good eloquence skill. Changing a stranger to intrigue an interesting and highly intelligent conversation. His competent speech and the gift of the speaker can be useful in political, social activities. He will become a good teacher, coach, scientist.

Profession, personal life, health - options for the fate of adult Mohammed

In the mature age, Mohammed is a person who has not been deprived of pride for his progress. He gives a report to his talents and opportunities, knows what is capable of what can achieve and what is worthy.

This adult man got used to self-secured life, can afford a lot, but will not fall in extremes and enjoy the excesses. This wise person does not see the goal of enrichment and universal recognition, but it is important for him to feel his superiority and influence in society.

The Muhammed family begins to think in a fairly late age, closer to forty years. He used to be everywhere by the leader, so in the family will clearly dominate. The spouse will choose a gentle, silent and obedient person much younger than his years.

Mohammed loves beautiful and passionate women, but the wife will take the wives that will not be a capricious gap. He is able to indulge his spouse and not complain that it will be a little mercantile. This Eastern man is important to know that his family does not need anything.

In the personal life of Mahmoud usually lucky and happy. The spouse pays him enough attention, care and tries to show sincere love and respect. Mohammed is able to be very grateful to his relatives for their patience and devotion. It will take care of the old men, providing not only material support, but every whole attention.

Children for Mohammad are a continuation of his kind. He tries to adequately to bring up off, without sorry for education. As for the care of the kids, here he completely trusts the spouse and does not take part in bathing, personal hygiene, choosing a wardrobe.

Muhammad is important spiritual development. He strives for self-education, knowledge and enlightenment. This man believes in his religion and life principles, installations, preference will never go into the incision of his faith.

For friends, Mohammed is not just a friend, they can contact him for help, advice or to resolve the dispute. Such a person is able to reconcile those who are in a quarrel, to put on the true path of someone who has long gotten from the road and is incorrect.

For Mohammed, the fate of not only close, but also his environments is important. It is possible, so he often suffers from heart diseases, hypertension, insomnia. Sometimes this person is not able to let go of someone else's pain, passing everything through his soul.

Famous people named Mohammed

  • Mohammed Ali is a professional boxer from Egypt, a silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Athens, participates in a heavyweight fighting.


  • Mohamed Hell Deaia - a professional football player from Saudi Arabia, is considered the best goalkeeper of Asia.
  • Mohammed Daoud - Political and State Worker of Afghanistan.
  • Mohammed Barak - a politician from Israel of Arabic origin.
  • Mohammed Zahir-Shah - the king of Afghanistan until 2007.
  • Magomet Mamakayev is a Chechen poet, Prosais, a figure of literature, a modern critic.
  • Magomed Sultanahmedov is a professional kickboxing athlete, karate, European champion in Muay Thai.

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