Dream Miller: Description and characteristics


A dream for a man - is not only a physiological process during which the body is resting and recovering, it is also the link between the subconscious mind and the universe. Esotericism believe that every dream carries information regarding the upcoming future, but to understand it, it is necessary to interpret correctly seen picture. There is a lot of literature that helps solve the signs sent by the universe, and the most popular of them is Dream Miller.

Miller's dream book

Features dream book

Interpreter of dreams Gustav Miller is somewhat different from similar publications, as He was a psychologist, while other authors were seers, clairvoyants and healers. In the course of his work he has analyzed tens of thousands of night vision completely different people, comparing and contrasting them with previous events. In addition, the author knew well the psychology that allowed him to penetrate into the subconscious. On the basis of data obtained Miller was amazingly accurate interpretation dreamed paintings.

According to Gustav, dreams - this is a classified message from a set of images and symbols, which contains information about the near future. To unravel the meaning of the message, it is necessary to analyze not only the dream as a whole, but the individual elements of the ego.

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Psychologist conducted a large number of observations and experiments, the results of which he systematized and presented the interpreter of dreams in his. The first edition was published in New York in 1901 and immediately gained a huge popularity among fans of esotericism, as It had several major distinctive features:

  1. Psychoanalysis. Dream interpretation is based on the psychoanalysis of the subconscious, which sends signals to people about upcoming events or experienced. Most often, the messages are associative, but sometimes sleep story is literal, and is exactly the same in life.
  2. The accuracy of interpretations. Thanks to the scientific approach for the interpretation of dreams Miller sufficiently accurate and a clear, while in similar editions description of upcoming events are often vague and has no specifics.
  3. A variety of dreaming signs and plots. In the dream interpretation there are more than 10,000 interpretations of dreams and encrypted messages. Consequently, to find the answer to the question why she was hardened in a dream of a picture or a whole plot, will not be difficult.


To date, Miller's dream book has great popularity, which is explained not only to the above features, but also by his truthfulness. With it, it is possible to accurately decipher the signs sent by subconsciousness and take the right decision in a difficult situation, which is present in the life of the dream at the moment or will soon occur.

The only disadvantage of the collection of dreams Gustav is that he is a little outdated, because it does not have events and concepts surrounding people in the modern world. Nevertheless, it does not interfere with actively use the interpreter in everyday life.

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