The meaning of the strong name of the Arseny - Fate, Character and Career


The female Arseny name occurred from the male name of Arseny. The female name of the name from Greek, like a male, means "courageous", "mature". In Russia, the female arms name is very rare.

Reductive and affectionate form name: Arsyusha, Suisha, Shenya, Senya, Arsenya, Arsi, Asya.

According to the Orthodox calendar, the Day of the Arseniya celebrates January 23, on the day of Novomarthennicken Arseny Dobronravoy.

Young woman


  • Depends on the time of year of birth of arsenia:
  • Winter - stubborn, brave.
  • Spring - calculating, touching.
  • Summer - uncommunicative, closed.
  • Autumn - pedantic, hardworking.


Little hazing has an easy, extremely degenerate character. Does not give any problems to your parents. With ease, he fascinates the joy in the trifles around him with his positive and ability. It is easily poured into any new company, but she has no close friends because of her hidden incredulsion to people, which she tries not to show. Externally arsenia is calm and positive, and inside the waters, it is easy to offend, but she tries to hide it so as not to upset others.

In a transitional age, the surroundings of the arsenia manifests itself stronger, it closes in itself, solves all the problems itself, without revealing them around. In general, the transitional age among the arsenia passes fairly easily and silently, it does not try to rebel and shock those surrounding with their antics.

It remains as before a friendly and sociable girl. The arsenia knows how to externally hide its emotions, none of those surrounding, even a close person can guess which storm reigns in her soul. During this period, the arsenia begins to carefully filter his circle of friends, sifting unreliable and false people.

In adulthood, the Arsenia appears resourcefulness and sensitive intuition, helping her to leave dry situations. With the help of congenital courage laid in her name, the arsenia always achieves the goals. Despite the male name, the arseny grows up soft and gentle, but spiritually strong, who knows how to deserve all the life obstacles. Arsenia loves externally stand out, using unusual clothing or bright accessories, it tastefully combining. With age, prefers more strict, but high-quality clothing and stylish, not screaming accessories.


They differ from other children with strong health, practically do not hurt in childhood. Arsenia is contraindicated by hard work that can be used. Haye is undesirable to get involved in envy, negative emotions that destroy the nervous system. Arsenia has a thrust for alcoholic beverages, from which she will be hard to get rid of it.

Cute girl


Arsenia since childhood loves to cook, does it with inspiration, knows how to invent new and delicious dishes than surprises his relatives and friends. Will be able to build a brilliant career in cooking, open its restaurant, which, with proper management, will be successful and popular. In addition to cooking, the arsenia can achieve success in jurisprudence and architecture. Perfectly gets around with any team, does not seek to pull the blanket for yourself.


Sex for arms is not in the first place, so it does not perceive disposable novels. Prefers love for his chosen one to prove the case, and not in words and coquets, like other women.

A family

Spontaneous marriage - not for arms. Before getting married, it will carefully weigh all the "for" and "against." It will marry a man who can withstand her whims and the suggestion, from which arms, despite the thorough disguise, will not be able to get rid of. Thanks to the correct choice of husband in the arsenia, family life always develops successfully. From the arsion will be a great mistress, a caring mother. Since childhood, his children also teach to independence and work, consciously prepare them for adulthood.

Male name compatibility


Excellent: Alexander, Danil, Mark, Timofey.

Bad: Oleg, Yuri, Vyacheslav, Leonid, Peter.



  • Planet - Moon.
  • The color of the name is white.
  • Time of year - Winter.
  • Happy week of week - Monday.
  • Happy number - 2.
  • Metal - silver.
  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • Element - water.
  • Totem animal - Vova.
  • Plant - Pansies.
  • Tree - ash.
  • Mineral Talisman - White Coral.

Famous people with the name of Arseny

  • Arseniya Sebryakova - Jumena, icon painter.
  • Arseny Granovskaya - extrasens.

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