Ikota - time sign


Ikota always attacks unexpectedly and not by time. In ancient Ikote, a mystical value was given, and in the present times this phenomenon is estimated according to signs and superstitions. Consider the question: IKOTA - Time sign. What will the highest strength tell us?

Ikota - time sign 5770_1

Ikota as a mystical phenomenon

If a person has not been superfluous, he did not move and did not drink a lot of fluid, the ICOT is quite predictive. The people will have an idea that Ikota attacks man if he thinks about him . Light Icota - Thoughts Positive, Strong - you scold you.

Some interpretatives offer the following way to identify a person who thinks about ibeing. Hair should be pulled out of the head and wind on the finger, pronouncing the letters of the alphabet. What the letter of hairs will end, then the name should be remembered.

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There is another radical method for determining the "attacker" - call the name of your friends and after each name, delay your breath. What is the name of the IKOTE stops, he thought about you.

Ikota - time sign 5770_2

Value by clock and days

This interpreter is more complete and detailed, you can find out the value of Icotes at any time of the day.

7-8 in the morning

  • Monday: Random meeting with the object of love;
  • Tuesday: Thinks true friend;
  • Wednesday: You have a fan;
  • Thursday: predicts fuss and hassle;
  • Friday: an unexpected love;
  • Saturday: new clothes.

8-9 in the morning

  • Monday: You wish to meet with you;
  • Tuesday: Meeting with the enemy;
  • Wednesday: Do not quarrel with friends;
  • Thursday: friend needs support;
  • Friday: Do not worry on trifles.

9-10 in the morning

  • Monday: Bad news;
  • Tuesday: Good news;
  • Wednesday: predicts love;
  • Thursday: you miss you;
  • Friday: a friend will become a lover;
  • Saturday: a pleasant surprise.

10-11 in the morning

  • Monday: an important conversation;
  • Tuesday: Good luck for the whole day;
  • Wednesday: Fast Love;
  • Thursday: meeting with the former;
  • Friday: charm;
  • Saturday: family disputes.

11-12 in the morning

  • Monday: long-awaited meeting;
  • Tuesday: think about you;
  • Wednesday: Favorite wants to meet;
  • Thursday: reciprocity;
  • Friday: non-serious passion;
  • Saturday: love.

12-13 days

  • Monday: old friend;
  • Tuesday: Expective hobby;
  • Wednesday: Mutual love;
  • Thursday: a reason for fun;
  • Friday: Hold the language;
  • Saturday: Summer fan.

13-14 days

  • Monday: Kiss;
  • Tuesday: an interesting acquaintance;
  • Wednesday: True Love;
  • Thursday: unpleasant story;
  • Friday: You are not interested in your loved one;
  • Saturday: parting with beloved.

14-15 days

  • Monday: Enlighten you;
  • Tuesday: you wish to meet you;
  • Wednesday: gossip;
  • Thursday: affairs;
  • Friday: Do not be dressed, victory is close;
  • Saturday: lose your head from love.

15-16 days

  • Monday: Quarrels with loved ones;
  • Tuesday: friendly kiss;
  • Wednesday: Interesting dreams;
  • Thursday: Surprise;
  • Friday: Recognition;
  • Saturday: a failed plan.

16-17 days

  • Monday: You like;
  • Tuesday: help friends;
  • Wednesday: friendly arms;
  • Thursday: disorder;
  • Friday: Good mood;
  • Saturday: warm arms.

17-18 pm

  • Monday: Tears;
  • Tuesday: vain concerns;
  • Wednesday: Unpleasant Words;
  • Thursday: the need for rest;
  • Friday: new novel;
  • Saturday: good changes.

18-19 pm

  • Monday: Purchase, new clothes;
  • Tuesday: close happiness;
  • Wednesday: Good mood;
  • Thursday: an unexpected visit;
  • Friday: Conversation with friends;
  • Saturday: Duma about loved.

19-20 pm

  • Monday: an unexpected gift;
  • Tuesday: Do not be annoying;
  • Wednesday: gossip, peres;
  • Thursday: you are offended;
  • Friday: hassle;
  • Saturday: Desires will be performed.

20-21 pm

  • Monday: Sleep about the future is loved;
  • Tuesday: Love time;
  • Wednesday: the bell of the stranger;
  • Thursday: rest and entertainment;
  • Friday: reciprocity with beloved;
  • Saturday: Headache.

21-22 pm

  • Monday: an unexpected event;
  • Tuesday: Unplanned money consumption;
  • Wednesday: Pleasant Walk;
  • Thursday: Relationship is unpromising;
  • Friday: Someone thinks about you;
  • Saturday: new friends.

22-23 pm

  • Monday: Pleasant conversation;
  • Tuesday: you will call you;
  • Wednesday: the threat of illness;
  • Thursday: an interesting message;
  • Friday: Plans are implemented;
  • Saturday: You dream someone.

23-24 pm

  • Monday: strong arms;
  • Tuesday: tears and disorder;
  • Wednesday: Be frank with your loved ones;
  • Thursday: new ideas;
  • Friday: Date;
  • Saturday: new team.

Ikota - time sign 5770_3

Value per week

Consider in detail the value of Ikota on the day of the week. It is characteristic that this interpreter predicts not the name of thinking, but determines the direction of the fate of the ikatory.


Someone thinks about you insistently. True, it is impossible to identify a particular person: it may be your friend, the head or an intruder. It is also impossible to determine the direction of thoughts about you: positive or negative. Other interpreters foreshadow an important acquaintance.


Someone whipsing about the dropping: either a relative or a lovely man. On this day, Icota gives the exact direction of human thoughts - positive.


Ikota foreshadows message. It can be a phone call, SMS message, conversation via Skype or just a letter. This is the news you get certainly. An important meeting is also likely.


Ikota predicts a meeting - a business or personal character. Expect invitations to a celebration or a party.


This is the day of Venus, and such an event, as ICOT warns to keep the tongue behind the teeth. If you start a quarrel with your beloved, it can become the last in your life together. In other cases, ICTO foreshadows receipt of news.


Ikota reports the jealousy of his beloved. He does not trust you and is looking for confirmation with his fears. Therefore, keep the inner and external tranquility and with understanding to take care of the soldiers. In other cases, expect an unplanned meeting.


Ikota predicts a romantic meeting. This day will be filled with love and tenderness. For the rest of the IKOT, unplanned fun.

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