Name name Felix - character traits and fate


The name Felix is ​​translated from Latin as "happy, prosperous, benevolent". In Christianity, this name came from Greece. His interpretation was somewhat different - Physical. In Orthodox calendars, this name is true.

In Russia, the name of the finalist, Fillybilis is also popular - this is also derived from the name of Physical. The day of Angela Felix celebrates several times: November 1, September 4, February 7, May 1 and July 19. This name is very popular and revered by Catholics. Some representatives of the Catholic Church wore the name Felix.

General interpretation and horoscope named

  • Planet, patronizing name, - Uranus.
  • Zodiac sign, suitable name, - Aquarius.
  • A tree that gives strength and positive energy is cypress.
  • Color attracting good luck and happiness - blue-green, sea wave color.
  • A plant that contributes to restoration of health is immorter.
  • Stone-charm - diamond.

Felix in childhood and youth: habits, talents, character manifestation

Felix is ​​very movable, requiring attention to the baby. With her whims, he often experiences parents for strength, demanding a new toy or sweets. The baby is very important since childhood to instill honesty, respect for the elders, responsiveness, the ability to sacrifice it sometimes with their interests for loved ones. These qualities can appear in a little fel if it is surrounded by sisters and brothers. Otherwise, this person is able to grow selfish, cunning and an evacuated personality.

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This child has been very controversial since childhood. In a rush of anger, he can talk a lot of roughness, but after a minute to come to his senses and strongly reassured in the deed. He tries not to share toys with the guys and holds apart in kindergarten.

In school years, the character of Felix is ​​changing. This is a fairly sociable, polite and causing young man. The young man stands out among the peers with his practicality and calcality. Own interests are often above the rest of the boy, he will not make extra movements if it won't be profitable.

Felix is ​​able to change behavior if it is extremely important for him and profitable. It is very artistic and can easily merge with the role of a sincere, kind and responsive guy, ready for any victims for the sake of the universal good. But then it turns out that his courtesy and benefactor were only a mask for personal plan.

In high school classes, Felix studies well. Despite the cunning, dodgy and resourcefulness, it sometimes falls in situations that are able to hurt him. The young man is very deeply experiencing stress, can become very closed, fall into depression or addicted to alcohol.

In general, the theme of harmful and destructive habits will concern it throughout life. In moments of weakness, the disappointment Felix is ​​inclined to find comfort in alcoholic beverages or drugs. To stop him in such terrible minutes, the participation of close relatives is very important.

As for those who loving his people, they may not be so much. And all because Felix often grows indifferent, worn and selfish person, seeking to satisfy only their needs.

Felix may be different if the environment of its communication and complex life circumstances will force its best human qualities. He is able to be very assembled in difficult moments. In critical situations, ready to mobilize all its strength and successfully cope with the situation.

Felix since childhood dreams of a comfortable, secured life, promising position and high wages. This is its main motivation for successful studies and admission to a higher educational institution.


In the student years, Phil clearly gives to understand the surrounding that he is the leader. It is often not considered a stranger opinion, adamant in decisions and independent in the actions. It is attracted by the sphere of restaurant, hotel business, the organization of concerts or holidays. He understands that it is quite advantageous to work and collect the initial capital for more serious business.

Personal life, profession and health - the fate of adult Felix

Felix is ​​a very active and active person. He is accustomed to secure himself without hoping for the help of parents or influential relatives. He always has intuition for profitable scams or transactions. This person is able to successfully implemented as the director of the restaurant, the head of the tourist agency or the hotel. It has a feeling of taste, it has secular manners and is able to arrange expensive customers.

Felix is ​​not sitting in place, he is always looking for a better share. But money for him is not just a means of profit and the indicator of his well-being. He is used to generously spending everything earned on large and small weaknesses. One of these consumption articles are women.

With representatives of the weak gender Felix is ​​a witty seducer capable of great nonsense for charming beauty. He loves fatal women with outstanding forms and a challenge. But very often such people prefer sincere feelings of high status and well-being. Therefore, Phil is inclined to be disappointed in love and change the partner.

Having gained experience and cooled, Felix is ​​ready to marry a modest and homework, which will not be interested in light life, branded clothing and too expensive resorts. He is also important to her loyalty, because he is not able to survive treason. Although flirting and courting for other ladies from his side is quite acceptable phenomenon.

Long family relationship Felix is ​​ready to preserve with an attractive, well-groomed and quite wise woman. The spouse should leave a bit of secrets for him. Her silence, mysteriousness is capable of excite for a long time in the fillet of a temperamental man.


In general, sex for Felix, like money, is just a way to delight, but often he is used to deliver it only to himself. In the intimate proximity to his woman may not have enough tenderness, caress and prelude, because he is obsessed exclusively with its instincts.

But as for family relationships, here he can find a balance with the one that will direct and prompt him the paths of harmonious existence together, not criticizing his character and not condemning the actions. With the advent of children Felix is ​​ready to coach and revise its values. These cute creatures can make it very touching, impressionable and happy.

Felix will find the meaning of its existence, if nearby will be close. But nevertheless, he does not remove the function of the minider and everything is also trying to earn well. Career remains in the first place in practical, pragmatic and calculating phila.

Felix has an extensive circle of dating and easily converges with people of different social status in society. It is always restrained, adequate, intelligent. In its external image, some isolation and secrecy feels.

The delicacy and unobtrusion of Phil helps him be among those close to a very important person, which can play a key role in his fate. This influential person is able to promote Felix on a career ladder or support his idea of ​​a joint business partnership. But the optional and insincerity of Felix is ​​able to play with him a dick joke.

Phil health should be preserved throughout life. We are vulnerable to teeth, liver, kidneys. This person is inclined to overeating and completeness, hypertensive diseases and diabetes. Long stress should also be avoided, which can lead to alcoholism.

Famous people named Felix

  • Felix Nolansky - Saint patron, Catholics pray to him believing in getting rid of diseases and different ailments.
  • Felix Yusupov is a famous nobleman of the time of Nicholas second.

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