Specifications what's what the girl is drawn: back, forehead, neck


Is there a tip-sign, what does the girl get to the girl? After all, sometimes you want to look a little forward, to the future to protect yourself from stupid mistakes or, on the contrary, see that only joy, and not afraid of anything ... there will be many such. Some created the people, we observe the centuries and imaginary accidents, and our gifted modern magicians are divided with others.

Long Hair Girl

Zudit Spin

  • Under the neck: some kind of burnt will fall on you. Maybe this will be the obligations of a family plan (say, you will have to take care of a sick relative), the challenge will happen at work (and most of the colleagues "invoke", and you will have to do everything almost independently), you will be sent on a business trip (fortunately, it will be successful ).
  • Above the blades: you are waiting for small problems.
  • Shoulder blades. Both immediately: you can fall in love. Only one: This is the right sign of weather change (wait for the rain).
  • Lastannist: A black band can enter your life. However, if your body is decorated in this place at least a small one, but the Mountain, to be afraid of bad will take you no need - Mountain is the best talisman good luck.
  • Copchik: With you a misfortune. Important! If itching you felt at sunset or dawn and heroically, you will not be touched there (do not touch your hand), you will be able to avoid trouble.

And if you were combed?

  • On right. You can quarrel with your boyfriend or fiance, since one of you will play in the role of Othello. Also, such a sign can warn about the conflict with rhodations, small household problems.
  • Left. Oddly enough, itching in this place ass promises you a meeting with his destiny, that is, narrowed. If you already like some kind of guy, knock on the window and the door, after which you call his name three times.
  • She cocks all? This is an adventure. If itching is small, they will be limited to a cheerful picnic, a holiday, a trip. If he is very intense, "Veserukha" can grow into a dangerous extreme, in which you (or neighbor) can suffer greatly.
  • Pit was combed at first to the right, and then on the left? It says: everything alternates in life, like stripes on the back of the zebra. Yes, you will have a lot of worries that you are very tired, but all these "adventures" will be completed by getting what you dream about.
  • Are you a bride? In this case, Pop warns: you are very lucky, including in the future family life (if the left is left); Your future spouse can start drinking, which will bring you a lot of sadness (if it is called the right). If the buttocks "give a sign" in turn, it is bad sign that promises your pair a lot of trouble. Yes, you will overcome them, but as a result your health will suffer.

Want to scratch the forehead?

Young woman

  • The forehead itches, because the head actively solves some kind of question. Yes, you probably have a certain problem over which you are driving. But since the head was combed, it means that soon you will find a way out of the situation.
  • Zudit near eyebrows. Left: Be careful, you can, without knowing it, very offended by a native person. Right: You may be under the attack of tramma, the Internet Troll or just a stranger of an uncompatible person.
  • Zudit's forehead in the center: You will meet a person who will have a strong impact on your life.
  • The bridge may indicate different things: from drinking alcohol to the death of someone familiar.

Scratched tumors

  • If you are in relationships, this sign can promise pregnancy. So if you do not plan to go to the decree, do not trust "safe days." This will accept the dreams, in which you have seen fish, children, mushrooms.
  • If you are young and lonely, itching belly promises new clothes. And cover the cloth you will be this place - so buy a dress, blouse or sweater.
  • Vintage interpreters believed that the clambes of the belly propheted the girl to trouble. However, modern magicians are confident: this is a purely family sign. "Family" girls, she promises a quick marriage and largest, and dreaming to build a career - early periods.

Itching in Shaik

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Itchies neck

  • Most often, the signs say: you will have to become the heroine of the hot quarrel in which you will be verbally defeated. As they say, the neck feels that it is "naming".
  • The second folk interpretation is more positive: you will go on a journey or a noisy family holiday (say, for a wedding).
  • Neck itching on the side? This means that you are hardworking and skillful - a real hostess!
  • Did you scratch her in front? You will spend time.
  • Rear: You can become a heroine of a quarrel that will end in a fight. So be the most tactful in communication, do not go to the personality and try to extinguish conflicts in the bud - why do you need, a girl, participation in "Mordoboy"?
  • If the zudit is not only the neck, but also the grip, the sign becomes positive: you will meet an old friend.

So, you "got" a negative interpretation, and you dream of getting rid of it? Everything is simple: wrap the pin with a black thread and slightly colon yourself in the item. Second option: Take a silver spoon (necessarily brightly shiny) and take it on the "problem" place. If it is difficult to get there, ask someone from the relatives - the action of "massage" will be the same.

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